NOVON 4(4): 322-323. 1994.
Chen Jie (Chen Cheih)
Kunming Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica, Kunming 650204, Yunnan, People's Republic of China
ABSTRACT. Maesa striatocarpa, M. densistriata, and M. longilanceolata are described as new. All three are endemic to Yunnan, China.
During my recent visit to the Smithsonian Institution and the Harvard University Herbaria, an examination of the rich collections of the Myrsinaceae revealed the following novelties.
Maesa striatocarpa C. Chen, sp. nov. TYPE: China. Yunnan: Jianshui, Jiangwai, Guanyin shan, 2,000 m, 5 May 1933, H. T. Tsai 53314 (holotype, KUN; isotypes, GH, PE, US).
Frutex 1--4(--5) m altus; ramulis glabris, tenuistriatis. Folia elliptico-ovata, 8--14.5 cm longa, 3.3--6 cm lata, membranacea vel chartacea, glabra, undulata, reflexa, acuminata; nervis lateralibus 7--10 jugatis. Folia, sepala, corolla, ovarium, et fructus longitudinaliter glanduloso-striata. Inflorescentia paniculata, 5--12 cm longa, effusa; bracteolis ovatis; pedicellis ca. 1.5 mm longis. Sepala ovata, persistentia, basi connata, ciliata; corolla alba, brevi campanulata, lobis late ovatis vel subreniformis, tubo longioribus vel aequantibus, margine denticulata vel crenulata; staminibus ad medium tubi insertis, inclusis; ovario ovoideo. Fructus globosus, ca. 3 mm diametro, luteolus, sepalis prope ad summum fructus persistentibus.
Shrubs 1--4(--5) m tall. Branchlets slender, straight or sometimes recurved, glabrous, angulate and very slightly striate; older branches with lenticels. Petiole 1--2 cm long; leaf blade elliptic-ovate, 8--14.5 cm long, 3.3--6 cm wide, membranous to papery, glabrous on both surfaces, base cuneate, rounded, obtuse, or sometimes subtruncate, margin reflexed, shallowly or deeply undulate with subglandular teeth, apex long acuminate, somewhat curved; lateral veins 7--10 pairs, ending in teeth. Leaf blades, sepals, corolla lobes, ovaries, and fruits usually densely longitudinally glandular striate. Inflorescences paniculate, terminal or axillary, 5--12 cm long, effuse; bracteoles ovate, entire, longitudinally glandular striate. Pedicel ca. 1.5 mm long. Flowers white, ca. 2 mm long. Sepals ovate, persistent, united at base, ciliate, glabrous. Corolla short campanulate, lobes equaling tube or longer, broadly ovate or subreniform, margin minutely denticulate or crenulate, apex rounded. Stamens included, inserted at middle of corolla tube; anthers broadly ovate or reniform, as long as filaments. Pistil included; style short, persistent; stigma flattened, slightly lobed. Fruits yellowish, globose, ca. 3 mm diam.
Maesa striatocarpa is endemic to southeastern Yunnan, where it grows in dense broad-leaved forests and damp places and on hillsides at 1,300--1,800 m. It was treated by Chen (1977, 1979) as M. striata Mez var. opaca Pitard, but the latter is a different taxon with a leaf apex only slightly subrounded. The new species differs from the related M. montana A. de Candolle (SW to SE China, Indo-China, Thailand, and tropical India) in having elliptic-ovate leaves, glabrous branchlets and pedicels, and a distinctly longitudinally glandular striate calyx.
Paratypes. CHINA. Yunnan: Wenshan, alt. 1,900 m, 15 Jan. 1933, H. T. Tsai 51550 (GH, KUN, PE); Ping- bian, alt. 1,100 m, 20 June 1934, H. T. Tsai 60352 (GH, KUN, PE).
Maesa densistriata C. Chen & C. M. Hu, sp. nov. TYPE: China. Yunnan: Luxi, Zhefang, near Nongqiu, ca. 1,200 m, 2 Dec. 1958, C. Chen 461 (holotype, KUN; isotype, PE).
Frutex 1--2 m altus; ramulis angulatis, glabris, juvenis puberulis. Folia oblonga, elliptico- lanceolata, vel oblanceolata, 8.5--14 cm longa, 2.5--5.5 cm lata, chartacea, glabra, basi cuneata, serrata, dense longitudinaliter glanduloso striata, nervis lateralibus ca. 10-jugatis. Infructescentia 1.5--4 cm longa, paniculata, axillaris, glabra; bracteis lanceolatis, ca. 0.5 mm longis; bracteolis ovatis, glabris; pedicellis 1--2 mm longis. Floris ignotis. Fructus globosus, 3--4 mm diametro, paulo carnosus, glaber, eglandulosus; sepalis persistentibus ovato-triangularis, glabris, plus minusve ciliatis, apice glandulosis.
