New Asteraceae: who do I contact?

Anthony R. Brach (
Mon, 02 Jun 1997 07:04:10 -0700

>Date: Fri, 30 May 1997 17:47:39 +0800
>From: Richard Corlett <>
>Subject: New Asteraceae: who do I contact?
>Dear Dr Brach,
>Browsing through the Asteraceae list on the Missouri Botanic Garden
>checklist, I noticed that several exotic weed species which are
>widely-naturalized in Hong Kong and, at least, southern Guangdong, have
>been omitted - as they were in the FRPS volumes. Who should I contact about
>this? Several authors are listed for the Asteraceae, and none have email
>Many thanks!
>Yours sincerely,
>Richard Corlett