Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Free, or united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading.
Acanthocardanum Thell.; Eunomia DC.; Iberidella Boiss.; Moriera Boiss.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present, or absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate, or opposite. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Algeria, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Egypt, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Lebanon, or Morocco, or Pakistan, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Greece, or Italy, or Bulgaria, or Albania, or Crete, or Czech R, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Spain, or Hungary, or Yugoslavia, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Austria, or Croatia, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Kyrgyzstan, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Algeria, or Bosnia & Herz, or Macedonia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or United States, or Tunisia, or Algeria, or New Zealand, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Greece, or Crete, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia.
Lutzia Gandoger; Vesicaria Adans.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Georgia, or Turkey, or Crete, or Azerbaijan, or Greece, or Albania, or Bulgaria, or France, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Romania, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia, or Macedonia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Azerbaijan, or Iran, or Turkmenistan.
Gamosepalum Hausskn.; Meniocus Desv.; Odontarrhena C.A. Mey.; Psilonema C.A. Mey.; Ptilotrichon C.A. Mey.; Takhtajaniella V.E. Avet.; Triplopetalum Nyarady.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present, or absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free, or united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or orbicular, or globose (spherical); latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two, or three to five, or six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kuwait, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Yemen, or Argentina, or Chile, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or United States, or Australia, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or New Zealand, or Canary Islands, or South Africa, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia, or Balearic Islds.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit more than 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Algeria, or Libya, or Tunisia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical), or ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Bahrain, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kuwait, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Qatar, or Saudi Arabia, or Turkey, or Yemen, or Egypt, or Libya, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Sudan, or Eritrea, or Mauritania, or Mali, or Ethiopia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands present; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow, or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkey.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings, or horns. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Greece, or Lebanon, or Turkey.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Lignariella Baehni; Staintoniella H. Hara.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or ellipsoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Bhutan, or Canada, or China, or India, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Tajikistan, or United States, or Kyrgyzstan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
South Africa, or Lesotho.
Lemphoria O.E. Schulz; Micromystria O.E. Schulz; Pseudoarabidella O.E. Schulz.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Cardaminopsis Hayek; Hylandra A. Löve; Stenophragma Celak.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Morocco, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or United States, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Tunisia, or Libya, or Morocco, or Algeria, or Tanzania, or Kenya, or Uganda, or Ethiopia, or Congo Democratic R, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or Somalia, or Sudan, or New Zealand, or Cape Verde, or Taiwan, or South Africa, or Argentina, or Uruguay, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Djibouti, or Rwanda, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Balearic Islds, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia.
Parryodes Jafri.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed), or stellate and stalked; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bhutan, or China, or Cyprus, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Yemen, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or United States, or Greenland, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Rwanda, or Congo Democratic R, or Eritrea, or Ethiopia, or Madeira, or Canary Islands, or Taiwan, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Rwanda, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Bhutan, or India, or Pakistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial, or aquatic; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Georgia, or Japan, or Kazakhstan, or Russia, or Tajikistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Mexico, or Canada, or United States, or Libya, or New Zealand, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Peru.
Buchingera Boiss. & Hohen.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals subequalling sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages glochidiate trichomes. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or China, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan, or Uzbekistan.
Heterodraba Greene.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals, or absent; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Canada, or Mexico, or United States.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Iraq, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkey, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or United States, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Bulgaria, or Yugoslavia, or Sicily, or France, or Albania, or Italy, or Romania, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia, or Macedonia.
Lepidotrichon Velen. & Bornm.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Turkey, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or United States, or Greece, or Crete, or Albania, or Yugoslavia, or Italy, or Romania, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia, or Macedonia, or Austria, or France, or Germany, or Bulgaria, or Hungary, or Poland, or Russia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Barbamine A.P. Khokhr.; Campe Dulac.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bhutan, or Chile, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Japan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Sri Lanka, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Yemen, or Argentina, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or Mexico, or United States, or Greenland, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Ethiopia, or Kenya, or Uganda, or Tanzania, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or Haiti, or New Zealand, or Taiwan, or South Africa, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Haiti, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bulgaria, or Bosnia & Herz, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Canada, or Bosnia & Herz, or Belarus, or Bulgaria, or United States.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obcordate; margin and apex bifid, 3-lobed, pinnately lobed, or fimbriate. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or China, or Georgia, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Russia, or Tajikistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or United States, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Greece, or Albania, or Austria, or Bulgaria, or Denmark, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia, or Macedonia, or Poland, or Romania, or Belgium, or Finland, or France, or Netherlands, or Norway, or Sweden.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Japan, or Korea.
