
Accesses for Flora of China Web Pages
September 1998

Last updated : 11:53:34 a.m.
AccessWatch took 628 seconds to gather current data

Monthly Access Statistics

This Month, there have been a total of 48624 accesses by 6589 unique hosts viewing an average of 7.4 pages related to Flora of China Web Pages. Of these, 413 (0.849%) have been from Flora of China, and 48211 (99.2%) have been from outside hosts.
There have been a total of 102413 hits and 478 errors related to Flora of China Web Pages, accounting for 43% of total server hits and consisting of 618439 kilobytes of information.

Summary Statistics
Count% of total
Accesses from Flora of China
413 0.849%*
Outside Accesses
48211 99.2%*****************
Total Page Accesses
48624 100% *****************
Total hits related to page
102413 43%********
Total hits on server
237960 100% *****************

Page Demand: Top 25
Of the 6589 hosts that visited this month, each traversed an average of 7.4 pages.
Page Location Accesses % of total
1571 3.23 **
739 1.52 *
378 0.78 *
357 0.73 *
241 0.50 *
220 0.45 *
215 0.44 *
189 0.39 *
188 0.39 *
183 0.38 *
181 0.37 *
179 0.37 *
173 0.36 *
172 0.35 *
165 0.34 *
156 0.32 *
155 0.32 *
154 0.32 *
153 0.31 *
151 0.31 *
144 0.30 *
142 0.29 *
131 0.27 *
123 0.25 *
123 0.25 *

Accesses by Domain
Domain Description Count % of total
US Commercial 24324 50.02 *****************
ip address
Unknown 10631 21.86 ********
US Educational 4611 9.48 ****
Network 3243 6.67 ***
Japan 775 1.59 *
Canada 502 1.03 *
Australia 461 0.95 *
France 315 0.65 *
Sweden 294 0.60 *
Germany 274 0.56 *
Also, hosts from the following domains visited: Denmark (253), United Kingdom (251), Non-Profit Organization (187), Singapore (181), Netherlands (164), Malaysia (150), United States (120), Spain (112), Italy (111), Brazil (99), Finland (91), Norway (90), Thailand (83), Switzerland (78), US Government (75), Belgium (71), Hong Kong (71), New Zealand (Aotearoa) (69), Indonesia (59), Austria (57), Mexico (54), China (54), Portugal (52), Israel (45), Taiwan (43), Greece (39), Argentina (37), India (37), Czech Republic (36), Russian Federation (35), Slovak Republic (34), Philippines (34), South Africa (26), US Military (26), Colombia (26), Hungary (23), Korea (South) (20), Chile (19), Ireland (16), Brunei Darussalam (16), Venezuela (14), Poland (13), Slovenia (12), Old style Arpanet (10), Yugoslavia (10), Turkey (7), Trinidad and Tobago (7), Uruguay (6), Fiji (6), Cyprus (6), Moldova (5), Guatemala (4), Oman (4), Luxembourg (4), Latvia (4), Estonia (4), Bahrain (3), Jordan (3), Pakistan (3), Ukraine (2), Iceland (2), Mauritius (2), Guam (2), USSR (former) (2), International (2), Dominican Republic (2), Croatia (Hrvatska) (2), Tanzania (1), Qatar (1), Macau (1), Bermuda (1), Bolivia (1), Viet Nam (1), Cambodia (1), Costa Rica (1), Guyana (1),

Most Frequent Accesses by Host
Host Count % of total
6020 12.38 *****
5041 10.37 ****
4203 8.64 ***
2124 4.37 **
1838 3.78 **
1767 3.63 **
1740 3.58 **
1387 2.85 *
1301 2.68 *
1286 2.64 *

AccessWatch This page was produced by AccessWatch v1.32, a WWW utility written by Dave Maher <> Copyright ©1998 All Rights Reserved.