Flora of China Genera - Volume 19

Flora of China Seed plant Number of Genera Number of Species
Volume Families World China Endemic World China Endemic
19 Lentibulariaceae 4 2 0 245 19
Pinguicula 46 2
Utricularia 180 17
Acanthaceae 346 59 2 4,300 168
Acanthopale 20 2
Acanthus 50 4
Adhatoda 20 1
Aechmanthera 3 2
Andrographis 20 2
Asystasia 40 2
Asystasiella 3 1
Baphicacanthus 1 1
Barleria 230 4
Blepharis 20 1
Calophanoides 9 5
Championella 6 6
Chroesthes 3 1
Clinacanthus 2 1
Codonacanthus 3 2
Cystacanthus 10 3
Dianthera 80 1
Dicliptera 100 1
Diflugossa 17 3
Dipteracanthus 10 1
Dyschoriste 100 1
Echinacanthus 10 3
Eranthemum 30 1
Gendarussa 2 1
Goldfussia 30 9
Graptophullum 10 1
Gutzlaffia 1 1
Gymnostachyum 70 2
Hemiadelphis 1 1
Hemigraphis 100 2
Hygrophila 80 6
Hypoestes 150 3
Isoglossa 50 2
Lepidagathis 100 3
Leptosiphonium 1 1
Mananthes 5 1
Nelsonia 1 1
Ophiorrhiziphyllum 5 2
Parachampionella 2 2 2
Paragutzalffia 2 2 2
Pararuellia 6 2
Perilepta 8 2
Peristrophe 30 5
Phaulopsis 20 1
Phologacanthus 30 4
Pseudaechmanthera 1 1
Pseuderanthemum 120 3
Pteracanthus 20 10
Rhaphidospora 12 1
Rhinacanthus 15 2
Rostellularia 22 3
Rungia 50 8
Semnostachya 10 1
Sericocalyx 15 3
Staurogyne 80 4
Strobilanthes 250 20
Tarphochlamys 2 2
Tetragoga 3 1
Thunbergia 100 6
Myoporaceae 5 1 0 220 1
Myoporum 32 1
Phrymaceae 1 1 0 1 1
Phryma 1 1
Plantaginaceae 3 1 0 255 13
Plantago 250 13
Rubiaceae 637 84 6 ##### 495
Acranthera 40 1
Adina 20 8
Aegle 3 1
Aidia 50 5
Asperula 90 4
Atirhea 40 1
Argostemma 100 5
Borreria 150 4
Brachytome 4 2
Canthium 200 4
Cephaelis 60 1
Cephalanthus 17 1
Chassalia 42 1
Clarkella 2 1
Coelospermum 17 1
Coffea 40 1
Coptosapelta 133 1
Damnacanthus 6 5
Dentella 10 1
Dunnia 1 1 1
Duperrea 2 1
Emmenopterys 1 1 1
Galium 400 50
Gardenia 250 6
Geophila 30 1
Guettardia 80 1
Haladina 1 1
Hayataella 1 1 1
Hedyotis 150 50
Himalrandia 3 2
Hymenodictyon 20 2
Hyptiantherra 2 2
Ixora 40 11
Kelloggia 2 1
Knoxia 15 1
Lasianthus 180 32
Leptodermis 30 20
Leptomischus 2 2
Leptunis 2 1
Litosanthes 1 1
Luculia 5 3
Metadina 1 1
Meyna 11 1
Microphysa 1 1
Mitchella 2 1
Mitragyna 10 1
Morinda 80 8
Mouretia 1 1
Mussaenda 100 28
Mycetia 25 10
Myrioneuron 15 4
Nauclea 35 1
Neanotis 28 7
Neohymenopogon 3 2
Neonauclea 6 4
Nertera 12 1
Ophiorrhiza 150 20
Oxyceros 16 3
Paederia 50 11
Pavetta 400 6
Platanocephalus 3 1
Prismatomeris 25 2
Psychotria 1400 15
Randia 200 18
Rothamannia 20 1
Rubia 60 12
Saprosma 30 3
Schizomussaenda 1 1
Scyphiphora 1 1
Serissa 2 2
Sinadina 1 1 1
Sermadictyon 6 1
Spiradiclis 18 17
Tarenna 180 17
Tetraplasia 4 4
Timonius 150 1
Trailliaedoxa 1 1 1
Tricalysia 100 3
Tsiangia 1 1 1
Uncaria 60 13
Urophyllum 150 3
Wendlandia 70 23
Xanthophyton 15 3
Xeromphis 5 1
Caprifoliaceae 16 14 2 365 205
Abelia 30 9
Carlemannia 3 2
Dipelta 4 3
Heptacodium 2 2 2
Kolkwitzia 1 1 1
Leycesteria 6 4
Linnaea 1 1
Lonicera 200 100
Sambucus 20 4
Silvianthus 1 1
Symphoricarpos 18 1
Triosteum 10 3
Viburnum 150 74
Weigelia 12 4
Adoxaceae 3 3 2 3 3 2
Adoxa 1 1 0
Sinadoxa 1 1 1
Tetradoxa 1 1 1
Valerianaceae 17 5 0 400 42
Nardostachys 2 2
Patrinia 20 13
Triplostegia 2 2
Valeriana 250 24
Valerianella 50 1
Morinaceae 3 3 0 13 11
Acanthocalyx 3 3
Cryptothladia 6 6
Morina 4 2
Dipsacaceae 8 4 0 250 19
Cephalaria 65 1
Dipsacus 15 8
Pterocephalus 25 2
Scabiosa 100 8

Last Update: 11/7/96

Name: ARB