Re: Biebersteinia in China

Anthony R. Brach (
Wed, 04 Jun 1997 09:02:52 -0700

Dear Dionyssios,

Chinese collections here at the Harvard University Herbaria:
B. heterostemon Maxim. - T. N. Ho., B. Bartholomew & M. G. Gilbert 47: Qinghai
B. odora Steph. - T. T. s.n., Strachey & Winterbottom - Himalayan Herbarium
331: W Xizang

B. emodii collected by W. Koelz 5551, 5374, 6736; Webster & Nasir 6149; R.
R. Stewart 20246, 20175

B. multifida - Delimitation Commission, Aitchison 144

B. multifida collected by Schrenk s.n., Koie 490, Grossheim s.n., Sjovitz?
B. odora - Ledebour s.n.; Schrenk s.n.; Orphanides 292


Anthony R. Brach

At 04:22 PM 5/30/97 +0100, you wrote:
>Dear Dr Brach,
>I am a student at the University of Reading in the UK,and I am doing a
>taxonomic study of the genus Biebersteinia (Geraniaceae) for
>my MSc project. I am looking for information of the plant's
>distribution and frequency in China and neighbouring areas, and
>I would be grateful if you could help with any information you may have,
>or people that I could approach.
>Please let me know if this genus is well reprsented in your herbarium.
>Many thanks for your time.
>Yours sincerely,
>Dionyssios Vassiliades.