Iondraba Medik.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Cyprus, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Turkey, or Estonia, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Austria, or Belgium, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Poland, or Romania, or Russia, or Balearic Islds, or Corsica, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Albania, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia, or Macedonia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Algeria, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Tunisia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Canada, or Mexico, or Russia, or United States, or Greenland.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical), or ellipsoid; quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Israel, or Pakistan, or Turkey, or Syria, or Tunisia, or Spain.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed), or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical), or ovoid or obovoid, or ellipsoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Albania, or Greece, or Turkey, or Yugoslavia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kazakhstan, or South Africa.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented, or not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bahrain, or Bangladesh, or Bhutan, or Cambodia, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Indonesia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kuwait, or Kyrgyzstan, or Laos, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Myanmar, or Nepal, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Philippines, or Qatar, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Sri Lanka, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Thailand, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or United Arab Emir, or Uzbekistan, or Vietnam, or Yemen, or Argentina, or Bolivia, or Brazil, or Chile, or Colombia, or Ecuador, or Paraguay, or Peru, or Uruguay, or Venezuela, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Panama, or Costa Rica, or Guatemala, or Nicaragua, or Belize, or Honduras, or El Salvador, or Mexico, or United States, or Canada, or Bahamas, or Cuba, or Jamaica, or Haiti, or Dominican R, or Puerto Rico, or Lesser Antilles, or Greenland, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Morocco, or Libya, or Algeria, or Tunisia, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Trinidad & Tobago, or Rwanda, or Zambia, or Zimbabwe, or Malawi, or Madagascar, or Eritrea, or Ethiopia, or Somalia, or Sudan, or Ivory Coast, or Sierra Leon, or Liberia, or Nigeria, or Congo Democratic R, or Cameron, or Papua NG, or Madeira, or Canary Islands, or Chad, or Sierra Leon, or Mali, or Mauritania, or New Caledonia, or New Zealand, or Cape Verde, or Taiwan, or Hawaii, or South Africa, or Namibia, or Botswana, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Pacific Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Comoros, or Socotra, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Bahamas, or Cuba, or Haiti, or Puerto Rico, or Jamaica, or Trinidad & Tobago, or French Guiana, or Surinam, or Sudan, or Djibouti, or Mozambique, or Zimbabwe, or Rwanda, or Niger, or Guyana, or Other Caribbean Islands, or Dominican R, or Angola, or Togo, or Senegal, or Burundi, or Central African R, or Congo, or Gabon, or Gambia, or Ghana, or Benin, or Guinea, or Mauritius, or Singapore, or Guinea Bissau, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Netherlands, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia, or Balearic Islds, or Cameron, or Bourkina Fasso, or Equatorial Guinea.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free, or united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or ovoid or obovoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Bhutan, or China, or India, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kyrgyzstan, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Tajikistan, or Canada, or United States, or Greenland, or Austria, or Italy, or Iceland, or Norway, or Sweden.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free, or united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Colombia, or Ecuador, or Peru.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Iraq, or Turkey.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands present, or absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid, or pyriform or obpyriform (pear-shaped); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or wings, or surface verrucose. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon spiral; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Kazakhstan, or Mongolia, or Russia, or Turkey, or Canada, or United States, or Albania, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Crete, or France, or Greece, or Switzerland, or Spain, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Portugal, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Austria, or Czech R, or Germany, or Romania, or Hungary, or Poland, or Belgium, or United Kingdom, or Denmark, or Finland, or Netherlands, or Norway, or Sweden, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Algeria, or Tunisia, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Spain.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals, or reduced and smaller than sepals, or absent; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Argentina, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Turkey, or Uruguay, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Egypt, or Algeria, or Belgium, or United Kingdom, or United States, or France, or Germany, or Greece, or Crete, or Ireland, or Italy, or Morocco, or Libya, or Tunisia, or Portugal, or Spain, or Yugoslavia, or Australia, or Canada, or Mexico, or New Caledonia, or Denmark, or Finland, or Poland, or Sweden, or Bulgaria, or Romania, or Russia, or Lesser Antilles, or Cuba, or Colombia, or Dominican R, or Haiti, or Honduras, or Jamaica, or Panama, or Venezuela, or Belize, or Tasmania, or New Zealand, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Puerto Rico, or Bahamas, or Armenia, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or Cape Verde, or Other Pacific Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid, or ellipsoid, or pyriform or obpyriform (pear-shaped); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers zygomorphic (two petals and/or sepals much larger than other two); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Ukraine, or Slovenia, or United States, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Belgium, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or France, or Germany, or Austria, or Switzerland, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Romania, or Russia, or Sardinia, or Sicily.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Tajikistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or pyriform or obpyriform (pear-shaped); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Argentina, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Ireland, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or Australia, or Mexico, or United States, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Kenya, or Uganda, or New Zealand, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Yugoslavia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate, or ovoid or obovoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Iraq.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals, or reduced and smaller than sepals, or absent; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); triangular, or cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Ecuador, or Peru, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bhutan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Indonesia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Philippines, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Sri Lanka, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or United Arab Emir, or Uzbekistan, or Vietnam, or Yemen, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or Mexico, or United States, or Greenland, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Zimbabwe, or Zambia, or Burundi, or Congo Democratic R, or Ethiopia, or Sudan, or New Zealand, or Madeira, or Canary Islands, or Taiwan, or Hawaii, or Lesotho, or South Africa, or Colombia, or Brazil, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Pacific Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Socotra, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Cuba, or Haiti, or Jamaica, or Djibouti, or Zimbabwe, or Rwanda, or Dominican R, or Congo.
Dentaria L.; Loxostemon Hook. f. & Thomson.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial, or aquatic; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or palmately lobed, or 13-pinnatisect, or trifoliolate, or pinnately compound, or palmately compound. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals, or reduced and smaller than sepals, or absent; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate, or opposite, or whorled. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal), or zygomorphic (two petals and/or sepals much larger than other two); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils), or At least some flowers unisexual. Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Chile, or Colombia, or Ecuador, or Peru, or Venezuela, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bangladesh, or Bhutan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Indonesia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kyrgyzstan, or Laos, or Lebanon, or Malaysia, or Mongolia, or Myanmar, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Papua NG, or Philippines, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Sri Lanka, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Thailand, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Yemen, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Lesser Antilles, or Canada, or United States, or Mexico, or Belize, or Costa Rica, or Guatemala, or Nicaragua, or Honduras, or Panama, or El Salvador, or Greenland, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Tunisia, or Morocco, or Libya, or Algeria, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Zambia, or Zimbabwe, or Taiwan, or Comoros, or Madagascar, or Nigeria, or Cameron, or Congo Democratic R, or Burundi, or Rwanda, or Eritrea, or Ethiopia, or Sudan, or Somalia, or New Caledonia, or Singapore, or Canary Islands, or New Zealand, or Madeira, or Canary Islands, or Taiwan, or Hawaii, or South Africa, or Brazil, or Uruguay, or Paraguay, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Pacific Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Bahamas, or Cuba, or Haiti, or Puerto Rico, or Jamaica, or Djibouti, or Zimbabwe, or Rwanda, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Balearic Islds, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia, or Angola, or Congo, or Gabon, or Equatorial Guinea.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit more than 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages wings, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented.
Cyprus, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Egypt, or Australia, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Canary Islands, or New Zealand, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Spain, or Balearic Islds, or Sardinia, or Sicily.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals reduced and smaller than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Japan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Mongolia, or Russia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages horns, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon of other types; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate, or opposite. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
South Africa.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Dimitria Ravenna.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery; dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands present; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented, or not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Argentina, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Estonia, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or United States, or Algeria, or Greece, or Bulgaria, or Yugoslavia, or Romania.
Koelzia Rech. f.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or China, or India, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Syria, or Turkey, or Russia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or China, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow, or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Iraq, or Turkey.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands present; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or China, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Mongolia, or Russia, or Kyrgyzstan, or Ukraine.
