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Volume 17, No. 1 | January-June 2003 |
SPRING FNA COMMITTEE MEETINGS The FNA Board of Directors (formerly the Editorial Committee) has approved the reorganization of FNA in an effort to ensure efficient completion of the project (see "FNAA Reorganization Approved by Board," FNA Newsletter 16(3)). This restructuring includes assigning the tasks formerly done by the Management Committee to two new committees, the Executive Committee (EXC) and the Editorial Management Committee (EDMC). The former is charged with handling the business aspects of the FNA Association (FNAA), while the latter oversees the preparation and production of the volumes, which must appear at a rate of two per year if the project is to retain funding from the Chanticleer Foundation. The first meeting of both committees took place on 28 March 2003 at the Missouri Botanical Garden in St. Louis. The EXC unanimously elected Bob Kiger to the post of Chair of the Executive Committee for one year, while Jim Zarucchi was unanimously elected to serve a three-year term as Editorial Director. Other officers of the EXC are Peter Stevens, Executive Director; Ted Barkley, Secretary; and Nancy Morin, Treasurer. The EDMC includes Editorial Director Jim Zarucchi, Executive Director Peter Stevens, a yet-to-be-named Managing Editor, and representatives from the nomenclatural and bibliographic centers and each of the editorial centers, as well as other directors as elected by the Board of Directors. Prior to the March committee meetings, the FNAA Business Advisory Council met on 10 January 2003 at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, where it was announced that Chris Woods has resigned as director of the Chanticleer Foundation in order to accept a new position in California. His successor will be Bill Thomas, who has been with Longwood Gardens. The next meetings of the Board, EXC, and EDMC will take place in St. Louis in October, in conjunction with the 50th Annual Systematics Symposium (see related story, p. 7). |
UPDATE ON VOLUMES Volume 25, Poaceae, Part II, is now available from Oxford University
Press. The volume treats 733 species and six named interspecific hybrids.
The subfamilies treated are Aristidoideae, Arundinoideae, Centothecoideae,
Chloridoideae, Danthonioideae, and Panicoideae. All but one species are
illustrated. The Grass Center reports that the wrong plate appears on page
587; a PDF for the correct plate can be found at
http://herbarium.usu.edu/ Next to be published is Volume 4, Caryophyllidae, Part I, which is undergoing technical editing prior to electronic composition; five of the ten families have been put into PageMaker. Most illustrations have been completed, and the volume will be published by the end of this year. The volume will be dedicated in gratitude to the Chanticleer Foundation and its founder, Adolf Rosengarten, Jr. For volumes 19, 20, and 21, treatments for about two-thirds of the Compositae genera and three-fifths of the species are in hand, and about half of these have passed through regional review, with the other half in the reviewing process. A total of 14 tribes, 413 genera, and 2,504 species will be treated. The artists have begun to prepare the illustrations and publication is expected in 2004-2005. Volume 27, the first of the three bryophyte volumes, should be deliverable by late 2004 or early 2005. Volume 5, Caryophyllidae, Part II, is scheduled for 2005, but with manuscripts in hand or essentially assured for nearly all groups, it is possible that the volume may be completed and submitted in 2004. It is the goal of the FNA reorganization plan to complete all 30 volumes of the Flora by 2013. |
Botanical Research Institute of Texas Preparation of the FNA treatment of the Compositae (Asteraceae) proceeds on schedule at the Editorial Center at BRIT, and the product should be ready for publication at the end of 2004. At current count, 78 contributing authors and 19 reviewers and editors are taking part in the project. The product will be presented in volumes 19, 20, and 21 of the Flora. Volume 19 includes introductory materials and general keys plus the treatments of 9 tribes, covering 111 genera and 523 species; Volume 20 includes 2 tribes, 97 genera, and 829 species; and Volume 21 includes 3 tribes, 205 genera, and 1152 species. Volumes 19 and 20 will have abbreviated indices to genera, and Volume 21 will have the comprehensive index and bibliography for all three volumes. Manuscripts are in the editorial processes for 303 of the 413 genera currently recognized, and the remaining treatments are either in preparation or otherwise planned for. The Compositae Editorial Committee (CompEd) is no longer actively seeking additional contributing authors. Contributors whose treatments are not yet in hand are urged to complete their work as soon as possible. The family Compositae has been the object of much sophisticated study
in the past quarter century, and the results have caused extensive
rethinking of the taxonomy, particularly with regard to generic notions.
