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Members of the Flora of North America Association (FNAA), especially those involved in the preparation and production of this volume, extend special and heartfelt gratitude to:

Barney Lipscomb, editor of Sida [recently renamed Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas], and William R. Buck, editor of The Bryologist, who went to incredible lengths to make sure all new species and combinations were published promptly, ensuring that these taxa could be included in the first bryophyte volume;

In addition, we appreciate the efforts of many individuals who provided advice, corrections, and support for the bryophyte team.  Some are members of FNAA; they went well beyond their normal jobs in providing extra aid and encouragement.  We single out James L. Zarucchi, whose unrelenting insistence on clarity, consistency, and completeness improved the book immeasurably.

To the authors who contributed treatments to this volume, we extend our appreciation and thanks for their hard work, scholarly contributions, and enduring patience with relentless rounds of edits and questions.

Members of the Flora of North America Association (FNAA), especially those involved in the preparation and production of this volume, extend special and heartfelt gratitude to:

Barney Lipscomb, editor of Sida [recently renamed Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas], and William R. Buck, editor of The Bryologist, who went to incredible lengths to make sure all new species and combinations were published promptly, ensuring that these taxa could be included in the first bryophyte volume;

In addition, we appreciate the efforts of many individuals who provided advice, corrections, and support for the bryophyte team.  Some are members of FNAA; they went well beyond their normal jobs in providing extra aid and encouragement.  We single out James L. Zarucchi, whose unrelenting insistence on clarity, consistency, and completeness improved the book immeasurably.

To the authors who contributed treatments to this volume, we extend our appreciation and thanks for their hard work, scholarly contributions, and enduring patience with relentless rounds of edits and questions.

We especially acknowledge the dedication and skills of Kay Yatskievych in steadfastly sustaining the final and exacting composition of the treatments.


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