Pseudoanastatica Grossh.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or wings, or glochidiate trichomes. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Oman, or Panama, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Egypt, or Libya, or Tunisia, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Albania, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Crete, or France, or Greece, or Switzerland, or Spain, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Romania, or Russia, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Ukraine, or Balearic Islds.
Cochleariopsis A. & D. Löve; Glaucocochlearia (O.E. Schulz) Pobed.; Ionopsidium Rchb.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular, or globose (spherical); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Falkland Isl, or Armenia, or Japan, or Russia, or Turkey, or Estonia, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Canada, or United States, or Greenland, or Morocco, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Portugal, or Spain, or Belgium, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Greece, or Netherlands, or Norway, or Austria, or Other Atlantic Islands, or France, or Germany, or Iceland, or Poland, or Romania, or Sweden, or Italy, or Algeria, or Tunisia, or Sicily.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Brassicella Fourr. Ex O.E. Schulz; Hutera Porta; Rhynchosinapis Hayek.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented.
Japan, or United States, or Morocco, or United Kingdom, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or France, or Italy, or Belgium, or Corsica, or France, or Germany, or Sardinia, or Netherlands.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid, or ellipsoid; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkey.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; orbicular, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Georgia, or China, or Cyprus, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Estonia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or Mexico, or United States, or Australia, or Libya, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Greece, or Spain, or Bahamas, or Albania, or Austria, or Balearic Islds, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Croatia, or Denmark, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Netherlands, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Algeria, or Morocco, or Israel.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Estonia, or Lithuania, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Australia, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Libya, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Rwanda, or Congo Democratic R, or Ethiopia, or Canary Islands, or Chad, or Madeira, or Eritrea, or South Africa, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Rwanda, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bulgaria, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Norway, or Romania, or Sweden, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Albania, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia, or Macedonia, or Corsica, or Sardinia, or Sicily.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Loxoptera O.E. Schulz; Urbanodoxa Muschl.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs, or lianas; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate, or opposite. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Chile, or Colombia, or Ecuador, or Peru.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like), or stellate and stalked; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Bhutan, or China, or India, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan, or Egypt.
Trichotochiton Kom.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or China, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid, or ellipsoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon spiral; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
South Africa.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Iran, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Delpinoella Speg.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals subequalling sepals; white; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Sophia Adans.; Hugenenia Rchb.; Robeschia Hoschst. ex O.E. Schulz.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or yellow; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading, or reflexed; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or elliptic; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Chile, or Ecuador, or Peru, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bhutan, or China, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Korea, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or United States, or Mexico, or Guatemala, or Greenland, or Australia, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Canary Islands, or New Zealand, or Hawaii, or South Africa, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia, or Balearic Islds.
Ermaniopsis H. Hara; Oreoblastus Suslova.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free, or united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or China, or India, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present, or absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages horns. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Pakistan, or Yemen, or Algeria, or Kenya, or Ethiopia, or Socotra, or Somalia, or Sudan, or Djibouti, or Egypt, or Kenya, or Ethiopia, or Somalia, or Socotra, or Sudan, or Djibouti.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Kazakhstan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Peru.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Cyprus, or Crete, or Greece, or Egypt, or Libya, or Tunisia, or Algeria.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit), or breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Iran, or Iraq, or Kyrgyzstan, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Tajikistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or crests. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Bhutan, or China, or India, or Kyrgyzstan, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading, or reflexed; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented, or not segmented.
Argentina, or Ecuador, or Peru, or Afghanistan, or Azerbaijan, or Bahrain, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Nepal, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Turkey, or United Arab Emir, or Yemen, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Kazakhstan, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or Mexico, or United States, or Costa Rica, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Somalia, or Mauritania, or Cape Verde, or Chad, or New Caledonia, or New Zealand, or Madeira, or South Africa, or Brazil, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Bahamas, or Cuba, or Haiti, or Dominican R, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Balearic Islds, or Sicily, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Russia, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Yugoslavia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; orbicular, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands present; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Dimorphostemon Kitag.; Alaida F. Dvorak.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands present, or absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Bhutan, or China, or India, or Japan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Tajikistan, or Kyrgyzstan.
Dolichorhynchus Hedge & Kit Tan.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present, or absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia.
Drabopsis K. Koch; Erophila DC.; Coelonema Maxim.; Schivereckia Andrz. ex DC.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed), or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals, or reduced and smaller than sepals, or absent; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet), or orange; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or obcordate; margin and apex entire, or bifid, 3-lobed, pinnately lobed, or fimbriate. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six, or four; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular, or globose (spherical), or ovoid or obovoid, or ellipsoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two, or three to six. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Chile, or Colombia, or Ecuador, or Peru, or Uruguay, or Venezuela, or Falkland Isl, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bhutan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Yemen, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or Costa Rica, or Guatemala, or Mexico, or United States, or Greenland, or Tasmania, or Australia, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Ethiopia, or New Zealand, or Madeira, or Taiwan, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Rollinsia Al-Shehbaz.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire, or bifid, 3-lobed, pinnately lobed, or fimbriate. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or crests. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Microstigmatella Rauschert; Stigmatella Eig.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Israel, or Saudi Arabia.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented.
Cyprus, or Israel, or Jordan, or Lebanon, or Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Turkey, or Egypt, or Libya, or Tunisia, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Crete, or Greece, or Bulgaria.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Qatar, or Saudi Arabia, or United Arab Emir, or Yemen, or Algeria, or Egypt, or Libya, or Tunisia, or Morocco, or Mali, or Mauritania, or Niger.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands present; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kazakhstan, or Russia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Chile, or Peru.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Ecuador, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bahrain, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kuwait, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Qatar, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or United Arab Emir, or Uzbekistan, or Yemen, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovenia, or Mexico, or Canada, or United States, or Australia, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Mauritania, or Sudan, or Ethiopia, or Eritrea, or Somalia, or Kenya, or Zambia, or Zimbabwe, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or New Zealand, or South Africa, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Sudan, or Zimbabwe, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Balearic Islds, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or France, or Switzerland, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Macedonia, or Romania, or Germany, or Norway, or Poland.
Hussonia Boiss.; Reboudia Coss. & Durieu ex Coss.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or elliptic; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent, or conduplicate, or diplecolobal, or spiral; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented.
