NOVON 4(2): 151. 1994.
Department of Botany, Trinity College, University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
ABSTRACT. Seven new combinations in Urceola, U. xylinabariopsoides, U. huaitingii, U. micrantha, U. quintaretii, U. tournieri, U. rosea, and U. linearicarpa, are proposed.
In a forthcoming paper in Kew Bulletin, the relationships between Urceola Roxburgh, Ecdysanthera Hooker & Arnott, Parabarium Pierre ex Spire, Xylinabaria Pierre, and Xylinabariopsis Pitard will be discussed, and the conclusion reached that these genera are not distinguishable (Middleton, in press). A revision of Urceola in Thailand, with the generic name Urceola taking priority, will be presented.
The problem now arises that there are no combinations in Urceola for those species of Ecdysanthera that are to appear in the account of the Apocynaceae for the Flora of China. This paper seeks to rectify this situation until such a time as the entire genus can be satisfactorily revised.
Urceola xylinabariopsoides (Tsiang) D. J. Middleton, comb. nov. Basionym: Chunechites xylinabariopsoides Tsiang, Sunyatsenia 3: 306. 1937. TYPE: China. Hainan: Loktung, 9 June 1936, S. K. Lau 27035 (holotype, SYS).
Urceola huaitingii (Chun & Tsiang) D. J. Middleton, comb. nov. Basionym: Parabarium huaitingii Chun & Tsiang, J. Arnold Arbor. 28: 245. 1947. TYPE: China. Guangxi (as Kwangsi): ShihWanTa Shan, HsiangTze, 30 Apr. 1944, S. H. Chun 5027 (holotype, SYS).
Urceola micrantha (Wallich ex G. Don) D. J. Middleton, comb. nov. Basionym: Echites micrantha Wallich ex G. Don, Gen. Hist. 4: 75. 1837. TYPE: India. Pundua, Wallich 1667 (lectotype, selected by Ly (1978), CGE).
Urceola quintaretii (Pierre) D. J. Middleton, comb. nov. Basionym: Ecdysanthera quintaretii Pierre, Rev. Cult. Colon. 11: 228. 1902. TYPE: Laos. Camon, Tournier? 6618 (lectotype, selected by Ly (1978), P).
Urceola tournieri (Pierre) D. J. Middleton, comb. nov. Basionym: Ecdysanthera tournieri Pierre, Rev. Cult. Colon. 11: 228. 1902. TYPE: N Laos. Tranninh, Tournier 6613 (lectotype, selected here, P).
Urceola rosea (Hooker & Arnott) D. J. Middleton, comb. nov. Basionym: Ecdysanthera rosea Hooker & Arnott, Bot. Beechy Voy. 198. 1836. TYPE: China. Vachel 144 (lectotype, selected here, K).
Urceola linearicarpa (Pierre) D. J. Middleton, comb. nov. Basionym: Ecdysanthera linearicarpa Pierre, Rev. Cult. Colon. 11: 228. 1902. TYPE: N Laos. Tranninh, Tournier 6615 (lectotype, selected by Ly (1978), P).
Acknowledgments. I am grateful to Ihsan AlShehbaz for his help in preparing this paper.
Literature Cited
Ly, T. D. 1978. Beitr;auage zur Kenntnis der Sippenstruktur des Genus Parabarium Pierre ex Spire (Apocynaceae). Feddes Repert. 89: 205-292.
Middleton, D. A revision of Urceola (Apocynaceae) in Thailand. Kew Bull. 49(4) (in press).