Ferula olivacea
A beautiful endemic Umbellifer from the Hengduan Mountains, NW
High altitude annual gentians from Napa Hai, NW Yunnan.
Incarvillea mairei
Abundant on the hills around Zhongdian, NW Yunnan.
Primula secundiflora
Common in damp flushes in the mountains of NW Yunnan.
Edinburgh and Goteburg botanists studying the high altitude rhododendrons
on the Bei Ma Xue Shan, NW Yunnan.
Deep limestone gorge of the Wengshui River, NW Yunnan.
High altitude coniferous forests on mountains of NW Yunnan.
Yi national minority and botanists, mountains of NW Yunnan.
Prayer flags on cairns
Typical of the high mountain passes in the Hengduan Mountains,
NW Yunnan.
Horticulturalist collecting Cotoneaster seed in the mountains
of NW Yunnan.
A typical market scene in Zhongdian, NW Yunnan, where the local
people use a huge range of plant products in their diet.
Forests on the summit of Xiao Xue Shan, NW Yunnan
Recently destroyed by accidental fire.
Typical (often illegal) sawmill processing timber extracted from
the mountains of NW Yunnan.
Causes widespread habitat destruction in NW Yunnan where 80% of
revenue is gained from timber extraction.