fyi: Chongqing

Anthony R. Brach (
Thu, 08 May 1997 10:30:36 -0700

>fyi, from the China News Digest.
>(5) Chongqing Becomes World's Largest City
>[CND, 03/15/97] China's National People's Congress has voted to double the
>size of Chongqing in Sichuan province, immediately making it the world's
>largest city, as reported by UPI on Friday. With a population of more
>than 30 million, the newly incorporated southwest metropolis is elevated
>in governance to be comparable with Beijing and Shanghai. During World
>War II the city served as China's capital and was known to the outside
>world as Chungking. In recent decades Chongqing has suffered serious
>environmental pollution and is considered one of the worst places to live
>in China. City officials hope that its new status will bring funding for
>renewal development. (Fabian FANG, Daluo JIA)
> _____ _____ _____

Anthony R. Brach, Ph.D.