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Volume 15, No. 1 | January-March 2001 |
FNA GLOSSARY NOW IN PRINT Categorical Glossary for the Flora of North America Project, by Robert W. Kiger and Duncan M. Porter. 2001. Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation. 165 pp., stiff paper cover. ISBN 0-913196-70-3. $5.00. The new Categorical Glossary for the Flora of North America Project is now available. This selective glossary attempts to reconcile, integrate, and codify the traditional terminology of plant-taxonomic description, and should be especially useful for computer-based comparative databanking of such information. It covers a high proportion of the total complement of structures, characters, and character states pertinent to detailed conventional description of the morphology and higher-level anatomy of plants other than algae. The main body of the glossary is organized alphabetically by term and includes both descriptands and descriptors. A total of 2,627 terms are defined. Following the definitions is a conspectus that lists the terms by category and indicates their synonyms, which makes it easier to survey and choose from among the slate of terms applicable in a given category. The Categorical Glossary is the project's standard resource for those writing or editing morphological descriptions. All authors of treatments are being sent complimentary copies of the glossary. If you are an author and have not yet received your copy, please contact your taxon editor, who will arrange to have one sent to you. The glossary is also available as a searchable database on the FNA Web site, hua.huh.harvard.edu/FNA/, and also through the Hunt Institute site, huntbot.andrew.cmu.edu. Anyone who wishes to purchase a copy of the glossary may do so by contacting the Hunt Institute for Botanical Documentation, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890; (412) 268-2434, fax (412) 268-5677; or online at http://huntbot.andrew.cmu.edu/HIBD/. |
CHANTICLEER FOUNDATION APPROVES CONTINUED FUNDING FOR FNA The Chanticleer Foundation awarded the Flora of North America project $628,000 for 2001. This is the second year of an anticipated six years of funding, contingent on production of two volumes per year. Only Volume 22 was published early in 2000, but the Foundation understood that FNA needed time to gear up to the accelerated production schedule and accepted our promise that three volumes (23, 26, and 4) will be published in 2001. The 2001 grant includes funding for a full-time, paid Executive Director, who will oversee operations, including technology needs, product development, and production schedules, and will also seek additional funding. The Chanticleer Foundation, located in Wayne, Pennsylvania, was created to support Chanticleer, a pleasure garden. The Foundation, which is not a grant-making organization, also wanted to fund selected projects that would provide professional horticultural enrichment and educational resources locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally. Last year it chose to fund FNA as a nationally and internationally important project, making a six-year funding commitment based on production. Chanticleer Director Christopher Woods is a tremendous advocate for the importance of the Flora project and serves on FNA's Business Advisory Council. FNA is grateful to Mr. Woods and to the Chanticleer Foundation for their generous support. VOLUME 4 CHENOPODIACEAE READY FOR REVIEW All draft treatments of the Chenopodiaceae, approximately 175 species, are ready for review. Regional reviewers will find treatments on the FNA ftp site as usual. In addition, treatments are available freely on the FNA Web site on the "Unpublished" page at http://hua.huh.harvard.edu/FNA/. Comments are welcomed. Special thanks to authors Stanley Welsh, Steven Clemants, Sergei Mosyakin, Peter Ball, Wayne Ferren, Zhu Ge-lin, Mathew Hils, Noel Holmgren, Jochen Schenk, Leila Shultz, and John Thieret for their timely work. |
PLANTS Database News A new classification report allows users to see each plant in its phylogenetic place as indicated by the higher classification used in PLANTS. From there users can jump to Plant Profiles, or download their chosen portion of the hierarchy. PLANTS now provides a new liverwort checklist for all the accepted liverwort names in North America. Special thanks goes to Drs. Ray Stotler and Barbara Crandall-Stotler for this compilation. Synonyms will be available soon, perhaps by mid 2001. Led by colleagues at the NRCS Information Technology Center, PLANTS installed a new server to speed Web service. Further performance enhancements are coming soon. Plant Guides and Fact Sheets have been consolidated into one location and can be chosen from a single list reached from the green menu bar, the Topics box, or Quick Jump. Many more have also been added so that 262 species are covered by Plant Guides in convenient document and .pdf formats. These guides focus on native and culturally significant plants. PLANTS was selected recently by the Government Executive magazine as one of the "Best Feds on the Web" sites. For further information, please visit http://plants.usda.gov. Research and Collecting Permits from the National Park Service The U.S. National Park Service (NPS) has created an
Internet-based site for its Research and Collecting Permits.