Bahrain, or Cyprus, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Turkey, or United Arab Emir, or Algeria, or Egypt, or Lithuania, or Tunisia, or Morocco, or Crete, or Greece, or Spain, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Crete, or Greece, or Spain.
Hirschfeldia Moench.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils), or At least some flowers unisexual. Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented, or not segmented.
Albania, or Algeria, or Austria, or Belgium, or Canada, or Canary Islands, or Czech R, or Denmark, or Egypt, or Estonia, or Ethiopia, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Greece, or Hungary, or Ireland, or Italy, or Japan, or Kenya, or Latvia, or Liberia, or Lithuania, or Mongolia, or Morocco, or Namibia, or Netherlands, or Norway, or Oman, or Poland, or Portugal, or Romania, or Russia, or Rwanda, or Saudi Arabia, or Slovakia, or Somalia, or Spain, or Sri Lanka, or Sudan, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or United Kingdom, or United States, or Yemen, or Zimbabwe, or Congo, or Botswana.
Cheiranthus L.; Syrenia Andrz. ex Besser; Gynophorea Gilli; Syreniopsis H.P. Fuchs; Zederbauera H.P. Fuchs; Acachmena H. B. Fuchs.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed), or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or purple (or violet), or orange; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free, or united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Ecuador, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bhutan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Costa Rica, or Guatemala, or Mexico, or Canada, or United States, or Greenland, or Australia, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Canary Islands, or Cape Verde, or Madeira, or New Zealand, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Balearic Islds, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Corsica, or Bulgaria, or Poland, or Croatia, or Macedonia, or Denmark, or Finland, or Iceland, or Norway, or Sweden.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals subequalling sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or United States, or Austria, or Bulgaria, or Hungary, or Yugoslavia, or Romania.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free, or united. Stamens six, or four; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ovate or obovate, or pyriform or obpyriform (pear-shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Chile, or Ecuador, or Peru.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or India, or Kazakhstan, or Pakistan.
Neomartinella Pilger; Platycraspedum O. E. Schulz; Taphrospermum C. A. Mey.; Thellungiella O. E. Schulz; Wasabia Matsum.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial, or aquatic; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or absent; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or ovate or obovate, or cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate, or whorled. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Bhutan, or China, or India, or Japan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Russia, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Greenland, or United States, or Canada, or Taiwan.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Bolivia, or Colombia, or Ecuador, or Mexico, or Peru, or Uruguay, or Venezuela.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Bahrain, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kuwait, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Qatar, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or United Arab Emir, or Yemen, or India, or Ethiopia, or Kenya, or Somalia, or Morocco, or Mauritania, or Algeria, or Tunisia, or Libya, or Chad, or Egypt, or Socotra, or Djibouti, or Mali, or Niger, or Sudan, or West Sahara, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Bourkina Fasso, or Cameron, or Nigeria.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Asterotricha V.V. Botsch., Irania Hadac & Chrtek; Pterygostemon V.V. Botsch.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow, or purple (or violet); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Estonia, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Egypt, or Albania, or Yugoslavia, or Greece, or Bulgaria, or Crete, or Italy, or Ukraine, or Spain, or Austria, or France, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia, or Macedonia.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Algeria, or Morocco.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present, or absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular, or cordate or obcordate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented.
Afghanistan, or Iran, or Pakistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Austria, or Belgium, or Corsica, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Spain, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate; margin and apex bifid, 3-lobed, pinnately lobed, or fimbriate. Free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Kazakhstan, or Mongolia, or Russia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals subequalling sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Texiera Jaub. & Spach.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical), or ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkey.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands present; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands present, or absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit), or breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two, or three to five; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Iran, or Iraq, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Morocco, or Algeria, or Tunisia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals subequalling sepals; white, or yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Chile.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical), or ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Poliophyton O. E. Schulz.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or ovoid or obovoid; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States, or Uruguay.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or fusiform; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Lebanon, or Turkey.
Brachycarpaea DC.; Cycloptychis E. Mey. ex Sond.; Schlechteria Bolus ex Schltr.; Silicularia Compton; Thlaspeocarpa C. A. Sm.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs, or lianas; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet), or blue; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage, or petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular, or didymous (spectacle shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit), or breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing present, or absent; cotyledon diplecolobal, or spiral; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate, or opposite. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Australia, or South Africa, or Namibia, or Lesotho, or Swaziland.
Fabrisinapis Townsend; Nesocrambe A.G. Mill.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Morocco, or Socotra.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched, or exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or purple (or violet); obovate, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages crests. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia.
Caulostramina Rollins; Glaucocarpum Rollins.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands present, or absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Diplopilosa F. Dvorák; Micrantha F. Dvorák.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands present; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or purple (or violet), or green, or brown; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Chile, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Kyrgyzstan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Russia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Canada, or United States, or Morocco, or Albania, or Yugoslavia, or Bulgaria, or Greece, or Ukraine, or Portugal, or Spain, or France, or Italy, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Corsica, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Hungary, or Romania, or Austria, or Poland, or Belgium, or United Kingdom, or Denmark, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Netherlands, or Finland, or Ireland, or Iceland, or Norway, or Sweden, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Mexico, or Canada, or United States, or Morocco, or New Zealand, or Ireland, or United Kingdom.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading, or reflexed; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils), or At least some flowers unisexual. Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented.
Albania, or Algeria, or Armenia, or Australia, or Austria, or Azerbaijan, or Belgium, or Canada, or Canary Islands, or Chile, or Cyprus, or Denmark, or Estonia, or France, or Georgia, or Germany, or Greece, or Hawaii, or Iran, or Iraq, or Ireland, or Israel, or Italy, or Japan, or Jordan, or Lebanon, or Latvia, or Libya, or Lithuania, or Morocco, or Netherlands, or New Zealand, or Norway, or Portugal, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or South Africa, or Spain, or Switzerland, or Syria, or Tunisia, or Ukraine, or Turkey, or Ukraine, or United Kingdom, or United States, or Vietnam, or Yemen.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); pyriform or obpyriform (pear-shaped); latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present, or absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two, or three to five, or six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Hutchinsia R. Br.; Hutchinsiella O.E. Schulz; Hymenolobus Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray; Microcardamum O.E. Schulz; Pritzelago Kuntze.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six, or four; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or ovate or obovate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Estonia, or Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Japan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Mexico, or Canada, or United States, or Tasmania, or Australia, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or New Zealand, or Canary Islands, or South Africa, or Bolivia, or Chile, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); cotyledon incumbent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iraq, or Kuwait, or Saudi Arabia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins palmately lobed, or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or China, or India, or Iran, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate, or orbicular, or cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal), or zygomorphic (two petals and/or sepals much larger than other two); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Estonia, or Lithuania, or Moldova, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkey, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or United States, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or New Zealand, or Canary Islands, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Italy, or Sicily, or Romania, or Albania, or France, or Yugoslavia, or Switzerland, or Bulgaria, or Belgium, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Austria, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia, or Macedonia, or Poland, or Russia, or Balearic Islds.
