Flora of China Genera - Volume 11

Flora of China Seed plant Number of Genera Number of Species
Volume Families World China Endemic World China Endemic
11 Oxalidaceae 8 3 0 575 13
Averrhoa 2 1
Biophytum 70 4
Oxalis 500 8
Geraniaceae 14 3 0 730 76
Biebersteinia 5 3
Erodium 90 3
Geranium 400 65
Linaceae 15 4 0 300 11
Anisadenia 2 2
Linum 230 6
Reinwardtia 2 2
Tirpitzia 2 2
Erythroxylaceae 4 1 0 260 2
Erythroxylum 250 2
Zygophyllaceae 27 6 1 250 33
Nitraria 7 5
Peganum 5 2
Tetradiclis 1 1
Tetraena 1 1 1
Tribulus 25 2
Zygophyllum 100 22
Rutaceae 161 25 2 1,700 145
Acronychia 50 2
Atalantia 18 5
Boeninghausenia 2 2
Citrus 12 10
Clausena 25 10
Dictamnus 6 1
Euodia 45 25
Fortunella 6 5
Glycosmis 30 7
Haplophyllum 70 3
Hesperethusa 1 1
Limonia 1 1
Luvunga 4 1
Maclurodendron 6 1
Melicope 70 1
Micromelum 11 3
Murraya 12 5
Orixa 1 1
Paramignya 12 2
Phellodendron 10 2
Poncirus 2 2 2
Psilopeganum 1 1 1
Skimmia 5 3
Toddalia 1 1
Zanthoxylum 250 50
Ixonanthaceae 4 1 0 21 1
Ixonanthus 11 1
Simaroubaceae 22 4 0 170 10
Ailanthus 10 5
Brucea 6 2
Harrisonia 4 1
Picrasma 6 2
Burseraceae 18 3 0 540 13
Canarium 100 7
Garuga 4 4
Protium 90 2
Meliaceae 51 15 0 575 58
Aglaia 250 10
Amoora 25 6
Aphanamixis 25 3
Chisocheton 100 1
Chukrasia 1 1
Cipadessa 3 2
Dysoxylum 200 14
Lansium 6 1
Melia 3 2
Munronia 10 6
Tonna 15 3
Trichilia 86 2
Turraea 60 1
Walsura 10 5
Xylocarpus 3 1
Malpighiaceae 68 4 0 1,100 15
Aspodopterys 20 8
Hiptage 20 5
Rhyssopteris 6 1
Tetraena 1 1 1
Tristellateia 22 1
Xanthophyllaceae 1 1 0 93 3
Xanthophyllum 60 3
Polygalaceae 18 3 0 950 45
Polygala 500 40
Salmonia 8 3
Securidaca 80 2
Dichapetalaceae 3 1 0 125 2
Dichapetalum 124 2
Euphorbiaceae 326 66 1 7,750 364
Acalypha 450 16
Actephila 35 2
Alchornea 70 6
Aleurites 2 2
Antidesma 170 16
Aporusa 75 3
Baccaurea 70 3
Aaliospermum 6 3
Bischofia 2 2
Blachia 12 1
Breynia 25 7
Bridelia 60 5
Cephalomappa 5 1
Chaetocarpus 10 1
Chrozophora 12 1
Cladogynos 1 1
Claoxylon 80 5
Cleidiocarpon 2 1
Cleidion 25 2
Cleistanthus 140 2
Cnesmone 10 3
Coelodiscus 5 1
Croton 750 19
Dalechampia 110 1
Detzianthus 1 1
Dimorphocalyx 12 1
Discocleidion 3 2
Drypetes 200 14
Endospermum 12 1
Epiprinus 5 1
Erismanthus 2 1
Euphorbia 200 60
Excoecaria 40 5
Glochidion 300 25
Homalanthus 35 3
Homonoia 3 2
Jatropa 175 1
Koilodepas 7 1
Lasiococca 3 1
Leptopus 11 9
Macaranga 28 12
Mallotus 142 40
Manihot 170 1
Margaritaria 10 1
Megistostigma 3 1
Melanolepis 1 1
Mercurialis 8 1
Ostodes 4 3
Phyllanthodendron 12 4
Phyllanthus 700 33
Poilaniella 1 1
Pterococcus 1 1
Richeriella 2 1
Ricinus 1 1
Sapium 125 9
Sauropus 40 6
Sebastiana 100 1
Securinega 40 2
Speranskia 3 3 3
Strophioblachia 2 2
Sumbaviopsis 1 1
Suregada 40 2
Synostemon 13 1
Trewia 2 1
Trigonostemon 50 40
Vernicia 3 2
Daphniphyllaceae 1 1 0 ?25 12
Daphniphyllum ?25 12
Callitrichaceae 1 1 0 17 4
Callitriche 17 4
Buxaceae 5 3 0 60 19
Buxus 30 11
Pachysandra 5 3
Sarcococca 14 5
Empetraceae 3 1 0 5 1
Empetrum 2 1
Coriariaceae 1 1 0 5 3
Coriaria 5 3
Anacardiaceae 73 16 0 580 54
Bouea 4 1
Buchanania 45 4
Choerospondias 1 1
Cotinus 4 2
Dobinea 2 2
Dracontomelon 8 2
Drimycarpus 2 2
Lannea 40 1
Mangifera 53 7
Pegia 3 2
Pistacia 10 2
Rhus 210 5
Semecarpus 50 3
Spondias 10 1
Terminthia 70 1
Toxicodendron ?40 18
Pentaphylacaceae 1 1 0 1 1
Pentaphylax 1 1
Aquifoliaceae 4 1 0 420 118
Ilex 400 118
Celastraceae 94 11 1 1,300 220
Bhesa 5 1
Celastrus 50 30
Euonymus 175 125
Genitia 3 2
Glyptopetalum 27 6
Matenus 225 20
Microtropis 70 30
Monimopetalum 1 1 1
Perrottetia 20 3
Pottingeria 1 1
Reissantia 7 1
Tripterygium 4 4
Hippocrateaceae 5 3 0 350 15
Loeseneriella 16 5
Pristimera 14 4
Salacia 200 6
Salvadoraceae 3 1 0 11 1
Azima 4 1
Staphyleaceae 5 4 1 27 18
Euscaphis 3 1
Staphylea 10 4
Tapiscia 3 3 3
Turpinia ?30 10
Cardiopteridaceae 1 1 0 3 3
Pteripterygium 3 3
Icacinaceae 60 12 0 320 21
Apodytes 2 1
Gomphandra 33 2
Gonocaryum 9 3
Hosiea 2 1
Iodes 14 4
Mappianthus 2 1
Natsiatopsis 1 1
Natsiatum 1 1
Nothapodytes 4 3
Pittosporopsis 1 1
Platea 5 2
Pyrenacantha 22 1
Aceraceae 2 2 1 202 152
Acer 200 150
Dipteronia 2 2 2

Last Update: 11/7/96

Name: ARB