The site,
http://science.nature.nps.gov/, covers all National
Park Units in the United States. The site has been
designed to be a comprehensive location for researchers to have the
opportunity to review procedures, previous research efforts, policies,
and conditional requirements before submitting a new proposal; to search
NPS-identified research preferences (the system is new and park staff
may not provide this information for several months); to
complete and submit an application for a permit; and to file
required Investigator's Annual Reports via the Internet.
The NPS encourages scientists, agencies, nonprofits, and all researchers and research institutions to consider the U.S. National Parks as a good place for science that provides public benefits to all citizens. For additional information, contact Jonathan Bayless, Wildlife Biologist, Pacific Great Basin Support Office, San Francisco, CA; phone (415) 427-1427; jonathan_w_bayless@nps.gov. Index Herbariorum and Plant Specialists Index Updated Updated information for 2,241 herbaria (71% of the total number) and 7,869 people (83%) in 142 countries (86%) listed in Index Herbariorum, Edition 8, and its supplements (published in Taxon) are available for searching by institution, city, state, acronym, staff member, correspondent, and research specialty at http://www.nybg.org/bsci/ih/ih.html. Telephone and fax numbers, e-mail addresses, and Web sites are also included. The Index is fully searchable on research specialty, so it also serves as a Plant Specialists Index. Please review the entry for your herbarium. Send any updates and corrections to Dr. Patricia K. Holmgren, pholmgren@nybg.org. Updated information is available for all herbaria registered in Index Herbariorum in the following countries: Alderney, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fiji, Finland, French Guiana, French Polynesia, Gabon, Greenland, Guadeloupe, Guam, Guatemala, Guernsey, Guyana, Honduras, Iceland, Ireland, Jamaica, Jersey, Jordan, Lebanon, Lesotho, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malawi, Mauritius, Moldova, Mozambique, Namibia, Nepal, New Caledonia, Norway, Oman, Panama, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Seychelles, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Togo, Trinidad, United States, Vietnam, Virgin Islands, Yemen, Yugoslavia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Updated information is available for 75-99% of the herbaria in: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Egypt, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Romania, Spain, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Uganda, and Uruguay. Updated information is available for 50-74% of the herbaria in: Colombia, Ecuador, Hungary, India, Iraq, Isle of Man, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, |
Libya, Malaysia, Morocco, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Pakistan,
Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Republic of China, Senegal, Slovakia,
Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine, and Venezuela.
Updated information is available for 25-49% of the herbaria in: Dominican Republic, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Myanmar, Paraguay, Russia, Sudan, Turkmenistan, and United Kingdom. Updated information is available for 1-24% of the herbaria in the People's Republic of China. No updated information is available for the herbaria in: Afghanistan, Algeria, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Haiti, Ivory Coast, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Liberia, Madagascar, Malta, Mongolia, Niger, People's Republic of the Congo, Réunion, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Tajikistan, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, and Zaire. This file will be updated every few months, so please send any new or corrected information to Drs. Patricia K. or Noel H. Holmgren, nholmgren@nybg.org. Linnaean Works Catalog Digitized Soulsby's comprehensive catalog of the works of Linnaeus and the indexes to it are now available on the Linnaeus Link Project Web site, http://www.nhm.ac.uk/library/linn/linndoc.html. The site includes a catalog of the works of Linnaeus by Basil H. Soulsby, Second Edition, 1933, preserved in the libraries of the British Museum (Bloomsbury) and the British Museum of Natural History (South Kensington; now the British Library and The Natural History Museum), as well as an index to authors other than Linnaeus who are mentioned in C. Davies Sherborn's catalog of the works of Linnaeus, Second Edition, 1933 (1936), also preserved in the libraries of the British Museum. This information was digitized thanks to HEDS (Higher Education Digitisation Service), and the mounting and quality checks on the Web site were done by Anne Freeman and Carol Gokce (C.Gokce@nhm.ac.uk). REPORT ON THE COMPOSITAE The Compositae Editorial Committee (CompEd) currently recognizes 416 |
genera of Compositae occurring in
North America north of Mexico; 329 are assigned to
contributing authors and 87 remain unassigned. These unassigned
genera are listed on page three, and we hope that fellow
botanists will be inspired to volunteer to prepare treatments for
them. (A list of all genera currently recognized by the CompEd
for FNA and their assigned authors is available from Dr.