Platyspermum Hook.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals subequalling sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Algeria, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Ireland, or Italy, or Sicily.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Goerkemia Yild.; Sameraria Desv.; Pachypterygium Bunge; Tauscheria Fisch. & C. A. Mey.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular, or ellipsoid, or pyriform or obpyriform (pear-shaped), or cordate or obcordate, or navicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Canada, or United States, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or South Africa, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or Argentina, or Peru, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or France, or Italy, or Bulgaria, or Hungary, or Yugoslavia, or Romania, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands present; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Tajikistan, or Uzbekistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Slovenia, or Greece, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Italy, or Croatia, or Macedonia, or Yugoslavia, or Poland, or Romania.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ellipsoid; quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages surface verrucose. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Algeria, or Morocco.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages spines. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or China, or Kazakhstan, or Iran, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like), or stellate and stalked; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate, or ovoid or obovoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or India.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or cordate or obcordate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent, or straight; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical), or ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon spiral; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Chile, or Kazakhstan, or Mongolia, or Russia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or China, or India, or Kazakhstan, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Tajikistan, or Uzbekistan.
Cardaria Desv.; Coronopus Zinn; Hymenophysa C.A. Mey.; Lepicochlea Rojas; Neolepia W.A. Weber; Papuzilla Ridl.; Senebiera DC.; Sprengeria Greene; Stoganowia Kar. & Kir.; Stubendorffia Schrenk ex Fisch. & C. A. Mey.; Winklera Regel.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs, or lianas; terrestrial; thorns and spines present, or absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals, or reduced and smaller than sepals, or absent; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or orange; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear, or filiform; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six, or four, or two; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular, or didymous (spectacle shaped), or globose (spherical), or cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or thinly papery, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or wings, or surface verrucose. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent, or diplecolobal; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils), or At least some flowers unisexual. Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Chile, or Colombia, or Ecuador, or Brazil, or Paraguay, or Peru, or Uruguay, or Venezuela, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bhutan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Indonesia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Papua NG, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Sri Lanka, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or United Arab Emir, or Uzbekistan, or Vietnam, or Yemen, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Lesser Antilles, or Belize, or Canada, or Costa Rica, or El Salvador, or Guatemala, or Honduras, or Mexico, or Nicaragua, or Panama, or United States, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Tunisia, or Morocco, or Algeria, or Libya, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Eritrea, or Ethiopia, or Zambia, or Zimbabwe, or Mozambique, or Congo Democratic R, or Madagascar, or Trinidad & Tobago, or Haiti, or Dominican R, or Cape Verde, or Sudan, or Botswana, or New Caledonia, or Taiwan, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or Mali, or Nigeria, or Mauritania, or New Zealand, or Taiwan, or Hawaii, or Namibia, or South Africa, or Lesotho, or Swaziland, or Botswana, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Pacific Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Comoros, or Socotra, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Bahamas, or Cuba, or Haiti, or Puerto Rico, or Jamaica, or Trinidad & Tobago, or French Guiana, or Surinam, or Sudan, or Mozambique, or Zimbabwe, or Rwanda, or Bourkina Fasso, or Niger, or Guyana, or Other Caribbean Islands, or Dominican R, or Angola, or Togo, or Ivory Coast, or Central African R, or Congo, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia, or Netherlands, or Gabon, or Cameron, or Guinea.
Chrysobraya H. Hara.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Bhutan, or China, or India, or Nepal.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kuwait, or Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan, or Egypt.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Bhutan, or China, or India, or Nepal.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens four; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands present; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Pakistan, or India, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Koniga R. Br.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Ecuador, or Peru, or Estonia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Armenia, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Japan, or Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia, or Turkey, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Guatemala, or El Salvador, or Honduras, or Canada, or Mexico, or United States, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or Eritrea, or Mozambique, or New Caledonia, or New Zealand, or Cape Verde, or Hawaii, or South Africa, or Brazil, or Chile, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Pacific Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Balearic Islds, or Corsica, or France, or Italy, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Austria, or Belgium, or Denmark, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Yugoslavia, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate, or opposite. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Afghanistan, or Moldova, or Georgia, or Japan, or Pakistan, or Turkey, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Mexico, or Canada, or United States, or New Zealand, or Madeira, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Denmark, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Croatia, or Macedonia, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sweden, or Corsica, or Netherlands, or Norway.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow, or purple (or violet), or brown; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); cordate or obcordate, or panduriform; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Japan, or Kazakhstan, or Mongolia, or Russia.
Strigosella Boiss.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed), or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Albania, or Algeria, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Cyprus, or France, or Greece, or Ireland, or Israel, or Italy, or Jordan, or Lebanon, or Morocco, or Portugal, or Saudi Arabia, or Spain, or Syria, or Tunisia, or Turkey, or United Kingdom, or Yugoslavia.
Hartwegiella O.E. Schulz; Poliophyton O.E. Schulz.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Mexico, or Peru, or United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Azerbaijan, or Cyprus, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Turkey, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Albania, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Crete, or Greece, or France, or Spain, or Italy, or Sicily.
