We are grateful to the Directors/Curators of the following herbaria for herbarium and library facilities and for sending the material on loan: B, BM, E, G, GZU, H, K, KAS, KUH, KYO, LE, M, PPFI, RAW and W. The author wishes to thank Dr. W. B. Dickoré, Dr. T.V. Egorova, Prof. Dr. H. Freitag, Prof. Dr. G. Miehe, Dr. Sabine Miehe and Dr. H. J. Noltie for valuable information and/or for permission to examine their Pakistani collections. Large parts of Flora Iranica text and illustrations are reused by the permission of Akademische Druck- and Verlagsanstalt, Graz, Austria. We gratefully acknowledge financial support for this publication from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and National Science Foundation (DEB 0103783), Washington, U.S.A. obtained through the Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, U.S.A. We are grateful to Professor Peter H. Raven of the Missouri Botanical Garden for his assistance in securing this support. Grateful thanks are due to Professor Zafar Saied Saify, Vice-Chancellor, University of Karachi and Professor M. Qaiser, Chairman, Department of Botany, University of Karachi for providing working facilities to the project and for their understanding and encouragement. |
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