Ted Barkley, whose e-mail address is given below).
One of the CompEd's goals is to incorporate the current understanding of taxonomic concepts into FNA. Consequently, the generic concepts proposed for FNA differ somewhat from those of floristic works of the past. The CompEd believes, however, that these revised generic concepts are justified by recent studies and that they are the way of the future. The composites will be treated in FNA volumes 19, 20, and 21, scheduled for publication in 2004. Treatments are accepted gladly from contributors at any time, and it is hoped that all manuscripts will be in hand by early 2002 in order to allow sufficient time for editing and integrating the treatments and keys. Treatments are to be prepared in accord with the FNA Guide for Contributors and the supplement for Compositae; both are available at the FNA Web site ( http://hua.huh.harvard. edu/FNA/contributors.html), or by hard copy from Dr. Barkley. Contributors are asked to submit a sequence-of-species list early in their work. This will be used in planning the positions of illustrations and maps in the finished volumes. These illustrations will be prepared and coordinated for publication by FNA staff. Distribution maps may be based upon the maps in the "Synthesis of the North American Flora" (Kartesz 1999). Those maps are of minimal detail, and therefore contributors are encouraged to add more detail if possible, within the constraints of time and resources. The maps will be prepared by FNA staff for publication. Botanists who may be interested in contributing
treatments of Compositae are invited to contact the taxon editor for
the relevant tribe, as noted on the list of unassigned genera.
At the risk of sounding excessively enthusiastic, the
CompEd believes this project to be the definitive catalog of our
generation's understanding of the Compositae in the Flora area.
We hope that others will agree and will be ready to
contribute their expertise. Members of the CompEd are Drs. Ted
Barkley (barkley@brit.org), Luc Brouillet
(brouille@irbv. umontreal.ca),
and John L. Strother
(strother@uclink4.berke |
Contributors are needed for the Compositae genera listed below. The name of
the tribe is given first, followed by the name of the taxon editor and then
the unassigned genera.
Anthemideae (Ted Barkley): Hulteniella and Pentzia. Astereae (Luc Brouillet): Acamptopappus, Almutaster, Amphiachyris, Amphipappus, Aphanostephus, Bigelowia, Boltonia, Calotis, Centipeda, Chaetopappa, Chrysoma, Chrysothamnus, Columbiadoria, Croptilon, Dichaetophora, Eastwoodia, Egletes, Ericameria, Euthamia, Gutierrezia, Gymnosperma, Hazardia, Hesperodoria, Ionactis, Isocoma, Macronema, Monoptilon, Oonopsis, Oreochrysum, Oreostemma, Pentachaeta, Petradoria, Pyrrocoma, Rayjacksonia, Sericocarpus, Stenotus, Thurovia, Tonestus, Tripolium, Vanclevea, Xanthocephalum, Xylorhiza, and Xylothamia. Eupatorieae (Ted Barkley): Adenostemma, Ageratum, Asanthus, Brickellia, Brickelliastrum, Carminatia, Carphochaete, Conoclinium, Critonia, Fleischmannia, Garberia, Hartwrightia, Malperia, Stevia, and Trichocoronis. Heliantheae (Ted Barkley): Acanthospermum, Balduina, Chrysogonum, Coreocarpus, Coreopsis, Engelmannia, Hymenopappus, Lagascea, Lindheimera, Melampodium, Silphium, and Thelesperma. Lactuceae (Luc Brouillet): Agoseris, Anisocoma, Atrichoseris, Glyptopleura, Hieracium, Mycelis, Scorzonella, and Youngia. Mutisieae (Ted Barkley): Trixis. Senecioneae (Ted Barkley): Arnoglossum, Arnoseris, Doronicum, Euryops, and Hasteola. Vernonieae (Ted Barkley): Vernonia. [Reference: Kartesz, J. T. 1999. A synonymized checklist and atlas with biological attributes for the vascular flora of the United States, Canada, and Greenland. In: Kartesz, J. T. and C. A. Meacham. Synthesis of the North American Flora, Version 1.0. North Carolina Botanical Garden. Chapel Hill. (CD-ROM).] RUPERT BARNEBY FUND AND AWARD Dr. Colin E. Hughes Named Winner for 2001 The New York Botanical Garden is pleased to announce that Dr. Colin E. Hughes, currently a Royal Society University Research Fellow at the Department of Plant Sciences, University of Oxford, is the recipient of the Rupert Barneby Award for the year 2001. Dr. Hughes will be studying the systematics of Andean Lupinus as part of a larger monographic study to establish a new infrageneric classification of the genus and to investigate a number of more fundamental biogeographic, domestication, and evolutionary questions. Candidates Invited to Apply for 2002 Award The NYBG is now accepting applications for the Rupert Barneby Award for the year 2002. The $1,000 grant is to be used to assist researchers to visit NYBG to study the rich collection of Leguminosae housed there. Anyone interested in applying for the award should submit their curriculum vitae, a detailed letter describing the project for which the award is sought, and the |
names and addresses of two or three references. Travel to
the NYBG should be planned for sometime during 2002. Address applications to
Dr. James L. Luteyn, Institute of Systematic Botany, The New York Botanical
Garden, 200th Street & Kazimiroff Boulevard, Bronx, NY
10458-5126. The deadline to apply is 1 December 2001, and announcement of the
recipient will be made on 15 December.
Barneby Fund Contributions Welcome The Rupert Barneby Fund for Research in Legume Systematics was established at NYBG in 1991 to honor Dr. Barneby by institutionalizing his legacy. The Fund has three purposes specifically chosen to reflect Dr. Barneby's wishes: first, to support legume research at NYBG; second, to provide monies to bring legume researchers from around the world to the Garden for extended visits to study the collections Dr. Barneby so painstakingly worked to improve; and third, to provide eventually an endowed chair for a legume researcher at the Garden. Since 1991, the Fund has annually sponsored the competitive Rupert Barneby Award, described in the above article. The money for the Fund comes from a variety of sources, but primarily through private gifts. Anyone interested in making a contribution, large or small, to The Rupert Barneby Fund for Research in Legume Systematics, which supports this award, may send his or her check, payable to The New York Botanical Garden, to Dr. James L. Luteyn (address above). The New York Botanical Garden is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt organization. Each gift to The Rupert Barneby Fund for Research in Legume Systematics will be duly acknowledged by the Garden for its intent and for tax purposes. PUBLICATIONS Second Edition of The Flora of New Brunswick Published The Flora of New Brunswick: A Manual for the Identification of the Vascular Plants of New Brunswick, Canada, by Harold Royal Hinds; introductory contributions by S. R. Clayden and C. Mary Young, with assistance of specialists in some groups. 2000. University of New Brunswick. 700 pp., waterproof softcover. ISBN 1-55131-015-5. $50, plus $8 shipping and handling. This revised edition of The Flora of New Brunswick includes a considerable amount of information not provided in the first edition, including the translation of the generic names; Mi'k Mac and Malacite plant names; up-to-date scientific names and synonyms; a revised glossary and a comprehensive index; approximately 1,500 black and white illustrations and maps; symbols and information about toxic, medicinal, rare, and endangered plants and other plant lore; lists of plants to look for in the vicinity of neighboring states and provinces; a tabulated breakdown of the various groups of plants; a comprehensive bibliography; and a new section contributed by Stephen Clayden, Curator of Botany at the New Brunswick Museum, on the history, physical setting, and regional variation of the flora. To order a copy, write to Marni Turnbull, Biology Department, University of New Brunswick, Bag Service #4511, Fredericton, N.B., Canada E3B 6E1; phone (506) 453-4583; fax (506) 453-3583. Order forms can also be downloaded at the University of New Brunswick Web site, http://www.unb.ca/. Checks should be made payable to the University of New Brunswick _ Flora of New Brunswick. |
Plant Taxonomist and Project Leader, University of Reading The Centre for Plant Diversity and Systematics at the University of Reading is in search of an accomplished plant taxonomist, skilled in floristics, to work as part of a team on the floras of Europe and the Mediterranean. The position will be in the Euro+Med PlantBase Secretariat (part of the Centre for Plant Diversity and Systematics) at the School of Plant Sciences. This post will last for up to two and a half years,under an E.U. contract, on the post-doctoral research assistant scale. This challenging position involves leading the taxonomic effort in the Euro+Med PlantBase Secretariat, with others in the team assisting with database management and taxonomic editing; it also includes working on floristic treatments and checklists for inclusion in an online database that will be built from the Flora Europaea and MedChecklist. The successful candidate should have experience as a plant taxonomist, knowledge of the European flora, and project management and communication skills. The Coordinating Center at Reading leads ten other European Centres in this EU RTD Project, and involves working with an extensive network of experts throughout the Euro-Mediterranean region; therefore the