Lonchophora Durieu.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands present, or absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet), or brown; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none, or wings, or horns. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Chile, or Peru.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Syria, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or United States, or Australia, or Tunisia, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Kenya, or Ethiopia, or Somalia, or Djibouti, or Eritrea, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or Mauritania, or New Zealand, or South Africa, or Lesotho, or Namibia, or Bolivia, or Ecuador, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Djibouti, or Albania, or Corsica, or France, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Balearic Islds, or Netherlands, or Bulgaria, or Switzerland.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present, or absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect, or pinnately compound. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire, or bifid, 3-lobed, pinnately lobed, or fimbriate. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six, or more than six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils), or At least some flowers unisexual. Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Myanmar, or China, or India, or Kazakhstan, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Russia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Hexaptera Hook.; Decaptera Turcz.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Chile.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals subequalling sepals, or absent; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular, or triangular, or cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands present, or absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or ovoid or obovoid, or ellipsoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Mongolia, or Russia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular, or cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or United States, or Canada, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Somalia, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Bahrain, or Israel, or Jordan, or Oman, or Saudi Arabia, or United Arab Emir, or Yemen, or Egypt, or Libya, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Mauritania, or Mali, or Niger, or Chad, or Sudan, or Ethiopia, or Somalia.
Oudneya R. Br.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present, or absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia, or Yemen, or Egypt, or United States, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Mali, or Mauritania, or Canary Islands, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Balearic Islds, or Corsica, or Italy, or Sicily.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Iran, or Turkmenistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented.
Corsica, or Sardinia.
Phlebiophragmus O.E. Schulz.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Georgia, or Iran, or Turkey, or Morocco, or Portugal, or Spain, or France, or Sweden, or Italy.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages surface verrucose, or spines. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); pyriform or obpyriform (pear-shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Estonia, or Belarus, or Morocco, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkey, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or United States, or Canada, or Australia, or Algeria, or United Kingdom, or Greece, or Spain, or Albania, or Bulgaria, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Austria, or Switzerland, or Norway, or Sicily, or Sweden.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Israel, or Jordan, or Egypt, or Libya, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Tunisia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial, or aquatic; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or trifoliolate, or pinnately compound. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Ecuador, or Peru, or Estonia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Myanmar, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Bhutan, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Indonesia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Lebanon, or Malaysia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Papua NG, or Philippines, or Sri Lanka, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Thailand, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Vietnam, or Yemen, or Russia, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Lesser Antilles, or Canada, or Costa Rica, or El Salvador, or Guatemala, or Honduras, or Mexico, or Nicaragua, or Panama, or United States, or Cuba, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Ethiopia, or Sudan, or Somalia, or Eritrea, or Cameron, or Congo Democratic R, or Lesotho, or Zambia, or Zimbabwe, or Taiwan, or Haiti, or Cuba, or Colombia, or Brazil, or Chile, or Uruguay, or Madeira, or Canary Islands, or Sierra Leon, or New Caledonia, or New Zealand, or Cape Verde, or Hawaii, or South Africa, or Lesotho, or Venezuela, or Chile, or Brazil, or Colombia, or Uruguay, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Pacific Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Cuba, or Puerto Rico, or Jamaica, or Trinidad & Tobago, or French Guiana, or Surinam, or Zimbabwe, or Mozambique, or Rwanda, or Dominican R, or Guyana, or Other Caribbean Islands, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia, or Angola, or Mali, or Botswana, or Madagascar, or Bourkina Fasso, or Niger.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Tchihatchewia Boiss.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Torularia (Coss.) O.E. Schulz.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Egypt, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Spain.
Greggia A. Gray.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or ovate or obovate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Vogelia Medik.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or United States, or Australia, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or New Zealand, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Cuba, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Balearic Islds, or Bulgaria, or Bosnia & Herz, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Macedonia, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Chile, or Peru.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Brossardia Boiss.; Coluteocarpus Boiss.; Microthlaspi F. K. Mey.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular, or ovoid or obovoid, or ellipsoid, or cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Albania, or Algeria, or Argentina, or Armenia, or Austria, or Azerbaijan, or Belarus, or Belgium, or Bhutan, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Canada, or Chile, or China, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Cyprus, or Czech R, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Georgia, or Germany, or Greece, or Hungary, or Iceland, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Ireland, or Israel, or Italy, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Libya, or Lithuania, or Macedonia, or Mexico, or Mongolia, or Morocco, or Nepal, or Netherlands, or Norway, or Pakistan, or Poland, or Portugal, or Romania, or Russia, or Sardinia, or Saudi Arabia, or Sicily, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Somalia, or Spain, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Tunisia, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Ukraine, or United Kingdom, or United States, or Uzbekistan, or Yugoslavia, or Crete.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals subequalling sepals; yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong; quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages horns. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kuwait, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or United Arab Emir, or Yemen, or Egypt, or Libya, or Tunisia, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Spain, or Canary Islands, or Mauritania.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or fusiform; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
New Zealand.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical), or ellipsoid; quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages surface verrucose. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Cyprus, or Iraq, or Jordan, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkey, or Egypt.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical); quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages spines. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Pakistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed), or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or stellate and stalked; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Lebanon, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Egypt, or Russia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Chile.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands present; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Mongolia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Ethiopia, or Uganda, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Rwanda.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex bifid, 3-lobed, pinnately lobed, or fimbriate. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Japan, or Mongolia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Cheesmania O.E. Schulz; Ischnocarpus O.E. Schulz.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils), or At least some flowers unisexual. Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
New Zealand, or Tasmania.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mongolia, or Russia.
Gagria Král.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Azerbaijan, or Georgia, or Turkey.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or elliptic; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented, or not segmented.
Iran, or Iraq, or Turkey.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals subequalling sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic; quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like), or stellate and stalked; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages horns. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Canary Islands.
Achoriphragma Soják; Neuroloma Andrz. ex DC.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands present, or absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Canada, or United States, or Afghanistan, or Bhutan, or China, or India, or Kazakhstan, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Tajikistan, or Uzbekistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ovate or obovate, or globose (spherical); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or orbicular, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Myanmar, or Bhutan, or China, or India, or Nepal, or Panama.
Leptoplax O.E. Schulz.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery, or neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Iraq, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Greece, or Albania, or Austria, or Hungary, or Romania, or Yugoslavia, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia, or Macedonia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Iran, or Turkey.
