Rosaceae mailing list

Anthony R. Brach (
Wed, 05 Nov 1997 08:23:01 -0500

>>>X-Sender: erikssot@
>>>Date: Wed, 5 Nov 1997 10:56:32 +0100
>>>From: Torsten Eriksson <>
>>>Subject: Rosaceae mailing list
>>>Dear all,
>>>At the Rosaceae conference in Edinburgh recently it was suggested that we
>>>organise a mailing list to promote contact and discussion between
>>>researchers interested in Rosaceae. It is now functional and receiving this
>>>message is proof that it worked and that you are present on the list. We
>>>hope that the list will be of use to all of you and that discussion will be
>>>frequent and stimulating.
>>>Any message sent to the address:
>>>will be forwarded to all persons present on the list.
>>>Many of you may be familiar with listservers, and it is important to note
>>>that this is no regular listserver. Therefore, it is NOT possible to
>>>automatically join or leave the list. Change to the list has to be made by
>>>me personally, and anyone wanting to be added or subtracted has to contact
>>>me at the address: Please, do not send such
>>>messages to the list since they will automatically be forwarded to all.
>>>Also, since this is not a listserver I'm unable to stop anyone not on the
>>>list from posting messages to it. If and when this list address appears on
>>>a web page there's a risk of advertisment postings ("spam"). Hence, if you
>>>want to set up a link to the list on your project or personal web home
>>>page, please make it a "mailto" link to me instead of the list itself. If
>>>"spammings" happen anyway, I will attempt to filter them out. For now, I
>>>have chosen the simple way of setting this up.
>>>Below follows a list of persons which are now on the Rosaceae mailing list.
>>>Please let me know if you know of more people who might be interested - or
>>>ask them to send me a message.
>>> (Crinan Alexander)
>>> (Lawrence Alice)
>>> (Irina Buzunova)
>>> (Chris Campbell)
>>> (Knud Christensen)
>>> (Elizabeth Dickson)
>>> (Tim Dickinson)
>>> (Bente Eriksen)
>>> (Torsten Eriksson)
>>> (Barbara Ertter)
>>> (Malin Hibbs)
>>> (Hiroshi Ikeda)
>>> (Rachel Janes)
>>> (Andrzej Jankun)
>>> (Barrie Juniper)
>>> (Miloslav Kovanda)
>>> (Malle Leht)
>>> (Walter Lewis)
>>> (Chao-luan Li)
>>> (Ling-di Lu)
>>> (Hugh McAllister)
>>> (John McNeill)
>>> (Vlastimil Mikolas)
>>> (Naohiro Naruhashi)
>>> (Jim Phipps)
>>> (Daniel Potter)
>>> (Sulejman Redzic)
>>> (Jim Reveal)
>>> (Ken Robertson)
>>> (Julian Robinson)
>>> (Katya Romoleroux)
>>> (Jenny Smedmark)
>>> (Steve Spongberg)
>>> (Nadija Sytschak)
>>> (Josephine Welsh)
>>>Torsten Eriksson
>>>Botaniska institutionen email:
>>>Stockholms universitet tel: +46 8 163868
>>>106 91 Stockholm fax: +46 8 162577
>>>Sweden URL: