Flora of China Genera - Volume 14

Flora of China Seed plant Number of Genera Number of Species
Volume Families World China Endemic World China Endemic
14 Apiaceae 418 98 14 3,100 557 314
Acronema 23 18 11
Aegopodium 7 5 1
Anethum 1 1
Angelica 80 36 17
Anthriscus 20 1
Aphanopleura 4 2
Apium 20 1
Archangelica 10 1 1
Arcuatopterus 3 3 3
Berula 1 1
Bupleurum 150 40 21
Cachrys 22 1
Carlesia 1 1 1
Carum 30 4 1
Cenolophium 1 1
Chaerophyllopsis 1 1 1
Chaerophyllum 40 2
Chamaesciadium 3 1 1
Chamaesium 10 8 6
Centella 20 1
Changium 1 1 1
Chuanminshen 1 1 1
Cicuta 10 1
Cnidium 20 4
Coelopleurum 4 2
Conioselinum 12 2 1
Conium 4 1
Coriandrum 2 1
Cortia 7 1
Cortiella 2 1 1
Cryptotaenia 5 1
Cryptodiscus 4 2
Cyclorhiza 1 1 1
Czernaevia 1 1
Dactylaea 1 1 1
Daucus 60 1
Dickinsia 1 1 1
Eriocycla 8 3 3
Eryngium 230 2
Falcaria 4 1
Ferula 125 27 8
Foeniculum 5 1
Glehnia 2 1
Haplosphaera 2 2 1
Harrysmithia 2 2 2
Heracleum 70 24 16
Hydrocotyle 25 13 4
Hymenolyma 2 1
Korovinia 3 1
Krasnovia 1 1
Ledebouriella 2 2
Libanotis 31 17 8
Ligusticum 70 35 27
Meeboldia 2 1 1
Melanosciadium 1 1 1
Nothosmyrnium 2 2 1
Notopterygium 4 4 4
Oenanthe 35 6 2
Oreochorte 1 1 1
Oreomyrrhis 23 2 2
Osmorhiza 15 1
Ostericum 10 6 2
Pachypleurum 8 6 4
Peucedanum 120 30 24
Phlojodicarpus 2 1
Physospermopsis 12 9 7
Pilopleura 2 2
Pimpinella 150 42 31
Pleurospermum 50 39 29
Prangos 30 4
Pternopetalum 27 25 22
Pterygopleurum 1 1
Sanicula 37 15 8
Saposhnikovia 1 1
Scaligeria 22 1
Scandix 15 1
Schrenkia 7 1
Schulzia 2 2
Schumannia 1 1
Selinum 10 3 1
Semenovia 10 1 0
Seseli 80 16 9
Seselopsis 1 1
Silaum 10 1 0
Sinocarum 8 8 8
Sinolimprichtia 1 1 1
Sium 14 4
Soranthus 1 1
Sphallerocarpus 1 1
Stenocoelium 3 2
Talassia 2 1
Tetrataenium 7 2
Tongoloa 16 10 9
Torilis 12 2
Trachydium 10 7 3
Trachyspermum 20 2 2
Turgenia 1 1
Vicatia 5 3 2
Cornaceae 12 9 0 90 57
Acuba 7 5
Chamaepericlymenum 2 1
Cornus 45 28
Dendrobenthamia 12 12
Diplopanax 1 1
Helwingia 4 4
Mastixia 25 3
Thelycrania 3 1
Toricellia 3 2
Diapensiaceae 5 3 1 14 9
Berneuxia 1 1 1
Diapensia 5 4
Shortia 6 4
Clethraceae 1 1 0 64 16
Clethra 64 16
Pyrolaceae 14 8 1 57 40
Chimaphila 8 3
Eremotropa 1 1 1
Hypopitys 1 1
Moneses 1 1
Monotropa 5 1
Monotropastrum 4 3
Orthilia 2 2
Pyrola 35 23
Ericaceae 103 17 0 3,350 806
Agapetes 80 40
Arctous 3 3
Cassiope 12 8
Chamaedaphne 1 1
Chiogenes 3 1
Craibiodendron 7 5
Diplarche 2 2
Enkianthus 10 6
Gaultheria 210 26
Hugeria 3 2
Ledum 10 1
Lyonia 30 6
Phyllodoce 7 1
Pieris 10 6
Rhododendron 850 650
Therorhodion 2 1
Vaccinium 450 47

Last Update: 11/7/96

Name: ARB