
The FNA Association

The Flora of North America Association is a binational collaboration of over 30 U.S. and Canadian institutions and organizations.

Editorial Committee

The Editorial Committee includes representatives of all Association members and is the governing body of the project. It consists of (1) taxon editors, each of whom is responsible for soliciting and editing treatments of blocks of families; (2) regional coordinators, each of whom acts as a liaison between the project and the botanical community in his or her region; (3) a bibliographic editor; (4) a nomenclatural editor; and (5) an executive director, who has ultimate responsibility for the coordination, quality, and completion of the project. Special advisors with expertise in specific areas, such as economic uses or conservation, have been asked to join or assist the editorial committee, and others may be added before the project is completed.

For list of Editorial Committee Members, see Contact FNA page.

Editorial Centers

Processing of manuscripts for FNA is being carried out at several editorial centers, each focusing on particular volumes or aspects of the Flora.

Harvard University Herbaria (A/GH)
22 Divinity Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138-2020
(617) 495-0794; fax (617) 495-9484 or (253) 399-8000
Web site:


Dr. David E. Boufford, Lead Editor, Taxon Editor, Northeast Regional Coordinator
(617) 495-0794;

Dr. Kanchi N. Gandhi, Nomenclatural Editor
(617) 495-1939;

The Harvard University Herbaria host the taxonomic treatments for FNA, maintain the FNA website and the ftp site for the exchange of treatments and reviews. The Harvard University Herbaria also serve as the FNA Nomenclatural Center.

Herbier Marie-Victorin (MT)
Institut de recherche en biologie vegetale
Université de Montréal
4101 est, rue Sherbrooke
Montréal, Quebec H1X 2B2
(514) 872-8490; Fax: (514) 872-9406
Web site:


Dr. Luc Brouillet, President, Taxon Editor, Eastern Canada Regional Coordinator
(514) 872-8490;

The Canada Center is the editorial center for FNA volume 9 (Rosaceae, Crossosomataceae, Chrysobalanaceae; currently under production) and for FNA volume 13 (due in 2010). Coordination of regional reviews for eastern Canada and base operations for the President are also carried out at this site.

Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation (HIBD)
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890
(412) 268-2434; fax (412) 268-5677
Web site:


Dr. Robert W. Kiger, Lead Editor, Bibliographic Editor, Taxon Editor for the Liliales
(412) 268-2434;

Ms. Mary Ann E. Schmidt, ELS, Senior Technical Editor
(412) 268-4708;

Dr. Frederick H. Utech, Taxon Editor
(412) 268-4819;

The Hunt Institute is the Bibliographic Center for FNA, and also processes treatments of vascular plants for various volumes. The center is currently in the process of technical editing volumes 6 and 8.

R. L. McGregor Herbarium (KANU)
The University of Kansas
2045 Constant Avenue
Lawrence, KS 66047-3729
(785) 864-3453; fax (785) 864-1534
Web site:


Dr. Craig C. Freeman, Co-Lead Editor, Taxon Editor,
North Central. Regional Coordinator
(785) 864-3453;
The R. L. McGregor Herbarium is the editorial center for FNA volumes 8 (Crassulaceae, Ericaceae, Saxifragaceae; currently under production) and 17 (Plantaginaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Orobanchaceae). Coordination of regional reviews for the North Central U.S. also is carried out at KANU.

Missouri Botanical Garden (MO)
P.O. Box 299
St. Louis, MO 63166-0299
(314) 577-9550; fax (314) 577-0830
Web site:


Dr. James Zarucchi, Vice President and Editorial Director
(314) 577-5162;

Heidi H. Schmidt, Managing Editor
(314) 577-0839;

Martha J. Hill, Technical Editor
(314) 577-9563;

Cassandra L. Howard, Manuscript Specialist
(314) 577-9563;

Kristin Pierce, Compositor
(314) 577-9563;

Pat Harris, Compositor
(314) 577-9563;

Ruth T. King, Compositor
(314) 577-9563;

Hong Song, Senior Web Programmer
(314) 577-9437;

Myriam Fica, Associate Web Programmer
(314) 577-9551;

Missouri Botanical Garden is the Composition and Illustration Center for FNA. It is the editorial center for Volume 7 (Salicaceae-Resedaceae). In addition, Missouri Botanical Garden is home to the Editorial Director.

Ms. Barbara Alongi, Illustrator
(314) 577-9473 ext. 6406;
Ms. Linny Heagy, Illustrator
(817) 460-2380;
Ms. Marjorie Leggitt, Illustrator
(303) 394-0566;
Mr. John Myers, Illustrator
(314) 577-5172;
Ms. Yevonn Wilson-Ramsey, Illustrator
(314) 577-9559;
The Illustration Center is also located at the Missouri Botanical Garden. FNA illustrators are professional artists who provide botanical illustrations for the flora by encouraging thoughtful collaboration between author and illustrator. They work with herbarium specimens, live plants and slides in order to create scientific art that enhances and clarifies the treatments.
Dr. Richard H. Zander, Lead Editor - Bryophytes
(314) 577-9595;

Ms. Patricia M. Eckel, Illustrator - Bryophytes
(314) 577-9595;

The bryophyte center will expedite the production and provisional electronic publication (through the BFNA Web site, of BFNA authors' research, and will coordinate the activities of BFNA taxonomic editors and reviewers. It will focus of providing all BFNA participants with the management means for effective and rapid production of manuscripts. The bryophyte treatments are being received, illustrated, and edited at the BFNA Editorial Center for final publication in volumes 28 and 29.

P. O. Box 716
Point Arena, CA 95468

The FNA Business and Development Office is located in Point Arena, California, under direction of Dr. Nancy R. Morin, Vice President for Business and Development. She is also a Taxon Editor and Southwest Regional Coordinator. Bookkeeping services are carried out by Jane Kelley Bookkeeping Services, Gualala, California.

Dr. Nancy R. Morin, Vice President for Business and Development
(707) 882-2528;

This page was revised 05/06/08