PLA Troops Sent to Tibet to Help After Snowfall

Anthony R. Brach (
Fri, 09 Jan 1998 07:35:14 -0500

fyi, from the China News Digest (retransmission permitted for non-profit


(3) PLA Troops Sent to Tibet to Help After Snowfall

[CND, 01/07/98] Xinhua News Agency reported on Monday, that additional
troops of People's Liberation Army have been sent to Tibet after heavy
snowfalls since September, 1997. This is part of the relief efforts by
the central government. Supplies for relief work have been sent to Nagqu
(Na4 Qu3), Ari (A1 Li2) and Shigatse (Ri4 Ka1 Ze2) counties. An AFP
report said that the snowfalls this winter were the worst in the past 34
years and the snows and cold temperatures had claimed 100,000 livestock,
though no human casualties had been reported.

It is unclear what impact the heavy snowfalls will bring to the local
economy. Xinhua said the Tibetan economy surged ahead 13.4 percent last
year, mainly due to increasing investment in basic industries by central
government and governments of other provinces, while national average
growth was 8.8 percent. Tibet's gross domestic product is estimated to
have reached $885 million in 1997, while per capita incomes are expected
to hit US$125. (Bo XIONG, Ray ZHANG)