Re: Mulberry Plants / Other Silkworm foods.

Anthony R. Brach (
Tue, 31 Mar 1998 08:54:39 -0500

>Good Day
>A project is underway in Kwazulu-Natal (South Africa) to start a
>sericulture business, but mulberry leaves are not available here in
>the winter months and an alternative food source is being sought to
>feed the worms during winter.
>You list a publication dated 1858-1923 titled "The mulberry and other
>silkworm food plants" by G.W. Oliver. Is this publication available,
>and if so could you advise me where I could get a copy.
>I would also be very glad if you could advise me of any other
>publications or sources of information that may have information on
>alternative food sources of food for silkworms.
>Ross Richards
> Ross Richards
> Systems Auditor
> NBS Boland Bank Limited
> Phone +27 (031) 364 1119 (W)
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