filename character/property subt. number part or state inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 75 capitulum or head inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 76 spike inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 77 raceme inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 78 panicle inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 79 simple umbel inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 80 compound umbel inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 81 thyrse inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 82 catkin or ament inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 83 spadix and spathe inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 84 "fascicle, compound corymb" inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 85 cyme inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 86 head inflorescence.jpg inflorescence-type 87 corymb form1.jpg shape 1 conical form1.jpg shape 3 prism-shaped form1.jpg shape 8 cubical form1.jpg shape 9 club-shaped form1.jpg shape 10 turbinate form1.jpg shape 11 pyriform form1.jpg shape 12 tear-shaped form1.jpg shape 14 spiral form1.jpg shape 15 cochleate form1.jpg shape 16 napiform form1.jpg shape 17 placenta-shaped form2.jpg shape 4 globose form2.jpg shape 18 lenticular form2.jpg shape 20 bossed or umbonate form2.jpg shape 22 melon-shaped form2.jpg shape 27 spindle-shaped or fusiform form2.jpg shape 28 terete form2.jpg shape 29 half-terete form2.jpg shape 33 cushioned or pulvinate form2.jpg shape 34 discoidal form2.jpg shape 36 scimitar-shaped form2.jpg shape 37 axe-shaped form2.jpg shape 38 falcate form2.jpg shape 39 linguiform form2.jpg shape 40 angular form2.jpg shape 41 trigonous form3.jpg shape 42 three-edged form3.jpg shape 43 two-edged form3.jpg shape 44 keeled or carinate form3.jpg shape 45 channelled or canaliculate form3.jpg shape 46 boat-shaped or navicular form3.jpg shape 51 necklace-shaped or moniliform form3.jpg shape 52 worm-shaped or vermicular form3.jpg shape 53 knotted or torulose form3.jpg shape 54 trumpet-shaped or tubiform form3.jpg shape 55 horned or corniculate form3.jpg shape 56 beaked form4.jpg shape 57 crested or cristate form4.jpg shape 60 winged or alate form4.jpg shape 61 mill-sail-shaped form4.jpg shape 62 knob-like form4.jpg shape 64 flabelliform form4.jpg shape 66 testicular form5.jpg shape 67 ringent or personate form5.jpg shape 68 labiate form5.jpg shape 69 rotate form5.jpg shape 70 salveriform form5.jpg shape 71 funnel-shaped or infundibular form5.jpg shape 72 campanulate form5.jpg shape 73 pitcher-shaped or urceolate form5.jpg shape 74 cup-shaped or cyathiform form5.jpg shape 75 cupola-shaped or cupuliform form5.jpg shape 76 kneepan-shaped or patelliform form6.jpg shape 76 kneepan-shaped or patelliform form6.jpg shape 77 pulley-shaped or trochlear form6.jpg shape 78 scutelliform form6.jpg shape 79 brush-shaped or muscariform form6.jpg shape 80 acetabuliform form6.jpg shape 81 goblet-shaped or crateriform form6.jpg shape 83 poculiform form6.jpg shape 84 pouch-shaped form6.jpg shape 85 foxglove-shaped or digitaliform form7.jpg shape 86 vase-shaped or vasculariform form7.jpg shape 88 sausage-shaped or botuliform form7.jpg shape 89 umbrella-shaped form7.jpg shape 91 mushroom-headed or fungiform form7.jpg shape 92 nave-shaped form7.jpg shape 93 hooded or cucullate form7.jpg shape 94 saddle-shaped form7.jpg shape 95 turgid form7.jpg shape 97 ventricose outline1.jpg shape 2 linear outline1.jpg shape 5 lanceolate outline1.jpg shape 6 oblong outline1.jpg shape 7 oval or elliptic outline1.jpg shape 8 ovate outline1.jpg shape 10 orbicular outline1.jpg shape 11 spatulate outline1.jpg shape 12 cuneate outline1.jpg shape 13 subulate outline1.jpg shape 14 needle-shaped or acerose outline2.jpg shape 15 ensiform outline2.jpg shape 16 parabolic outline2.jpg shape 17 rhomboid outline2.jpg shape 18 deltoid outline2.jpg shape 21 cordate outline2.jpg shape 22 auriculate outline2.jpg shape 23 crescent-shaped or lunate outline2.jpg shape 24 reniform outline2.jpg shape 25 sagittate outline3.jpg shape 26 hastate outline3.jpg shape 27 pandurate outline3.jpg shape 28 lyrate outline3.jpg shape 29 runcinate outline3.jpg shape 31 undulate outline3.jpg shape 33 unequal outline3.jpg shape 37 halved apex1.jpg apex 1 aristate apex1.jpg apex 2 mucronate apex1.jpg apex 3 cuspidate apex1.jpg apex 4 cirrhous apex1.jpg apex 5 pungent apex1.jpg apex 6 bristle-pointed or setose apex1.jpg apex 7 hair-pointed apex1.jpg apex 8 apiculate apex1.jpg apex 9 hooked or uncinate apex1.jpg apex 10 beaked or rostrate apex1.jpg apex 11 acute apex1.jpg apex 12 acuminate apex1.jpg apex 16 blunt with a point apex1.jpg apex 17 retuse apex1.jpg apex 18 emarginate apex1.jpg apex 20 truncate apex1.jpg apex 21 bitten or praemorse apex1.jpg apex 23 trident-pointed apex1.jpg apex 24 headed or capitate apex1.jpg apex 25 lamellar margin1.jpg margin 3 crenate margin1.jpg margin 4 serrate margin1.jpg margin 5 dentate or