Heterothrix (B.L. Rob.) Rydb.; Lamprophragma O.E. Schulz.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Colombia, or Costa Rica, or Guatemala, or Mexico, or United States.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Spain, or Austria, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Romania.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals reduced and smaller than sepals; white; linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Parryopsis Botsch.; Vvedenskyella Botsch.; Wakilia Gilli.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free, or united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or ovoid or obovoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Bhutan, or China, or India, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Falkland Isl.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed), or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Estonia, or United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Lesquerella S. Watson.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or orange; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped), or globose (spherical), or ovoid or obovoid; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Mexico, or United States, or Canada, or Greenland, or Russia, or Canada.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery; dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall thinly papery; dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Iran, or Iraq, or Turkey, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid, or pyriform or obpyriform (pear-shaped); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Afghanistan, or Iran, or Pakistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Chile, or Colombia, or Ecuador, or Peru.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals reduced and smaller than sepals, or absent; pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Other Indian Islands.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent, or conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Egypt, or Israel, or Jordan, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 51 to 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Ukraine, or Afghanistan, or China, or Kazakhstan, or Russia, or Tajikistan.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands present; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or China, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Pakistan.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Turkey.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate and stalked; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Albania, or Algeria, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bulgaria, or Czech R, or France, or Germany, or Greece, or Hungary, or Israel, or Italy, or Lebanon, or Romania, or Slovakia, or Spain, or Switzerland, or Syria, or Turkey, or Ukraine, or United Kingdom, or Yugoslavia.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Georgia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings, or spines. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Mongolia, or Russia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Bhutan, or China, or India, or Nepal.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or India, or Pakistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Cossonia Durieu.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow, or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); oblong; quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented.
Algeria, or Morocco.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); fusiform; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Quidproquo Greuter & Burdet.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation segmented, or not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Ecuador, or Peru, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Myanmar, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bahrain, or Bangladesh, or Bhutan, or Cambodia, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Indonesia, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kuwait, or Laos, or Lebanon, or Malaysia, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Papua NG, or Philippines, or Qatar, or Russia, or Sri Lanka, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Thailand, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or United Arab Emir, or Uzbekistan, or Vietnam, or Yemen, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Lesser Antilles, or Belize, or Canada, or Costa Rica, or El Salvador, or Guatemala, or Honduras, or Mexico, or Nicaragua, or Panama, or United States, or Cuba, or Jamaica, or Haiti, or Dominican R, or Bahamas, or Puerto Rico, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Burundi, or Eritrea, or Sudan, or Uganda, or Zambia, or Zimbabwe, or Malawi, or Canary Islands, or Mozambique, or Mali, or Nigeria, or New Caledonia, or New Zealand, or Madeira, or Ethiopia, or Taiwan, or Hawaii, or South Africa, or Colombia, or United Kingdom, or Ireland, or Other Pacific Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Socotra, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Bahamas, or Cuba, or Haiti, or Puerto Rico, or Surinam, or French Guiana, or Sudan, or Djibouti, or Zimbabwe, or Rwanda, or Guyana, or Other Caribbean Islands, or Dominican R, or Angola, or Togo, or Botswana, or Central African R, or Chad, or Congo, or Gabon, or Gambia, or Ghana, or Guinea, or Benin, or Liberia, or Mauritania, or Mauritius, or Sierra Leon, or Singapore, or Guinea Bissau, or Madagascar, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Netherlands, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Balearic Islds, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia, or Cameron.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Brazil, or Chile, or Estonia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Lebanon, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Yemen, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or Mexico, or United States, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Zambia, or Zimbabwe, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or New Zealand, or Ethiopia, or South Africa, or United Kingdom, or Ireland, or Other Indian Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or France, or Germany, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Yugoslavia, or Netherlands, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Switzerland.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular, or fusiform; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Koeiea Rech. F.; Mitophyllum O.E. Schulz; Prionotrichon Botsch. & Vved.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or Kazakhstan, or Mongolia, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical), or ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect, or trifoliolate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Egypt, or Armenia, or Israel, or Jordan, or Lebanon, or Syria, or Turkey, or Crete, or Greece.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals subequalling sepals, or reduced and smaller than sepals, or absent; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or Costa Rica, or Guatemala, or Panama.
Ceriosperma (O.E. Schulz) Greuter & Burdet; Kardanoglyphos Schlecht.; Neobeckia Greene; Roripella (Maire) Greuter & Burdet; Sisymbriella Spach; Trochiscus O.E. Schulz.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial, or aquatic; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals, or reduced and smaller than sepals, or absent; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or globose (spherical), or ovoid or obovoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two, or three to six. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Brazil, or Chile, or Colombia, or Ecuador, or Paraguay, or Peru, or Uruguay, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Myanmar, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bangladesh, or Bhutan, or Cambodia, or China, or Georgia, or India, or Indonesia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Laos, or Lebanon, or Malaysia, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Papua NG, or Philippines, or Russia, or Sri Lanka, or Syria, or Syria, or Thailand, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or United Arab Emir, or Uzbekistan, or Vietnam, or Yemen, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Lesser Antilles, or Greenland, or Costa Rica, or Guatemala, or Honduras, or Nicaragua, or Panama, or Mexico, or Canada, or United States, or Cuba, or Tasmania, or Australia, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Ethiopia, or Congo Democratic R, or Rwanda, or Zambia, or Taiwan, or Zimbabwe, or Malawi, or Mozambique, or Madagascar, or Burundi, or Namibia, or Sudan, or Senegal, or Nigeria, or Ivory Coast, or Singapore, or New Caledonia, or Lesotho, or Somalia, or Mauritania, or New Zealand, or Taiwan, or Hawaii, or South Africa, or Mali, or Lesotho, or Venezuela, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Pacific Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Comoros, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Bahamas, or Cuba, or Haiti, or Puerto Rico, or Jamaica, or Trinidad & Tobago, or French Guiana, or Surinam, or Sudan, or Zambia, or Zimbabwe, or Rwanda, or Guyana, or Other Caribbean Islands, or Dominican R, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia, or Angola, or Ivory Coast, or Congo, or Gabon, or Mauritius, or Sierra Leon, or Cameron.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate and stalked; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); At least some flowers unisexual. Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Ateixa Ravenna; Grammosperma O. E. Schulz.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or yellow; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Chile.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Egypt, or Afghanistan, or Bahrain, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kuwait, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Qatar, or Saudi Arabia, or United Arab Emir, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); fusiform; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals subequalling sepals; yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or orbicular; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Egypt, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kuwait, or Qatar, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or United Arab Emir.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Moldova, or Ukraine, or Russia, or Turkey, or Romania, or Albania, or Yugoslavia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex bifid, 3-lobed, pinnately lobed, or fimbriate. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent, or of other types; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Chile.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon diplecolobal; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
South Africa.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular, or didymous (spectacle shaped); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages wings, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Egypt, or India, or Jordan, or Saudi Arabia, or Yemen, or Libya, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Somalia, or Mali, or Mauritania, or Chad, or Niger, or Sudan, or Ethiopia, or Djibouti, or Bourkina Fasso.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals subequalling sepals, or reduced and smaller than sepals, or absent; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Chile, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); globose (spherical); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or globose (spherical); latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Machaeorphorus Schltd.; Pterygiosperma O. E. Schulz; Werdermannia O. E. Schulz.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Chile, or Mexico, or United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon diplecolobal; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
South Africa.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading, or reflexed; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Vietnam, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Lesser Antilles, or Canada, or Mexico, or United States, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Canary Islands, or New Zealand, or Madeira, or South Africa, or Colombia, or Brazil, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Other Caribbean Islands, or Bahamas, or Cuba, or Haiti, or Puerto Rico, or Zimbabwe, or Togo, or Ivory Coast, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Balearic Islds, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Netherlands, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia, or Gabon.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Algeria, or France, or Italy, or Morocco, or Portugal, or Spain.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or China, or Tajikistan.