candidate must be willing to travel a good deal in this area. Computer literacy is required and language skills are a plus. For more information, contact Dr. Stephen L. Jury, Euro+Med Secretariat, Centre for Plant Diversity and Systematics, Plant Science Laboratories, The University of Reading, Whiteknights, P.O. Box 221, Reading RG6 6AS, United Kingdom; phone +44 118 931 8160; fax +44 118 975 3676; s.l.jury@reading.ac.uk; http://www.euromed.org.uk/. Librarian, Botanical Research Institute of Texas The Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT) is in search of a librarian to organize and manage a collection of approximately 73,000 volumes, with a growth rate of several thousand volumes per year. In addition, the librarian will recommend and oversee the installation of an online library system; introduce other online services; handle the reference and interlibrary loan needs of the BRIT staff; and provide administrative and long-range planning and development. A Master's degree in library or information science from an ALA accredited program is required. Candidates should also possess knowledge of library management techniques, resource sharing, networking, and automated library systems; of general and specialized reference tools, including online information resources; and of conservation and preservation principles and methods, as well as comprehension of descriptive cataloging, classification, AACR2, and OCLC. The candidate should be able to work both independently and with research and other staff, the Board of Trustees, and the community at large, adapting readily to changes in conditions or assignments; to supervise volunteers; and to understand and accept BRIT's mission and goals, which are to conserve our natural heritage by deepening our knowledge of the plant world and achieving public understanding of the value plants bring to life. |
BRIT, an equal opportunity employer, offers an excellent benefits package, retirement
program, and sick and vacation leave.
Applicants should send a letter of application, resume, and salary requirements to the Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Human Resources, Attn: Marilyn McCullough, 509 Pecan Street, Fort Worth, TX 76102-4060. The position will remain open until it is filled. Curatorial Assistant, Harvard University Herbaria The Harvard University Herbaria (HUH) is in need of a curatorial assistant in the Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Department. The assistant will help with curation of vascular plant collection and processing of loans; orient and assist HUH users; answer correspondence related to collections; update the collection according to recently published monographs; perform clerical functions related to the loan and exchange of specimens using a computerized database; assist in preparing specimen labels and keeping records; inspect collections for insect infestation and treat material according to standard herbarium procedures; assist curators in standardizing names within the Plant Names Project authority data records; improve the consistency and accuracy of the data in the International Plant Names Index; and check and edit nomenclature and bibliographic records for the Plant Names Project. Applicants must have a college degree, with specialized courses pertaining to the taxonomy of vascular plants and herbarium/museum collections preferred; data entry and computer skills; strong interpersonal, verbal, and written communication skills; the ability to work independently and in a team environment; and be able to lift up to forty pounds. Excellent problem solving, organizational, planning, and management skills are a must. Send letter of application and curriculum vitae to Mary Reynolds, OEB Financial Office, 26 Oxford Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. The job posting can be viewed at http://jobs.harvard.edu/jobs/, and applicants may also apply online at this site. Harvard is an equal opportunity employer committed to diversity. Please note that upon submitting their credentials, job candidates will become a part of Harvard's new applicant database and therefore may be considered for other suitable positions at the university. Plant Taxonomist, Brooklyn Botanic Garden The Brooklyn Botanic Garden seeks a plant taxonomist/systematist with an interest in floristics to join the team writing the New York Metropolitan Flora (for more information, see http://www.bbg.org/research/nymf/index.html). Duties include writing vascular plant descriptions and keys in DELTA language format; performing taxonomic research related to flora; and pursuing other systematics research interests using traditional and/or modern methods. On-site facilities include a herbarium of local flora with over 250,000 accessions, a 57,000-volume research library, and a laboratory equipped for anatomical and molecular techniques. There is also an opportunity to teach at high school and graduate levels. |