An important goal of the FNA Compositae program is to incorporate the
revised concepts into accessible floristic treatments, and thereby put the
new notions into play among the consumers of botanical information. The
CompEd recognizes that tribal concepts are in a state of flux, so for practical
reasons, the tribes recognized in the FNA Compositae are more or less
conventional. Tribal concepts are less likely to be of urgent concern to
consumers than are the generic concepts, which affect plant names.
-- Ted Barkley for the Compositae Editorial Committee (Ted Barkley, Luc
Brouillet, and John L. Strother).
Bryophyte Flora of North America The Editorial Center for Bryophytes is now established at the Missouri Botanical Garden, staffed by Richard H. Zander, Lead Editor, and Patricia M. Eckel, Artist/Technical Editor. As each editorial pass is completed for treatments in any of the three BFNA volumes, the treatments are assembled on the new Web site at http://ridgwaydb.mobot.org/bfna/bfnamenu.htm. Users can find help files through the "Participants" link, and can see who is assigned to which genus via the "Treatments" link. At present, Volume 27 (introductory chapters and acrocarpous mosses, Part 1) includes an estimated 125 genera and 609 species. Of these, 68 genera (56%) and 360 species (59%) have been submitted. Fifty-one genera (41%) and 172 species (28%) are finished. Volume 28 (acrocarpous mosses, Part 2, and pleurocarpous mosses) includes an estimated 192 genera and 633 species. Eighty-two genera (43%) and 227 species (36%) have been submitted; 50 genera (26%) and 99 species (16%) have been completed. Volume 29 (Hepaticae) includes an estimated 120 genera and 512 species. Of these, 17 genera (14%) and 88 species (17%) have been submitted, and 13 genera (11%) and 36 species (7%) are finished. Considerable new material has arrived lately and the staff is working to put this through the review process. The Editorial Center appreciates the generosity and kindness of the authors who have both submitted their treatments and accepted with understanding the stringent editorial format and style requirements of FNA. Authors, especially those contributing to Volume 27, are encouraged to submit their work as soon as possible, as there is now actually light at the end of the tunnel. Harvard University A number of identification keys are now available for the floras of China, Madagascar, North America, and the world, in a program called ActKey at the Harvard University Herbaria Editorial Center, http://flora.huh.harvard.edu:8080/actkey/index.jsp. Examples of relevance to FNA include the genera of Brassicaceae of the world, by Ihsan Al-Shehbaz; Salix (Salicaceae) of North America, by George W. Argus (also in Chinese); punched cards for angiosperm families, by B. Hansen and K. Rahn (also in Chinese and Spanish); Saururaceae of the world, by Xia Nianhe and Anthony R. Brach; and Trilliaceae (Trillium and Paris) of the world, by Susan B. Farmer. |
Characters with at least two contrasting states are used throughout. Among the features currently available for the Internet Explorer (6.0) and Netscape (7.02) browsers are character statistics and notes. Clicking on one of the characters in the left frame results in a second frame with a list of character states, followed by the number of taxa with that particular state. Language translations, dynamic lookups to related data and images, and various character list displays are further options. In addition to English, some of the keys also are available in Chinese and Spanish. Hong Song of the Missouri Botanical Garden developed this Java-based program using MySQL as the database server. Collaborators interested in sharing their DELTA-format datasets via this Web-based system may contact Hong Song, song@mobot.org, or Anthony R. Brach, brach@oeb.harvard.edu. Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation Several more Volume 5 treatments have been posted for review on the FNA ftp site within the past few months. In Caryophyllaceae, Cerastium, Corrigiola, Polycarpaea, Saponaria, Stellaria, Stipulicida, and Vaccaria have been posted, leaving just a handful of genera to be received. These seven treatments join the 14 others in Caryophyllaceae and 25 in Polygonaceae under review. Bob Kiger currently is bibliographically editing Volume 4 and has completed editing for 200 genera in the Compositae volumes. Technical Editor Mary Ann E. Schmidt has continued to assist with the editing of several families in Volume 4, most recently Amaranthaceae. ELECTRONIC RESOURCES INFOCOMP Provides Compositae Images The Botanische Staatssammlung München's INFOCOMP is a project that uses modern archiving techniques for traditional botanical resources to make them available globally and involves the digital imaging of Compositae nomenclatural types. Of the estimated 2,500 types held in the Munich public herbaria, 2,100 have been photographed, resulting in approximately 14,500 high-resolution digital images. The type material has been scientifically evaluated and the bibliographic information rigorously checked before being linked within the database. The type data is mostly complete and is now available at http://www.botanischestaatssammlung.de/ under "Projects" and "INFOCOMP." Although the primary geographical focus is Africa, Europe, and South America, anyone interested in the Compositae family may find |
these digital images helpful. Comments, questions, or updates may be sent
to Franz Schuhwerk,
schuhw@botanik.biologie.uni-muenchen.de, or Alison Davies,
USDA PLANTS Database Quadruples Image Library The USDA PLANTS Database ( http://plants.usda.gov) has added publication-quality images and vastly increased its image library. PLANTS has added all the drawings from Britton and Brown's classic Illustrated Flora of the Northern States and Canada, as well as the grass drawings from another classic long out of print, Hitchcock's Manual of the Grasses of the United States. With the addition of the four NRCS regional wetland floras and significant contributions from several photographers, PLANTS photos and drawings now number nearly 16,000. PLANTS welcomes image contributions. To learn more, see http://plants.usda.gov/photo_submit.html. NYBG Offers Virtual Herbarium Express The New York Botanical Garden Herbarium announces that its free software system, the Virtual Herbarium Express, is now available for download at http://www.nybg.org/bsci/vh/. The program can serve as both a field and herbarium tool for small- to mid-sized herbaria, or as a starter system for a larger institution that wishes to gain experience with an existing collection management software application before creating its own. VH Express is designed in the Microsoft Access XP format and can run as a stand-alone application on a desktop or notebook computer. Collection information is entered in a simple data-entry form and stored in relational tables. Updates and new applications will be posted from time to time, although the program will not be actively supported by NYBG due to funding constraints. Although current funding does not permit customization support for VH Express, users are welcome to modify the application to suit their own research needs, and are encouraged to contribute additional forms, reports, or alternative table structures to the online library. NYBG is willing to host as a separate catalog the data from those institutions that use VH Express but are not equipped to make their specimen data available in a searchable catalog. The VH Express software contains a utility that will format the user's data at the click of one button, so that it will be ready to send to NYBG for hosting. For more details, contact Tony Kirchgessner, tkirchgessner@nybg.org. |
WTU Database Online The University of Washington Herbarium (WTU) has created a Web site for accessing its electronic database. To visit the site, go to http://depts.washington.edu/wtu/home.htm and follow the link to the database. Users will also find a mapping program which displays the county-level distribution in Washington for each taxon in the database. To date, label data from 22,000 specimens have been entered, with more to come. Questions or comments on the database may be sent to wtu@u.washington.edu. Medical Botany Digitized at MBG The Missouri Botanical Garden is pleased to announce that William
