update on PERC program re. Tumen River?

Anthony R. Brach (brach@oeb.harvard.edu)
Mon, 05 Jan 1998 10:20:51 -0500

Anyone have any updates on this project for Prof. Arlt?



>Return-Path: <chinatrans@berlin.snafu.de>
>Date: Mon, 29 Dec 1997 18:22:33 +0100
>From: chinatrans <chinatrans@berlin.snafu.de>
>To: brach@oeb.harvard.edu
>Subject: China Biodiversity Conversation Program
>Dear Prof. Brach,
>on the Web I found the very interesting information about the PERC
>program concerning Tumen River (May 97). As I am working on the Tumen
>River Economic Development Area (TREDA) project and my university is
>also based in this area, I would be glad if you could update on the
>current state of the project or could direct me to someone who could.
>Thank you very much in advance and
>all the best for 1998!
>Prof. Wolfgang Arlt
>Yanbian University of Science and Technology (Yanji, China)