Hunting Banned in China's Largest Rainforest (fwd)

Anthony R. Brach (
Wed, 17 Dec 1997 07:40:14 -0500

from the China News Digest (retransmission permitted for non-profit ...)

(7) Hunting Banned in China's Largest Rainforest

[CND, 12/15/97] Authorities have banned hunting of wild animals in
Xishuangbanna, a tropical rainforest in the southwestern province of Yunnan
bordering Burma and Laos, Xinhua and AFP reported last Friday. The ban on
poaching, peddling and processing wild animals went into effect last month,
aiming to protect endangered wildlife in the area. Xishuangbanna rainforest
sustains 1,437 types of insects, 427 species of birds and 67 other species,
including 99 endangered species under state protection. (Weihe GUAN, Ray
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