Woodville's Medical Botany has now been digitized and can be viewed
online at
http://ridgwaydb.mobot.org/mobot/rarebooks/title.asp? Kew's ePIC Service Updated Kew Gardens has made several additions to ePIC, its online information resource recovery service at http://www.kew.org/epic/. The database now includes Kew's Economic Botany Collections, bibliographic references about plant micromorphology, information about seed storage characteristics, and an index of the scientific data on the Web site. Features will be extended over the next 18 months, and more databases will be added to the system. Comments may be sent to epicfeedback@kew.org. Plants of Wisconsin Available on New Web Site The Robert W. Freckmann Herbarium of the University of Wisconsin_Stevens Point announces a new Web site for the plants of Wisconsin at http://wisplants.uwsp.edu. The site contains thousands of photographs, distribution maps, easy-to-use identification guides, and numerous searchable features, including a specimen database. Major foci include vascular plants, Wisconsin plant communities, ethnobotany, bryology, and links to other sites. New additions will be posted often. Comments and suggestions may be directed to Merel A. Black, mblack@wisc.edu. |
Review: Flora Nordica, A Superb Series Flora Nordica, Volume 1: Lycopodiaceae_Polygonaceae, edited by Bengt Jonsell and Thomas Karlsson. 2000. Bergius Foundation, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. 344 pp., hardcover. $84.00 U.S. Flora Nordica, Volume 2: Chenopodiaceae to Fumariaceae, edited by Bengt Jonsell and Thomas Karlsson. 2001. Bergius Foundation, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. 430 pp., hardcover. $92.00 U.S. Flora Nordica is an outstanding floristic project with a number of similarities to our own Flora of North America, from the scope of their project to their organization, which consists of an editorial committee with members from each of the participating countries Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden with additional national advisors, and an editorial staff and illustrators. In the Preface, we learn that Flora Nordica "will include all vascular plants known to occur (or to have occurred in historical time) in Norden, except those known only as cultivated." About 4,600 species will be treated in several volumes, and the series will include a general volume with chapters on vegetation, the history of botanical exploration, a glossary, and a guide to herbaria and standard literature. Whereas the earliest Nordic floras were in Latin and subsequent ones in a Nordic language, Flora Nordica is written in English. The two volumes of Flora Nordica, which feature stunning dust jackets, are as attractive inside as out. Pages are packed without being crowded. Font changes reinforce the structure of topics. Keys are bracketed, diagnostic, parallel, and easy to read. Text is broken by pairs of maps, generally at the bottom of a column, and line illustrations and some SEM photographs. The excellent illustrations vary from full habit drawings to comparisons of diagnostic portions. Small font sizes provide economy of space for the keys and for the less than full but adequate treatment given to "casuals" and hybrids, as in the cases of Salix and Rumex in Volume 1 and the literally pages of microspecies of the Ranunculus auricomus complex in Volume 2. Each volume lists Literature Cited and has an index to vernacular and scientific names. Following each accepted name and basionym are the synonyms drawn from Nordic standard floras, extracted from a series of key references. Flora Nordica also includes types when they are based on Nordic material, and others when they are already known to treatment authors. Some lengthy discussions have been allowed within treatments to describe variation, present new information, and explain taxonomic decisions and evaluations of long-standing problems. |
The maps of Flora Nordica, intended to be seen "as visualized
checklists, stating occurrence, frequency and status for each province,"
are particularly outstanding. Maps are able to provide staggering and
wonderful detail, conveyed at a glance.
