links page to web sites in China

Anthony R. Brach (
Fri, 16 Jan 1998 14:30:01 -0500

Useful Links to Web Pages in China.


Academic Institutions
Beijing Forestry University (in Chinese)
China Agricultural University, College of Resources and the
East China Normal University, College of Natural Resources and
the Environment (in Chinese)
Nanjing University, Department of Land and Ocean Science
Nanjing Forestry University
Northeast Forestry University (in Chinese)
Zhongshan University, College of Earth and Environmental Sciences
(in Chinese)

Research Organizations/Networks
Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Bureau for the Harmonious Development of Nature and Society
Chinese Biodiversity Information System
Chinese Ecosystem Research Network
Commission for Integrated Survey of Natural Resources
Institute of Applied Ecology
Man and Biosphere Programme in China

Hong Kong - China

Academic Institutions
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Centre for Environmental Studies
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Institute for
Environment and Sustainable Development
University of Hong Kong
Centre of Urban Planning and Environmental Management
Department of Ecology and Biodiversity

Research Networks
Hong Kong EcoNet

Environmental Interest Groups
Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong)
Green Island Society
Green Power
World Wide Fund for Nature (Hong Kong)
