ENN CyberHiker -- China, the Amazon, coke and school lunches

Anthony R. Brach (brach@oeb.harvard.edu)
Wed, 05 Nov 1997 13:14:55 -0500

fyi, the Flora of China Web [and the Ecology Page, Jean] received an
excellent review in "ENN CyberHiker"


Best wishes,




Date: Wed, 05 Nov 1997 11:07:06 -0800

From: Hillary Mayell

Reply-To: hillary@enn.com

Organization: Environmental News Network

To: brach@oeb.harvard.edu

Subject: ENN CyberHiker -- China, the Amazon, coke and school lunches

Thank you for your assistance. The page went up today and runs for a

week. I will send a second page, our daily news page, where there is

also a link to CyberHiker. Hillary



Hillary Mayell

Environmental News Network



(208)726-3649 ext. 12