If you like floras, you'll love Flora Nordica. To Bengt Jonsell, Editor-in-Chief; Thomas Karlsson, Executive Editor; and to all the participants, I offer congratulations. It should be noted that The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has provided long-term funds to the Bergius Foundation to support editing and small grants to collaborators for work in the field and at herbaria. To order a copy of one or both volumes, visit the Koeltz Scientific Books Web site, http://www.koeltz.com. -- David F. Murray, University of Alaska Fairbanks Review: Wild Orchids of North America The Wild Orchids of North America, North of Mexico, by Paul Martin Brown. 2003. University of Florida Press, 15 NW 15th St., Gainesville, FL 32611-2079 (800-226-3822; http://www.upf.com). Xii, 236 pp., numerous photos and illustrations. Flexibind $27.95 (ISBN 0-8130-2572-9); hardcover $49.95 (ISBN 0-8130-2571-0). The native orchids of North America hold a special fascination for wildflower lovers and conservationists, who are blessed with a number of excellent field guides and floristic accounts for the more than 200 mostly native species, including the recent magnum opus in FNA Volume 26. The demand for such volumes seems limitless and, as with bird books, each new orchid tome is almost certain to be a good seller for the publisher. Paul Martin Brown has been at the forefront of amateur orchidology in the United States and Canada for many years. Founder and editor of the North American Native Orchid Journal, he has also written three previous field guides and was an important contributor in the production of the FNA orchid treatments. His firsthand knowledge of these plants across the FNA region is enviable, reflecting both decades of hard work and a deep love for his subject. This new book amounts to an illustrated alphabetical (by genus and species) catalog of the orchids growing outside cultivation in the United States (excluding Hawaii) and Canada. For each species, there are one or more photographs, a black-and-white drawing, a brief synonymy, a statement of abundance and range, and brief notes. For the adventurous, there are also 17 pages of identification keys following the main treatment. An appendix of excluded taxa is followed by a corrigenda for Carlyle Luer's two (1972, 1975, both now out of print) monumental coffee table- |
sized works on North American orchids, as well as a glossary and bibliography.
At the very end, an abbreviated checklist is demarcated on blue paper.
Wild Orchids stands alone as a self-contained annotated checklist, field guide, and identification key to the region's Orchidaceae. Because it mostly follows the nomenclature adopted in FNA Volume 26, Brown's book complements that volume well and serves as a nice supplement. Readers of FNA interested in orchids will find here a much more thoroughly illustrated treatment that pays special attention to color forms and other variation within the species (with publication citation for each named taxon!). The listing of hybrids is also quite useful. The distributional information, descriptions, and taxonomic discussions in FNA make it indispensible to the serious student of orchidology, but "Big Green" is more of an encyclopedia than a book for the daypack, and Wild Orchids is likely to be less daunting to the beginner. The photographs by Brown and 19 contributors are serviceable but a bit uneven in sharpness and contrast in comparison to some other regional orchid guides published in recent years. In some cases a better photograph might not have been available, but the printer also may have contributed to the problems. Because the majority of the photos are close-ups of flowers or portions of inflorescences, the pen and ink habit drawings of mostly the habit of each orchid by Stan Folsom are an especially important part of the book. The drawings are well composed, although a few were reduced too much from the original size, with some details obscured to blackened regions. The convenient size of Wild Orchids makes it suitable for both home use and in the field. The binding on my "flexibind" copy (stiff soft covers with fascicles of pages sewn into the binding) is tight and durable, and the fold-out endflaps with a ruler along the margin both facilitate measurements and make convenient placeholders for pages in the book. For those who might be planning an "eco-vacation" across the country and who need a single compact reference to all of the orchids, this new volume will do the job very well. -- George Yatskievych, Missouri Botanical Garden New Publications from MBG Press The Missouri Botanical Garden Press published two new works in April of this year. Tarweeds and Silverswords: Evolution of the Madiinae (Asteraceae), edited by Sherwin Carlquist, Bruce G. Baldwin, and Gerald D. Carr, introduces the Madiinae, of which tarweeds and silverswords represent a singular example of adaptive radiation and speciation. Included are phylogeny and taxonomy of the Madiinae, a modern analysis of their macro- and microevolution, and molecular investigations. Also profiled are |