toothed margin1.jpg margin 6 erose margin2.jpg margin 8 repand margin2.jpg margin 9 angular margin2.jpg margin 10 sinuate incision1.jpg margin 1 lacerate incision1.jpg margin 2 incised incision1.jpg margin 3 laciniate incision1.jpg margin 4 squarrose-laciniate incision1.jpg margin 5 lobed incision1.jpg margin 6 split incision1.jpg margin 7 parted or partite incision1.jpg margin 8 palmate incision1.jpg margin 9 pedate incision2.jpg margin 10 digitate incision2.jpg margin 11 pinnatifid incision2.jpg margin 12 pectinate ramification1.jpg margin 6 bifoliolate ramification1.jpg margin 7 vertebrate ramification1.jpg margin 9 imparipinnate ramification1.jpg margin 10 equally pinnate or paripinnate ramification1.jpg margin 12 interruptedly pinnate ramification1.jpg margin 16 bidigitatedly pinnate ramification1.jpg margin 17 bigeminate ramification1.jpg margin 18 tergeminate ramification1.jpg margin 21 bipinnate ramification1.jpg margin 23 triternate ramification2.jpg margin 40 loculed ramification2.jpg margin 42 ruminate ramification2.jpg margin 43 cancellate surface1.jpg surface 1 rugose surface1.jpg surface 2 reticulate surface1.jpg surface 4 pitted surface1.jpg surface 5 lacunose surface1.jpg surface 10 striate surface1.jpg surface 12 sulcate or furrowed surface1.jpg surface 13 aciculate surface1.jpg surface 14 punctate or dotted surface2.jpg surface 2 spiny or spinose surface2.jpg surface 3 prickly or aculeate surface2.jpg surface 4 bristly or echinate surface2.jpg surface 5 muricate surface2.jpg surface 9 tuberculate surface2.jpg surface 10 papillose or papillate surface2.jpg surface 11 pilose surface2.jpg surface 12 downy surface2.jpg surface 14 shaggy surface2.jpg surface 20 glandular surface2.jpg surface 27 fringed or fimbriate surface2.jpg surface 31 lepidote surface2.jpg surface 32 ramentaceous surface2.jpg surface 33 scaly or squamose variegation1.jpg surface 1 variegated variegation1.jpg surface 2 blotched or maculate variegation1.jpg surface 3 spotted variegation1.jpg surface 4 dotted or punctate variegation1.jpg surface 5 clouded variegation1.jpg surface 6 marbled variegation1.jpg surface 7 tesselated variegation1.jpg surface 8 bordered variegation1.jpg surface 9 edged or marginate variegation1.jpg surface 10 discoidal variegation1.jpg surface 11 banded or fasciate variegation1.jpg surface 12 striped variegation1.jpg surface 13 ocellated variegation1.jpg surface 14 painted variegation1.jpg surface 15 zoned variegation1.jpg surface 17 lettered estivation1.jpg arrangement 1 involute estivation1.jpg arrangement 2 revolute estivation1.jpg arrangement 3 obvolute estivation1.jpg arrangement 4 convolute estivation1.jpg arrangement 5 supervolute estivation1.jpg arrangement 6 induplicate estivation1.jpg arrangement 7 conduplicate estivation1.jpg arrangement 8 plaited estivation1.jpg arrangement 12 imbricate estivation1.jpg arrangement 13 equitant estivation1.jpg arrangement 15 circinate estivation1.jpg arrangement 16 valvate estivation1.jpg arrangement 17 quincuncial estivation1.jpg arrangement 18 twisted estivation1.jpg arrangement 20 alternate estivation1.jpg arrangement 21 vexillary estivation1.jpg arrangement 22 cochlear direction1.jpg position 9 ascending direction1.jpg position 11 oblique direction1.jpg position 12 horizontal direction1.jpg position 14 revolute direction1.jpg position 15 involute direction1.jpg position 16 convolute direction1.jpg position 18 resupinate direction1.jpg position 20 pendulous direction1.jpg position 21 drooping direction2.jpg position 22 nodding direction2.jpg position 23 secund direction2.jpg position 30 spiral direction2.jpg position 31 circinate direction2.jpg position 41 brachiate direction3.jpg position 42 spreading or patent direction3.jpg position 43 converging or connivent direction3.jpg position 46 peritropal direction3.jpg position 47 orthotropal direction3.jpg position 48 antitropal direction3.jpg position 49 amphitropal direction3.jpg position 50 homotropal insertion1.jpg position 1 peltate insertion1.jpg position 2 sessile insertion1.jpg position 3 decurrent insertion1.jpg position 4 clasping or embracing insertion1.jpg position 7 perfoliate insertion1.jpg position 8 connate insertion1.jpg position 9 sheathing insertion1.jpg position 10 adnate insertion1.jpg position 11 innate insertion1.jpg position 12 versatile insertion1.jpg position 19 articulate arrangement1.jpg arrangement 1 opposite arrangement1.jpg arrangement 2 alternate arrangement1.jpg arrangement 3 stellate arrangement1.jpg arrangement 4 whorled or verticillate arrangement1.jpg arrangement 6 loose arrangement1.jpg arrangement 10 imbricate arrangement1.jpg arrangement 11 rosulate arrangement1.jpg arrangement 13 fascicled arrangement2.jpg arrangement 14 distichous arrangement2.jpg arrangement 17 clustered or aggregate arrangement2.jpg arrangement 18 spiral arrangement2.jpg arrangement 19 decussate arrangement2.jpg arrangement 21 squarrose arrangement2.jpg arrangement 26 interrupted arrangement2.jpg arrangement 31 radiant