14. Author Citations:


14.1 The family name of authors will be spelled out in full. When it is necessary to use the first and/or second initial of an author's name to differentiate authors with the same family name, initials published by R. K. Brummitt and C. E. Powell (eds.), Authors of Plant Names, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (1992), will in general be used, except for Chinese authors (see paragraph 14.2). The Editorial Committee may choose to differ for particular authors in East Asian botanical literature. The letter "f." will not be used for the Latin filius but instead the son's initial(s) will be used (e.g., "J. D. Hooker" rather than "Hooker f."), except when the names of the parent and descendant are identical (e.g., Linnaeus and Linnaeus f.). Do not use et al. when citing author names. Instead, all the authors must be listed.


14.2 Citation of Chinese authors names:


a. Author(s) of the names of taxa: use the form of the author name that follows the scientific name in the original publication. When no author name follows the scientific name use the form of the name of the author of the article. When the author name has not been romanized use the Hanyu Pinyin transliteration.


b. Literature citation: authors of articles will be cited as they were originally spelled. A comma will be inserted after the surname in such citations. In discussion do not use a comma between the last and first names of author(s).


c. Abbreviation of Chinese personal names: a capital letter followed by a period will be used for each syllable of a Chinese personal name. Hyphens will not be used.

As an examples of literature citations and abbreviations: Li Xi Wen, Li Xi-wen, Li Xiwen, X. W. Li, and Li X. W. all become Li, X. W.


14.3 The symbol "&" will be used rather than the Latin et to separate the names of multiple authors (e.g., "Siebold & Zuccarini" not "Siebold et Zuccarini").


14.4 Nomina nuda will not be included as recognized taxa or in synonymy.


14.5 The term "in" will only be used when a complete bibliographic citation is given (e.g., "Callicarpa gracilipes Rehder in Sargent, Pl. Wilson. 3: 371. 1916."). If only the author is given, "in" is not used (e.g., "Clerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii (Dode) Rehder" rather than "Clerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii (Dode) Rehder in Sargent").


14.6 If the author of a validly published taxon ascribes it to another person, the author citation will include the ascribed author followed by the term "ex" and then the publishing author (e.g., "Buddleja macrostachya Wallich ex Bentham").