their trichomes and anatomies of leaf and wood. More information on
the book and the Madiinae is available at
http://www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/ tarweeds.htm. The Flora of China, Volume 9, Pittosporaceae through Connaraceae, by Wu Zhengyi and Peter H. Raven, series editors, treats Pittosporaceae (pittosporum), Hamamelidaceae (witch hazel), Eucommiaceae (eucommia), Rosaceae (roses), Plantanaceae (plane or sycamore), and Connaraceae (connarus), represented in China by some 1,050 species. This is latest volume in the 25-volume series. Additional works of interest were published by MBG Press earlier this year and in 2002. R. P. Randall's A Global Compendium of Weeds offers almost 21,000 entries, as well as a comprehensive index containing more than 15,000 alternate scientific names and 27,000 common names in numerous languages. The English Version of the Moss Flora of China, Volume 3: Grimmiaceae through Tetraphidaceae, edited by Gao Chien, Marshall R. Crosby, and Si He, is the latest installment in the series and the fourth volume to be published. It treats 21 genera and 104 specific and intraspecific taxa in Grimmiaceae, Ephemeraceae, Funariaceae, Splachnaceae, Splachnobryaceae, Oedipodiaceae, and Tetraphidaceae. The latest in the Flora of Pakistan series, No. 209, Crassulaceae, by Ghulam Rasool Sarwar, includes the genera Tillaea, Sedum, Bryophyllum, Kalanchoe, Pseudosedum, Rhodiola, Hylotelephium, Orostachys, and Rosularia. To order these or any MBG Press publications, contact the Missouri Botanical Garden, MBG Press Orders, P.O. Box 299, St. Louis, MO 63166-0299; (877) 271-1930 or (314) 577-9534; fax (314) 577-9591; mbgpress@mobot.org; or online at http://ridgwaydb.mobot.org/mbgpress/default.asp. New Publications from BRIT Press Sida, Botanical Miscellany (SBM), the journal published by BRIT Press, offers several new works. Ruth Ginsberg's Lloyd Herbert Shinners: By Himself (SBM 22) is a biography of a man described as "one of the strongest and most interesting workers in the entire field of systematic botany in the United States." Told largely in his own words, it is a story of great personal ambition and struggle. In addition to a discussion of his life and career, the book relates Shinners' efforts to establish an exemplary botany program at Southern Methodist University. His previously unpublished Phylogeny in Five Dimensions is printed as an example of his philosophy. |
George F. Freytag and Daniel G. Debouck's treatment of the genus
Phaseolus (SBM 23) was published late last year.
Taxonomy, Distribution, and Ecology of the Genus Phaseolus
(Leguminosae_Papillonoideae) in North America, Mexico, and Central
America encompasses the geographical area from Panama northward. The
authors recognize 15 sections based on major morphological differences of
previously recognized species and describe 44 new taxa, many of which are
of subspecific rank. Data about geographic distribution, ecology,
habitats, and species affinities are presented.
The Atlas of the Vascular Plants of Texas, Volume 1: Dicots, and Volume 2: Monocots, Ferns, and Gymnosperms (SBM 24), by Billie Lee Turner, Holly Nichols, Geoffrey C. Denny, and Oded Doron, was published in April. These two volumes provide county-level dot maps for about 6,000 taxa of vascular plants native and naturalized in Texas. An introduction, index, and maps of all 254 Texas counties, as well as floristic and vegetational regions, provide additional clarification and assistance in using the atlas. Thirty-seven nomenclatural combinations at specific and infraspecific rank are made in Acanthaceae, Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Brassicaceae, Caprifoliaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Garryaceae, Nyctaginaceae, Onagraceae, Polemoniaceae, Portulacaceae, Rubiaceae, Sapotaceae, and Viscaceae. To order any of these publications, contact Yonie Hudson, Publications Assistant, Botanical Research Institute of Texas, 509 Pecan St., Fort Worth, TX 76102-4060; (817) 332-4441; fax (817) 332-4112; yhudson@brit.org; or visit the BRIT Press Web site, http://www.brit.org/Publications/Index.htm. New Publications on Indian Flora Bagchee Associates of New Delhi, India, recently has published several works on Indian flora that may be of interest. These works include Notothylaceae of India and Nepal, by D. K. Singh; Taxonomy of Angiosperms, by T. Pullaiah; and Volume I of the Flora of Mizoram, which treats Ranunculaceae_Asteraceae. For information on ordering these or any other books from the publisher, visit http://www.bagchee.com. RECENT BOTANICAL JOURNALS The New Mexico Botanist, issued jointly by the Range Science Herbarium and the Cooperative Extension Service of New Mexico State University, Number 27. Reporting new records for the state, as well as brief taxonomic and floristic articles. Latest issue available at http://web.nmsu.edu/~kallred/herbweb/newpage3.htm. Vulpia, Contributions from the North Carolina State University Herbarium, Volume 2. A searchable archive has been added since the publication of Volume 1. Available at http://www.vulpia.ncsu.edu. |
