INFOTERRA: Climate Change List Announcement

Anthony R. Brach (
Wed, 03 Sep 1997 06:48:04 -0700

fyi, Climate Change Listserv.


Date: Thu, 28 Aug 1997 21:52:57 EDT
Subject: INFOTERRA: Climate Change List Announcement

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

> **** Please forward this message to your own networks and associates
> ****
> We are pleased to announce "climate-l", a new e-mail distribution list
> intended to facilitate information exchange on the UN Framework
> Convention on Climate Change process (including the two upcoming
> meetings of the Subsidiary Bodies and the Third COP in Kyoto.)
> climate-l is a moderated list for the dissemination of news,
> information on past and upcoming meetings related to the UNFCCC,
> copies of position papers and pointers to on-line resources such as
> WWW sites and longer documents.
> climate-l is intended to be a very focused list with short messages
> and messages with links to other on-line documents. If you wish, it is
> possible to configure your subscription to the digested version so
> that you receive only one e-mail message per week from the list.
> To subscribe send a message to with the following
> in the body of the message:
> subscribe climate-l [your name]
> Subscribers can send mail to the entire list at
> Archives are available at
> <>
> For assistance in subscribing or further information, contact
> and we will add your name to the list.
> To view IISD's list of mailing lists, see
> <>.
> Langston James "Kimo" Goree VI
> Managing Director, IISD Reporting Services
> Earth Negotiations Bulletin - /linkages/journal/ - Sustainable
> Developments
> International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD) -- United
> Nations Office
> Email:
> Linkages WWW server:
> IISDnet:
> SD Gateway:
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to signoff from the list, send an email to
the message body should read
unsubscribe infoterra your@email.address