Saintpaulia Species on the WebSite

Anthony R. Brach (
Mon, 02 Jun 1997 07:10:34 -0700

>From: "Ron Myhr" <>
>To: "Aimee Glassel" <>, "AVSA" <>,
> "AVSA Webmaster" <>,
> "Hector Wong" <>,
> "John Vespa" <>, "Ki Cheng" <>,
> "Wallace Wells" <>,
> "Toshijiro Okuto" <>,
> "Ruth Zavitz" <>, "Richard Dunn"
> "Ralph Robinson" <>,
> "Peter Shalit" <>,
> "Mike Kartuz" <>,
> "Michael Riley" <>,
> "Mauro Peixoto" <>,
> "Maryjane Evans" <>, "Marty McKay"
> "Larry Reeve (Polyview)" <>,
> "John Boggan" <>,
> "Jeanne Katzenstein" <>,
> "Hans Wiehler" <>,
> "gesneriphiles" <gesneriphiles@lists.Colorado.EDU>,
> "David Zaitlin" <>,
> "David Turley" <>,
> "Darrell Trout" <>,
> "Daniel Neff" <>,
> "Dale Martens" <>,
> "Christian Feuillet" <>,
> "Betty Tapping" <>,
> "Alain Chautems" <>,
> "Al Wojcik" <>, <>,
> "Tom Robb" <>, "Ted Reed" <>,
> "Marco Bleeker" <>,
> "Ashok Kalle" <>,
> "Anthony Brach" <>
>Subject: Saintpaulia Species on the WebSite
>Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 23:13:41 -0400
>X-MSMail-Priority: Normal
>Hi folks,
>I have just posted substantial revisions and additions to my website. Many
>good photos of Saintpaulia species are now on the site. These have been
>reviewed by several experts, including Dr. Jeff Smith, and I believe that
>the species identifications are valid. This is more easily said than done,
>as the Saintpaulia group has a number of look-alike species. My thanks to
>Toshijiro Okuto, in particular, for a large number of fine photographs.
>These photos will be supplemented by others which are now being processed,
>or are expected soon. I hope the set provides useful reference
>information, as well as pure enjoyment.
>I have also posted a complete revision of the home page, which should
>result in significantly reduced loading times, and more convenient access
>to the site's internal links.
>In the near future there will be several other additions to the Website,
>including the following:
>- many more pictures of gesneriads, with special emphasis on Episcia and
>- articles from Jeff Smith (on Saintpaulia species), Darrell Trout (on
>Alpine Gesneriads) and myself (microminiature sinningias)
>- text from CrossWords, the newsletter of the Gesneriad Hybridizers'
>Stay tuned!
>The site may be reached at -- for the
>Saintpaulia species, navigate to the Genus Listings, and then to the
>Saintpaulia genus page.
Anthony R. Brach, Ph.D.,
Flora of China
Harvard University Herbaria, 22 Divinity Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138-2094 USA
phone 617-495-3646; fax 617-495-9484