Requirements include a Ph.D. or Master's (with experience) degree in Plant Taxonomy/Systematics, demonstrated ability to write descriptions and keys, and the ability to work both independently and as a team member of the research staff. Field experience and knowledge of northeastern flora, GIS, and database systems are preferred. Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, a letter stating their research interests and goals, and the names and addresses of three references to Human Resources, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 1000 Washington Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11225; fax (718) 622-7826. Review of applications will begin on 16 April 2001. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden is an equal opportunity employer. OTHER NEWS BFNA Adds Authors, Increases Map Size The Bryophyte Flora of North America (BFNA, volumes 27_29) has received offers from several botanists to do treatments of unassigned genera. The number of unassigned genera is now down to about 25. Responding to many complaints of poor map readability, the Editorial Center at Buffalo has been working with OUP to increase the size of the maps. The bryophyte volumes may have three maps, each two inches wide (increased from 1.4 inches wide), at the bottom of a page. Other options are also being considered. To date, 36 bryophyte genera have been illustrated. NYBG Catalog Complete The New York Botanical Garden has completed the electronic cataloging of its 87,861 vascular plant types. These records may be searched at the NYBG Web site, http://www.nybg.org/. A brief history of the project and some interesting statistics about the vascular plant types held by NYBG are also available through the "Completed Cataloging" link on the same page. Imaging of the vascular plant types continues. Approximately 15,000 images are
currently linked to catalog records, and additional images are added regularly. Images
can be viewed at
http://www.nybg.org/bsci/herbarium In an effort to meet the obligation to protect populations of endangered species from over-collection, some of the specimen data (such as specific locality information) have been removed from those online records for endangered species. These data are made available to researchers on request. NYBG is aware that making their herbarium specimen data available involves striking a delicate balance between access to data important to research and the potentially reckless posting of sensitive information. To that end, they remove portions of records for species listed in the United States Federal Endangered Plant Species list and in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Plants. These two lists, however, are not comprehensive. If you are aware of other species that are better protected by limiting access to specific locality data, please contact NYBG, and they will update their database accordingly. Write to Dr. Barbara M. Thiers, New York Botanical Garden, 200th Street & Kazimiroff Boulevard, Bronx, NY 10458-5126; phone (718) 817-8622; fax (718) 562-6780; bthiers@nybg.org. English Language Flora of Korea Project Initiated Botanists in Korea held a meeting on 23_24 February at Chonbuk National University, Chonju, Korea, to initiate a Flora of Korea project. The flora, the first to be written in the English language, will fill the last gap in temperate eastern Asia for English speakers interested in the plants of Asia. Korea, which is roughly the size of New Jersey, is home to about 3,500 species of flowering plants, pteridophytes, and gymnosperms. The Plant Biodiversity Research Center, the 21st Century Frontier R & D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Government of Korea, will provide funding for ten years at more than $400,000 per year to support it. The work will be entirely new and the descriptions and treatments will be specimen based, rather than extracted from the literature. A portion of the funds will be used to support field work by authors to collect throughout Korea. New specimens are badly needed, since all collections in Korea were destroyed in the early 1950s during the war. Recent collections have been increasing slowly since then, but the greatest concentration, particularly of type specimens, is still in Japan, since Japanese botanists were very active in Korea in the early part of the 20th century. Botany has been expanding in recent years in Korea and