Flora of China Genera - Volume 13

Flora of China Seed plant Number of Genera Number of Species
Volume Families World China Endemic World China Endemic
13 Clusiaceae 47 7 0 1,350 72
Calophyllum 80 3
Cratoxylum 7 3
Garcinia 400 12
Hypericum 400 50
Mammea 49 1
Mesua 40 1
Triadenum 6 2
Dipterocarpaceae 16 5 0 530 11
Dipterocarpus 76 2
Hopea 90 4
Parashorea 11 2
Shorea 357 1
Vatica 76 2
Elatinaceae 2 2 0 40 6
Bergia 25 3
Elatine 15 3
Frankeniaceae 3 1 0 30 1
Frankenia 25 1
Tamaricaceae 5 3 0 80 31
Myricaria 13 10
Reaumuria 11 3
Tamarix 54 18
Cistaceae 7 1 0 175 1
Helianthemum 100 1
Violaceae 23 4 0 830 116
Hybanthus 150 1
Rinorea 200 3
Scyphellandra 4 1
Viola 400 111
Flacourtiaceae 89 15 1 875 43
Ahernia 1 1
Bennettiodendron 3 3
Carrierea 3 2
Casearia 160 6
Erythrospermum 6 1
Flacourtia 15 3
Gynocardia 1 1
Homalium 200 12
Hydnocarpus 26 2
Idesia 1 1
Itoa 2 1
Plagiopteron 2 1
Poliothyrsis 1 1 1
Scolopia 37 5
Xylosma 100 3
Stachyuraceae 1 1 0 10 8
Stachyurus 10 8
Passifloraceae 18 2 0 530 18
Adenia 92 3
Passiflora 350 19
Datiscaceae 3 1 0 4 1
Tetrameles 1 1
Begoniaceae 2 1 0 901 90
Begonia 900 90
Ancistrocladaceae 1 1 0 13 1
Ancisrocladus 13 1
Thymelaeaceae 50 9 0 720 87
Aquilaria 15 2
Daphne 70 35
Diarthron 19 2
Edgeworthia 4 4
Eriosolena 2 1
Rhamnoneuron 2 1
Stellera 1 1
Thymelaea 20 1
Wikstroemia 70 40
Elaeagnaceae 3 2 0 52 44
Elaeagnus 45 40
Hippophae 4 4
Lythraceae 26 8 0 580 35
Ammannia 30 5
Lagerstroemia 53 16
Lawsonia 1 1
Lythrum 35 4
Pemphis 2 1
Peplis 3 1
Rotala 50 6
Woodfordia 2 1
Sonneratiaceae 2 2 0 7 4
Duabanga 2 1
Sonneratia 5 1
Crypteroniaceae 5 1 0 11 1
Crypteronia 4 1
Lecythidaceae 20 1 0 280 3
Barringtonia 39 3
Rhizophoraceae 16 6 0 130 11
Bruguiera 6 3
Carallia 10 2
Ceriops 2 1
Kandelia 1 1
Pellacalyx 7 1
Rhizophora 7 3
Nyssaceae 3 2 1 12 7
Camptotheca 1 1 1
Nyssa 10 6
Davidiaceae 1 1 1 1 1 1
Davidia 1 1 1
Alangiaceae 1 1 0 17 8
Alangium 17 8
Combretaceae 20 6 0 500 25
Anogeissus 8 1
Calycopteris 1 1
Combretum 250 11
Lumnitzera 2 2
Quisqualis 17 2
Terminalia 150 8
Myrtaceae 120 10 1 3,850 91
Acmena 11 1
Baeckea 68 1
Cleistocalyx 21 2
Decaspermum 30 7
Eugenia 1000 2
Melaleuca 10 2
Pyrenocarpa 2 2 2
Rhodamnia 23 1
Rhodomyrtus 18 1
Syzygium 500 72
Melastomataceae 215 28 8 4,750 160
Allomorphia 25 6
Astronia 70 1
Barthea 1 1 1
Blastus 18 14
Bredia 30 14
Cyphotheca 1 1 1
Diplectria 2 1
Fordiophyton 8 8 8
Medinilla 400 16
Melastoma 100 9
Memecylon 150 8
Neodriessenia 6 1
Osbeckia 100 12
Otanthera 8 1
Oxyspora 20 3
Pachycentria 8 1
Phyllagathis 50 28
Plagiopetalum 2 2
Pseudodissochaeta 4 1
Pternandra 2 1
Sarcopyramis 6 4
Scorpiothyrsus 6 6 6
Sonerila 125 12
Sporoxeia 4 4 4
Stapfiophyton 3 3 3
Styrophyton 1 1 1
Tshiroea 2 1
Tigridiopalma 1 1 1
Trapaceae 1 1 0 15 5
Trapa 15 5
Onagraceae 24 4 0 650 47
Chamerion 8 4
Circaea 7 7
Epilobium 165 33
Ludwigia 75 3
Haloragaceae 9 1 0 120 5
Myriophyllum 45 5
Hippuridaceae 1 1 0 1 1
Hippuris 1 1
Theligoniaceae 1 1 0 3 2
Theligonium 3 2
Cynomoriaceae 1 1 0 2 1
Cynomorium 2 1
Araliaceae 57 22 3 800 171
Acanthopanax 35 27
Aralia 40 30
Boerlagiodendron 15 1
Brssaiopsis 15 9
Dendropanax 75 16
Euraliopsis 11 9
Fatsia 2 1
Hedera 5 2
Heteropanax 5 5
Hunaniopanax 1 1 1
Kalopanax 1 1
Macropanax 6 6
Merrilliopanax 4 3
Nothopanax 15 3
Olopanax 2 1
Panax 8 6
Pentapanax 18 9
Schefflera 200 37
Sinopanax 1 1 1
Tetrapanax 1 1 1
Trevesia 2 1
Tupidanthus 1 1

Last Update: 11/7/96

Name: ARB