reminder - Scientists' Petition on Climate Change

Anthony R. Brach (
Thu, 12 Jun 1997 08:28:28 -0700

For those interested,

Just a brief reminder that tomorrow (Friday 13 June) is the last day to
add/send in your signature to the scientists' petition on climate

Ecological Society of America Letter
> [Image]
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> The following letter was sent to all ESA members on May 12, 1997. If
> you would like to sign the petition, please visit Ozone Action's
> website.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> May 12, 1997
> Dear ESA Member:
> Despite the existence of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
> (IPCC), there is confusion in the policy arena about how scientists
> view the problem of climatic change. A recently released statement
> signed by over 2000 economists sent a clear and powerful message to
> the policy community about their strong support for reducing
> greenhouse gas emissions, both for climate and conservation of energy
> reasons. It is time for the scientific community to send a similarly
> strong message. We invite you to endorse the attached statement and to
> help us circulate it for additional signatures.
> The statement calls for early action by the United States in
> addressing the purposes of the Framework Convention on Climate Change,
> now ratified by more than 160 nations including the United States.
> This statement was initiated and written by six of your colleagues who
> hope you will join them in raising awareness about the threat of
> climatic change. The statement will be distributed with a complete
> list of supporters to the current administration, Congress,
> international policymakers, public interest organizations, industry,
> and the news media in hopes of stimulating immediate action.
> This year, governments around the world are negotiating a protocol on
> global climate change that is to be signed in Kyoto, Japan this
> December. To date, the United States has been unwilling to put forward
> its proposal on targets and timetables for emissions reductions and
> has also stated that any emissions reductions before 2010 are
> premature. The success of the international negotiations largely
> depends upon U.S. leadership. The United States has an important
> opportunity to exercise leadership by taking precautionary measures to
> mitigate climate change in the face of substantial ecological and
> financial risks. Our immediate goal is to show scientific solidarity
> on this issue in time for critical policy meetings in mid June.
> If you wish to participate in this effort, please sign the endorsement
> form provided by 6 June, 1997. Return the form by mail or fax to Ozone
> Action, which is supporting distribution of this letter and
> coordination of signatures. Feel free to access or pass along Ozone
> Action's web site where the climate statement is posted
> ( We thank you for your early response.
> Sincerely,
> James H. Brown
> ESA President
> Mary C. Barber
> Acting Executive Director