color map of winter hardiness zones in China

Anthony R. Brach (
Fri, 07 Nov 1997 09:07:17 -0500

fyi, Anthony
Related to the subject of climatic comparisons and ornamental plant
adaptation, Dr. Widrlechner is pleased to announce
the availability of a color map of winter hardiness zones in China. This
map was developed primarily from low-temperature data published in the 1994
edition of the
Atlas of the Climatic Resources of China (Zhonggou Qihou Ziyuan Dituji). It
measures about 28 by 43 cm and is printed on UV-coated, archival stock. Single
copies can be obtained by contacting Dr. Widrlechner at
( You may also request a copy by writing to:

USDA-ARS North Central Regional Plant
Introduction Station
G-212 Agronomy Hall
Iowa State University
Ames, IA 50011(USA)