FOC Web Visitor Info Request

Anthony R. Brach (
Thu, 15 Jan 1998 07:09:19 -0500

>Return-Path: <>
>Date: Wed, 14 Jan 1998 23:00:13 +0000
>Subject: Travelling to China
>Dr. Mr. Brach;
>I will be travelling to China in early February, accompanying my sister,
>who is adopting a child there. While in China, I was hoping to visit
>some nurseries, and perhaps even purchase some plants (I received a
>permit from APHIS). As a gardener, I would like to take advantage of
>the opportunity in being there, but have been unable to find any
>nurseries besides Kaichen, which is located in Beijing.
>Do you know of any nurseries in the Beijing area? I would be most
>appreciative for any information you may have. If not plants, I would
>also be interested in knowing where I might buy seeds.
>Thank you for your time.
>Harvey Ferdschneider