fyi - New Visual Plant Identification Tool

Anthony R. Brach (
Mon, 01 Dec 1997 13:54:30 -0500

>Return-Path: <>
>Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 13:40:09 -0500
>From: Joan Backus <>
>Subject: New Visual Plant Identification Tool
>Sender: Joan Backus <>
>To: Anthony Brach <>
>Content-Disposition: inline
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> Cambridge, Mass.
> Comprend un grand centre de recherche en botanique.
>contact: Anthony Brach, assistant =E0 la direction du projet La Flore de la
>Dear Sir,
>CIRAD, the French Agricultural Center for Aid in Development, has
>developed an innovative computer program to identify plants called
>Adventrop Doc. We, from Syn=E9tudes, have been mandated by CIRAD to look
>into new avenues for this program. From the Internet we have learned that
>you are involved in the Flora of China project. We would very much be
>interested in exploring with you any possibilities for applying CIRAD=92s
>software to your area of interest or simply in exchanging info about plant
>ID tools.=20
>Briefly, Adventrop Doc is a visual key to identifying plants. Any plant on
>the database can be identified if the user knows a couple of features of
>the plant. The user is presented with a drawing of a theoretical plant. As
>he or she chooses from various possibilities for leaf trait, carriage, leaf
>and stem appearance (etc), the drawing is adjusted to resemble the chosen
>characteristics. Simultaneously the inventoried species are sorted by their
>probability of resembling these characteristics and a list of plants by
>order of probability is generated. At any time the user can access
>photographs and botanical plates of any plant. Descriptions and information
>on the biology, ecology and life cycle of the inventoried species are also
>available on-line. There are hyperlinks to a lexicon of all specialized
>terms. The program is both user-friendly and comprehensive, a good match of
>the "container" and "contents". =20
>Please take a look at the software. There is a demonstration site on the
>Internet at the following address: or you can download
>a more extensive demo in PDF format. The demo can give you a quick idea of
>what the program can do, but to really appreciate its capacities, I can=20
>send you a copy of the CD-ROM which was developed for the plants of the
>Sub-Saharan-Sudanese environmental zone. It is in French, but with even a
>limited understanding of the language, the botanical graphics and photos
>allow you to visualize the results of an application to any other plant
>After you=92ve had a chance to look at the software either online or on the
>CD-ROM we would be interested in your appreciation of it. Our questions
>are the following:
>1. Do you know of a similar identification tool? If so, can you tell us
>what it is?
>2. In your opinion is Adventrop Doc innovative?
>3. Would it be useful for identifying plants in your area of interest? If
>so, who would it be useful for? -=20
> =B7 students,=20
> =B7 technicians,=20
> =B7 researchers,=20
> =B7 the general public.
>4. Would it have to be changed to be adapted to plants in your area of
>5. Do you see any possibilities for integrating this program into the work
>you are doing?
>6. If you are interested in exploring the possibilities for cooperation
>with CIRAD in producing a new product using the Adventrop method, what
>could you bring to the project:
> =B7 computerized descriptive files on plants
> =B7 photos or drawings
> =B7 photos or drawings already scanned
> =B7 any other contribution
>7. If a CD-ROM existed with the Adventrop method applied to plants in your
>area of interest, what would be the potential market (in number of copies):
>8. Would a cost of 60$ (US) be:
> =B7 not high enough
> =B7 acceptable
> =B7 a little too high
> =B7 too high
>There may be room for discussion here between your organization and the
>CIRAD given the magnitude of the Flora of China project. If however any
>joint project seems out of the question we still value the answers you can
>give to our survey or any comments you might want to make. You can contact
>me at the following e-mail address or phone number. Thank you for your time
>and interest,
>Joan Backus
>Montreal, Qc, Canada
>for Syn=E9tudes, Paris, France
>phone: 514-596-2957=20