New release of DELTA programs

Anthony R. Brach (
Wed, 14 Jan 1998 07:29:32 -0500

fyi, from DELTA-L.


Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 13:02:02 +1100
From: Mike Dallwitz <miked@SPIDER.ENTO.CSIRO.AU>
Subject: New release of DELTA programs

New versions of the DELTA programs for MS-DOS/Windows are now available at,,

Some of the data sets at have been
configured for direct use over the Net with Intkey5 (running under
Windows 95/NT).

This is Release 23, 8 January 1998. The changes from the previous release
(3 April 1997) are as follows.


8 January 1998. The DELTA Home Page is now at Windows-based installation procedures
are provided. There are separate distribution files for INTKEY and the full
DELTA System (including INTKEY), and for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95/NT. The
DOS-based installation files, and distribution on disks, have been
withdrawn. You can place the distribution files on floppy disks yourself by
using WinZip, or the batch file FLOPPY.BAT, which uses PKZIP.


23 December 1997. Examples of new INTKEY features were added to TOOLBAR.INP.
A file MY.INI illustrates the use of a personal INTKEY initialization file.
The TYPSET mark [\] was removed from CHARS and CNOTES. The MS-Word macro
TYPS2WRD.DOT, for converting TYPSET to Word, was added (Author: B.
Richardson, Western Australian Herbarium).


24 December 1997. The DELTA User's Guide was updated to Edition 4.08. The
INTKEY User's Guide was updated to Edition 1.05. INTIMATE.WRI was updated to
Edition 1.06. Files *.DOC, CHANGES.1ST, DELTA.REG, and DELTA.USE were
renamed *.TXT, CHANGES.TXT, DELTAREG.TXT, and DELTAUSE.TXT, respectively.
DELTA.1ST was modified to reflect the new installation procedures. The
Conditions of Use have been changed slightly - all students (including Ph.D.
students) are now exempt from fees, but the teaching organization must pay
for registration for at least one user. The registration and order form no
longer has provision for ordering disks.


January 1998. Versions of INTKEY and INTIMATE for Windows 95/NT are now
provided. A batch file, NEX2DEL.BAT, and an associated box program
NEX2DEL.BOX, convert a Nexus data matrix to DELTA format.


23 December 1997. A Spanish translation of INTKEY4/5 was provided by J. A.
Silva Guzman (Deptamento de Madera, Celulosa y Papel, Universidad de
Guadalajara, Apartado postal 52-93, C.P. 45020, Zapopan, Jalisco, Mexico;
email: Note that the German, Italian, and
Spanish translations have not yet been updated to include some recent
changes to Intkey.


Version 2.20, 18 December 1997. The new directive CHARACTER FOR TAXON NAMES
allows the user to specify an alternative taxon name with some translation
options; this allows the use of abbreviated names for programs that have
restrictions on name length. Corrections relating to inapplicable characters
were made to the SUMMARY output. Several other bugs were fixed.


Version 2.13, 29 July 97. `<' and `>' are not treated as comment delimiters
if preceded by `|'. A warning is given when processing a CHARACTER IMAGES
directive containing characters whose states have been reordered (DELFOR
does not reorder these states).


Version 1.06, 23 December 1997. Overlays for `Feature + All states' can be
added for numeric characters; this adds an `enter' box, and units where
applicable. Image notes can be added to taxon images. File names and
comments are no longer included in the window title bar. Windows are centred
on the screen when first created. Text in state boxes is `greyed' for states
lacking hotspots. Arbitrary screen dimensions can be emulated. Several bugs
were fixed.

INTKEY4 (Windows 3.1)

Version 4.06, 8 January 1998. Simplified, Automatic, and Manual operating
modes have been replaced by Normal and Advanced modes. It is possible to
switch between these modes without restarting the program (see File menu).
The mode-selection box at program startup has been removed - the program
starts in Normal mode. As Normal mode relies on the presence of a toolbar,
the toolbar supplied with the program is used if no other toolbar has been
defined. The Duplicate Image option in image windows has been replaced by a
Multiple Images option in the Control menu of taxon image windows. This
opens a dialog box with options for displaying: all images of the current
taxon; the first images of the selected taxa; all images of the selected
taxa; the current image and the next image of the current taxon; or the
current image and the first image of the next taxon. In addition, the images
may be selected by subject. Image windows are centred on the screen when
first created, and file names and comments are no longer included in the
title bar. The subject-selection list box is defined by a DEFINE SUBJECTS
command. The following menu items have been added to the Window menu in
image windows: Cascade, Tile, Close All, About Image. Default parameter
values are reset, and the toolbar cleared, when a new data set is invoked.
The switch `/X' for the DIFFERENCES/SIMILARITIES commands excludes text
characters from the comparison. A new `Taxa Remaining' window retains the
size and position of the previous window. Selection of multiple lines in
list boxes by dragging has been improved. The name of the registration file
can be specified on the command line using the switch `/r' (in case the user
does not have write permission for the Windows directory). OUTPUT DIAGNOSE
no longer outputs the names of unseparated taxa to the output file. Angle
brackets are replaced by parentheses in most displays. The imagepath is used
when searching for sound files. Paused output is terminated by the use of
the menus or toolbar. Data sets are added to the index when they are closed,
rather than when they are opened; the index entry defaults to the heading of
the data set. New entries to the index are place in alphabetical order.
Entries can be deleted from the index by using the Delete key in the `Select
Data Set' dialog box. Some messages were improved. Several bugs were fixed.

INTKEY5 (Windows 95/NT)

Version 5.00, 8 January 1998. As for INTKEY4, plus the following. Data and
images can be accessed over the Internet. The startup file for Internet
access has the type (extension) .ink or .intkey. It specifies the names of
various files and directories (see DELTA User's Guide for details). The URL
of the startup file can be specified in Intkey's data-sets index, or as a
link in a WWW page. In the latter case, Intkey starts automatically as a
helper application in Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. Data files
accessed over the Internet can optionally be saved on the local computer.
The data-sets index file can be edited (Edit Index in the File menu).


Version 2.11, 18 December 1997. A limit of 256 characters on taxon names is


Version 2.03, 4 September 1997. A bug triggered by large data sets was

Mike Dallwitz