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Family treatments include identification keys, condensed descriptions
(up to 130 words for a given genus or species), essential synonymy,
somatic chromosome numbers, phenology, habitats, altitudinal ranges,
provincial distribution within China and distribution (if applicable)
in countries neighboring China and in continents other than Asia,
and remarks regarding the circumscription of problematic taxa.
All treatments are revisions produced jointly by one or more Chinese and non-Chinese co-authors. They are reviewed by other family specialists, as well as by regional advisors who are experts on the floras bordering China. Researchers examine herbarium specimens and living material, as well as critically evaluate published reports of previous work. Researchers may initiate detailed studies of groups they are treating, including molecular surveys and phylogenetic analyses, in connection with their work for the Flora of China.
The Guidelines for Contributors is approved by the Editorial Committee and embodies decisions made regarding conventions to be used and style and format. It is updated when significant changes or additions have been made and periodically as minor changes or additions may accumulate.
The data from the published volumes are presented on the Web as separate treatments of families, genera, and species. These treatments are searchable on names and various other information. Work is underway to produce web-based Interactive Identification Keys: ActKey | Intkey | NaviKey.
The data from the draft volumes are presented as combined treatments of each family and its genera and species. These treatments are not databased, i.e., not searchable; however, the search feature of your browser may be employed to search names within the html files.
The Flora of China Checklist and Tropicos provide separate interfaces to the nomenclatural and distributional data.
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