the number of botanists has risen steadily. New herbaria have been built at several institutions and there is enthusiastic support among all members of the Korean botanical community for this project. The editorial meeting and symposium in Chonju drew approximately seventy participants with an interest in the project. Dr. Chong-Wook Park of the School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, is the principal investigator for the project, and David Boufford is a member of the editorial committee. Chong-Wook Park and David Boufford Botanical Book Exhibition at the University of Delaware The University of Delaware Library Special Collections announces a new Special Collections' holdings exhibition, "The Art of Botanical Illustration," |
focusing on botanical books published from the seventeenth through the twentieth centuries
in both Europe and the United States. Included are herbals, works of travel and exploration,
commercial seed and nursery catalogs, and modern works. The material was drawn from the
University's Unidel History of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Collection, along
with other of the
The exhibit is on display at the University of Delaware Library from 8 February through 8 June 2001. The exhibition may also be viewed online at http://www.lib.udel.edu/ud/spec/. Iris Snyder, Associate Librarian of Special Collections, may be contacted for additional information via e-mail, irsnyder@udel.edu. DEATHS DR. CEDRIC LAMBERT PORTER, 93, second Curator of the Rocky Mountain Herbarium, died on 8 January 2001 in Peoria, Arizona. The son of missionary parents, Dr. Porter was born on 15 January 1906 in what is now Pakistan. He attended a British primary school until age 14, when he came to the United States to attend school in Ohio. He completed a B.S. at the University of Michigan in 1928, and earned his M.S. the following year. In 1929 he married his college sweetheart, Marjorie L. Woollett, and the couple moved west to Laramie, where Dr. Porter became both a botany instructor and swimming coach at the University of Wyoming. He spent several summers collecting mosses throughout Wyoming and completed his Ph.D. at the University of Washington in 1937. He became the assistant curator of the Rocky Mountain Herbarium in 1937, and was promoted to curator in 1943. As curator, Dr. Porter increased the herbarium's collection from 192,000 to over 284,000 specimens. Included in his annual reports were the recognition, segregation, and curation of type specimens; a general update of nomenclature; and an invaluable set of dot maps for the flora of Wyoming. He continued to collect plants in Wyoming, Colorado, and other Rocky Mountain states, eventually amassing over 10,000 unique specimens by the time of his retirement in 1968. By then the herbarium had become one of the best- organized and -curated medium-sized herbariums in the country, and had moved to the spacious, newly renovated Aven Nelson Memorial Building. During his career, Dr. Porter produced more than 40 scientific papers, as well as a number of texts. His popular Taxonomy of Flowering Plants (W. H. Freeman and Co.) was first published in 1959, and a second edition came out in 1967. He was also the author of Spring Flora of Southeastern Wyoming (Wyoming Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull., 1968), and parts of A Flora of Wyoming (Wyoming Agric. Exp. Sta. Bull., 1962_65, 1967, 1968, 1972): ferns and fern allies, gymnosperms, angiosperms, monocots, and dicots through Fumariaceae. A complete bibliography of his publications is available on the Herbarium Web site, http://www.rmh.uwyo.edu/prelude/intro/cport.htm. Dr. Porter's major botanical interests included Rocky Mountain vascular plants, particularly grasses and legumes, poisonous plants, and aquatics. He published seven species and two varieties new to science: Astralagus beathii (1941), A. hamiltonii (1952), A. racemosus Pursh var. treleasei (1945), A. schmollae (1945), A. spectabilis (1952), Hermidium alipes S. Watson var. pallidum (1952), Oxytropis obnapiformis (1947), Peteria pinetorum (1957), and Sphaeralcea procera (1943). Artemisia porteri, a distinctive sagebrush endemic to the Wind River Basin, Wyoming, was named in his honor by Arthur Cronquist in 1951. Dr. Porter is survived by his children, Richard B. Porter, Kenneth R. Porter, and Carol L. Murray, all of Colorado; eight grandchildren; seven great-grandchildren; and two nieces and a nephew.
Correction In the October_December 2000 FNA Newsletter (Volume 14, Number 4), the photo of Dr. Rupert Barneby should have been dated 1964, not 1988. We apologize for the error. |
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