Shrubs 1--2 m tall. Branchlets angular, sparsely puberulent when young, glabrescent when mature. Petiole ca. 1.5 cm long; leaf blade oblong, elliptic-lanceolate to oblanceolate, 8.5--14 cm long, 2.5--5.5 cm wide, papery, glabrous on both surfaces, densely and minutely longitudinally glandular striate, base cuneate, margin serrate, apex acute or abruptly acuminate; midrib and lateral veins prominent especially abaxially, lateral veins ca. 10 pairs, ending in teeth. Infructescences axillary, paniculate, 1.5--4 cm long, many-branched, glabrous, inserted at leaf axils of 2-year-old branches; bracts lanceolate, ca. 0.5 mm long, bracteoles ovate, glabrous. Pedicel 1--2 mm long, glabrous. Flowers unknown. Fruits globose, 3--4 mm diam., somewhat fleshy, glabrous, not glandular; persistent sepals ovate-triangular, glabrous, glandular at tip, + ciliate.
Maesa densistriata is endemic to western Yunnan. It grows in sparse broad-leaved forests and shrubby areas and on sunny hillsides at ca. 1,900 m. It was treated by Chen (1979) as M. chisia Buchanan-Hamilton ex D. Don. The new species is distinguished from that taxon by its oblong, elliptic- lanceolate to oblanceolate leaves, lateral veins ending in teeth, and glabrous pedicels.
Paratypes. CHINA. Yunnan: Ruili, Mengxiu, alt. 900 m, 10 Dec. 1958, C. Chen 519 (KUN); Longlin, Yunlong Shan, alt. 1,510 m, 28 Dec. 1958, C. Chen 638 (KUN); Luxi, Jiangton, 7 Sep. 1958, S. K. Wen 580310 (KUN); Tengchong, Longtan laoqing, alt. 1,880--1,980 m, 19 Oct. 1960, W. Q. Yin 60--1366 (KUN).
Maesa longilanceolata C. Chen, sp. nov. TYPE: China. Yunnan: Gongshan, Kiukiang Valley, Taron, Monging, 1,350 m, 10 Sep. 1938, T. T. Yu 20190 (holotype, KUN; isotypes, GH, PE, US).
Frutex 1.5--2(--5) m altus, ramulis puberulis hirsutis. Folia oblongo-elliptica vel oblongo- lanceolata, 6--14 cm longa, 2.5--4.8 cm lata, chartacea, ad nervam strigosa vel fere glabra, 7 vel 8 jugatis. Inflorescentia axillaris, paniculata, 3--5 cm longa; bracteis lineari-lanceolatis, ca. 1 mm longis, bracteolis oblongo-ovatis vel ovatis, 0.6--0.8 mm longis, ciliatis; pedicellis 1.2--1.5 mm longis. Sepala late ovata, glabra, longitudinaliter glanduloso-striata; corolla alba, campanulata, tubo 1.2--1.5 mm longo, lobis subrotundis, erosis, vix tubum aequantibus, 3 glanduloso-nerviis. Fructus globosus vel ovoideus, 3--4 mm diametro, glaber, longitudinaliter costatus.
Shrubs 1.5--2(--5) m tall. Branchlets puberulent and hirsute, glabrescent, slenderly striate, slightly angular when young, cylindric when mature. Petiole 7--12 mm long, pubescent or hirsute; leaf blade oblong-elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, 6--14 cm long, 2.5--4.8 cm wide, papery, densely strigose along major veins and sparsely so or subglabrous on smaller ones, base broadly obtuse or subrounded, margin irregularly dentate on apical part with glandular-tipped teeth, entire toward base, apex acuminate or caudate-acuminate, rarely acute; midrib and lateral veins flattened adaxially, prominently raised abaxially, lateral veins 7 or 8 pairs, ending in teeth, glandular striate. Inflorescences axillary, paniculate, 3--5 cm long, hirsute, few-branched; bracts linear-lanceolate, puberulent, ca. 1 mm long; bracteoles oblong-ovate or ovate, 0.6--0.8 mm long, acute or acuminate, puberulent, ciliate. Pedicel 1.2--1.5 mm long, puberulent. Flowers white, ca. 2 mm long. Sepals broadly ovate, glabrous, short ciliate, longitudinally glandular striate, acute or subrounded at apex. Corolla campanulate, tube 1.2--1.5 mm long; lobes subrounded, erose, subequaling tube, 3 glandular-veined. Fruits globose or ovoid, 3--4 mm diam., glabrous, somewhat fleshy, longitudinally ribbed; persistent sepals meeting at about the conical style base, exposed part ca. 1/3 length of fruit.
Maesa longilanceolata is endemic to northwestern Yunnan, where it grows in or at margins of broad-leaved forests, on hillsides, in valleys, and along river banks at 1,250--1,800 m. It was treated by Chen (1977, 1979) as Maesa marionae Merrill. From the latter, the new species differs in having membranous to submembranous, oblong-elliptic or broadly oblong-lanceolate leaves 6--14 X 2.5--4.8 cm, which are glabrous or densely strigose along the main veins.
Paratypes. CHINA. Yunnan: Gongshan, Sep.--Oct. 1940, M. K. Feng 8124 (A, KUN); Gongshan, Lahan, alt. 1,800 m, 13 May 1960, NW Yunnan Expl. 8460 (KUN); Bijiang, alt. 1,300 m, 30 Aug. 1964, S. K. Wu 8545 (KUN).
Acknowledgment. I am indebted to Ihsan Al-Shehbaz for his help in the preparation of the manuscript.
Literature Cited
Chen, C. 1977. Myrsinaceae. Fl. Yunnan. 1: 313--384.
Chen, C. 1979. Myrsinaceae. Fl. Reipubl. Popularis Sin. 58: 1--147.