
Accesses for Flora of China Web Pages
November 1998

Last updated : 9:20:24 a.m.
AccessWatch took 1139 seconds to gather current data

Monthly Access Statistics

This Month, there have been a total of 99413 accesses by 7302 unique hosts viewing an average of 13.6 pages related to Flora of China Web Pages. Of these, 60986 (61.3%) have been from Flora of China, and 38427 (38.7%) have been from outside hosts.
There have been a total of 178995 hits and 797 errors related to Flora of China Web Pages, accounting for 50.8% of total server hits and consisting of 870684 kilobytes of information.

Summary Statistics
Count% of total
Accesses from Flora of China
60986 61.3%***********
Outside Accesses
38427 38.7%*******
Total Page Accesses
99413 100% *****************
Total hits related to page
178995 50.8%*********
Total hits on server
352135 100% *****************

Page Demand: Top 25
Of the 7302 hosts that visited this month, each traversed an average of 13.6 pages.
Page Location Accesses % of total
2411 2.43 *
1054 1.06 *
588 0.59 *
522 0.53 *
329 0.33 *
320 0.32 *
269 0.27 *
255 0.26 *
253 0.25 *
252 0.25 *
246 0.25 *
242 0.24 *
239 0.24 *
188 0.19 *
178 0.18 *
169 0.17 *
163 0.16 *
149 0.15 *
141 0.14 *
140 0.14 *
129 0.13 *
128 0.13 *
126 0.13 *
118 0.12 *
114 0.11 *

Accesses by Domain
Domain Description Count % of total
US Educational 62947 63.32 **********************
US Commercial 13163 13.24 *****
ip address
Unknown 11134 11.20 ****
Network 3367 3.39 **
Finland 880 0.89 *
Japan 842 0.85 *
Canada 739 0.74 *
France 652 0.66 *
Croatia (Hrvatska) 598 0.60 *
Czech Republic 505 0.51 *
Also, hosts from the following domains visited: United Kingdom (480), Australia (450), Germany (368), Netherlands (351), United States (267), Switzerland (221), Denmark (216), Sweden (195), Non-Profit Organization (186), Singapore (154), Belgium (122), Italy (111), US Government (107), Malaysia (97), Norway (91), Hong Kong (90), Brazil (78), New Zealand (Aotearoa) (74), Russian Federation (71), Spain (67), Greece (61), Austria (51), US Military (51), Mexico (49), Thailand (48), Portugal (43), Argentina (40), Korea (South) (39), Taiwan (38), Israel (38), Indonesia (32), Ireland (25), Turkey (25), India (22), Romania (19), Poland (18), United Arab Emirates (15), Chile (14), Hungary (14), China (13), Venezuela (11), Slovak Republic (8), Lithuania (8), Qatar (7), Old style Arpanet (7), Yugoslavia (7), Philippines (7), Luxembourg (6), Latvia (6), Faroe Islands (6), South Africa (6), Colombia (6), Uruguay (5), Jordan (4), Slovenia (4), Peru (4), Bosnia and Herzegovina (4), Burkina Faso (3), Mauritius (3), Bahamas (2), Jamaica (2), Saudi Arabia (2), Oman (2), International (2), Estonia (2), Ukraine (2), Malta (1), Bulgaria (1), Costa Rica (1), Cyprus (1), USSR (former) (1), Lebanon (1), Pakistan (1), Trinidad and Tobago (1), Egypt (1),

Most Frequent Accesses by Host
Host Count % of total
60122 60.48 *********************
3965 3.99 **
3448 3.47 **
3160 3.18 **
899 0.90 *
768 0.77 *
760 0.76 *
744 0.75 *
739 0.74 *
594 0.60 *

AccessWatch This page was produced by AccessWatch v1.32, a WWW utility written by Dave Maher <> Copyright ©1998 All Rights Reserved.