MBG Hosts 50th Annual Systematics Symposium The Missouri Botanical Garden will host the 50th Annual Systematics
Symposium, celebrating the 250th anniversary of the publication of
Species Plantarum, on 10_11 October 2003. This year's theme is
"Species Reconsidered: Consequences for Biodiversity and Evolution." The
registration fee is $75.00. For an application, as well as more
information on the symposium, including a schedule and details about the
$250 Delzie Demaree Travel Award available to graduate students, visit the
symposium Web site,
http://www.mobot.org/MOBOT/research/symposium/ Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Awarded IMLS Grant The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has awarded the Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden a Conservation Project Support grant totaling $35,324. The funds will be used to improve the Garden's management of plant displays by inventorying the third of four sections of the Garden's living collection of California native plants. The grant will be a valuable resource in helping maintain the health of the plants, thereby ensuring their beauty and educational value for thousands of visitors each year. The Garden is one of 86 museums approved for funding by IMLS. NMSU Welcomes New Plant Systematist The Biology Department at New Mexico State University welcomes its new plant systematist, Dr. C. Donovan Bailey, replacing Dr. Richard Spellenberg, who will remain associated with the department as an emeritus professor. Dr. Bailey will also curate the Biology Department Herbarium (NMC), and correspondence may be addressed to him. He comes to NMSU from a three-year postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Oxford, England, where he was working with molecular systematics of Leucaena. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University, working with systematics and evolution of Brassicaceae, with an emphasis on Sphaerocardamum. |
International Phylogenetic Nomenclature Meeting Announced for 2004
The First International Phylogenetic Nomenclature Meeting will be held in Paris 28 June to 1 July 2004. Papers presented at the meeting will be assembled into a symposium volume, the publication of which will coincide with the implementation of the PhyloCode. This volume will represent the official starting point of phylogenetic nomenclature as implemented in the PhyloCode, and the names defined within it will be the first ones established under the new code. All interested systematists are cordially invited to participate in this historic meeting. For more details, see http://systbiol.org. To receive further announcements about the meeting, including registration information, write to M. Laurin, laurin@ccr.jussieu.fr, with "PhyloCode 2004 meeting" as the subject. POSITIONS AVAILABLE POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP, SIU. Beginning 1 September 2003, a postdoctoral fellowship is available in monographic and phylogenetic studies of several simple thalloid liverworts as part of an NSF-funded PEET project. Additional information about the project and its research team can be found at http://bryophytes.plant.siu.edu/. Interested applicants should send a curriculum vitae, a brief statement of research background, and the names of two references to Dr. Barbara Crandall-Stotler, Department of Plant Biology, Mail Code 6509, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901-6509; crandall@plant.siu.edu. Application review will begin on 15 July and will continue until the position is filled. VISITING ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, MIAMI UNIVERSITY. The Botany Department of Miami University, Oxford,OH, seeks an assistant professor for the 2003_2004 school year, an appointment renewable for a second academic year pending satisfactory performance and funding. Review of applications is underway and will continue until the position is filled. To apply, send a cover letter addressing teaching experience and effectiveness, a CV, and the names and contact information of three references to Linda E. Watson, Chair, Department of Botany, 316 Pearson Hall, Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056; (513) 529-4200; watsonle@muohio.edu. Information on the Botany Department is available at http://www.cas.muohio.edu/botany/. |
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