Lycocarpus O.E. Schulz; Phryne Bubani; Schoenocrambe Greene.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free, or united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Chile, or Ecuador, or Peru, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Bahrain, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Kuwait, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Qatar, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or United Arab Emir, or Uzbekistan, or Yemen, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Lesser Antilles, or Costa Rica, or Mexico, or Canada, or United States, or Australia, or Tasmania, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Ethiopia, or Sudan, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or Brazil, or Socotra, or Somalia, or Eritrea, or Zambia, or Zimbabwe, or Mauritania, or New Caledonia, or New Zealand, or Taiwan, or Hawaii, or South Africa, or Namibia, or Lesotho, or Brazil, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Pacific Islands, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Other Indian Islands, or Cuba, or Haiti, or Jamaica, or Djibouti, or Zambia, or Niger, or Dominican R, or Other Caribbean Islands, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Belgium, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Netherlands, or Sweden, or Albania, or Australia, or Bulgaria, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Poland, or Romania, or Corsica, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Denmark, or Balearic Islds.
Acroschizocarpus Gombocz; Chrysthemopsis Rech. f.; Gorodkovia Botsch. & Karav.; Hedinia Ostenf.; Hediniopsis Botsch. & Petrovsky; Melanidion Greene; Redowskia Cham. & Schltdl.; Sinosophiopsis Al-Shehbaz; Sophiopsis O. E. Schulz.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular, or ovoid or obovoid, or ellipsoid, or pyriform or obpyriform (pear-shaped), or fusiform; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or Bhutan, or China, or India, or Kazakhstan, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Tajikistan, or Canada, or United States, or Uzbekistan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Georgia, or Turkey, or Ukraine.
Desideria Pamp.; Ermaniopsis H. Hara; Eurycarpus Botsch.; Oreoblastus Suslova; Parryopsis Botsch.; Phaeonychium O.E. Schulz; Vvedenskyella Botsch.; Wakilia Gilli.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present, or absent; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or palmately lobed. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate, or solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet), or blue; obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free, or united. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or lanceolate or oblanceolate, or oblong, or elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or ovoid or obovoid; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Bhutan, or Chile, or China, or India, or Kazakhstan.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or absent; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or globose (spherical); angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands present, or absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); ellipsoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); cotyledon incumbent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or China, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Petiniotia J. Léonard; Sterigma DC.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading, or reflexed; free. Stamens six; petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or orange, or green, or brown; linear, or filiform; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Australia, or Tasmania.
Oreoloma Botsch.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands present; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or purple (or violet), or orange; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; breaks up into closed, 1- or few-seeded segments (schizocarp, loment, or segmented); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or wings, or spines. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Georgia, or Iran, or Iraq, or Kazakhstan, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Yemen.
Berteroella O. E. Schulz.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or elliptic; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Japan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Mongolia, or Russia.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow, or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Agianthus Greene; Cartiera Greene; Caulanthus S. Watson; Disaccanthus Greene; Euklisia Rydb. ex Small; Icianthus Greene; Mesoreanthus Greene; Microsemia Greene; Mitophyllum Greene; Pleiocardia Greene; Sibaropsis S. Boyd & T. S. Ross; Streptanthella Rydb.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100, or more than 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal), or zygomorphic (two petals and/or sepals much larger than other two); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Iran, or Jordan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Estonia, or Belarus, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kazakhstan, or Kuwait, or Mongolia, or Oman, or Pakistan, or Lebanon, or Qatar, or Russia, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or United Arab Emir, or Egypt, or Ukraine, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or United States, or Canada, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or New Zealand, or Canary Islands, or Madeira, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or France, or Italy, or Balearic Islds, or Corsica, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Hungary, or Albania, or Yugoslavia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; aquatic; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals, or absent; white; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovoid or obovoid, or ellipsoid; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Ukraine, or Mongolia, or Russia, or Canada, or United States, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Ethiopia, or Congo Democratic R, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Spain, or Rwanda, or Belgium, or Bulgaria, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Netherlands, or Iceland, or Norway, or Sweden.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate, or orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages spines. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Algeria, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Spain, or Corsica, or Sardinia, or Sicily, or Italy, or Canary Islands, or Balearic Islds.
Synstemonanthus Botsch.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals subequalling sepals; pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or elliptic; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Teesdaliopsis (Willk.) Rothm.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six, or four; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular, or cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers zygomorphic (two petals and/or sepals much larger than other two); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Estonia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Ukraine, or Cyprus, or Lebanon, or Turkey, or Slovakia, or Canada, or United States, or Tasmania, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Madeira, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Crete, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Denmark, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Russia, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Sardinia.
Tetracmidion Korsh.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) stellate (star-shaped) and sessile, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white; obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or ovoid or obovoid; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick, or neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim, or complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages horns. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Kyrgyzstan, or Afghanistan, or China, or India, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Mongolia, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan, or Russia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or absent; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Iran, or Kazakhstan, or Kyrgyzstan, or Mongolia, or Russia, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Canada, or United States.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Mexico, or United States.
Pachypodium Nutt. ex Torr. & A. Gray; Pleurophragma Rydb.; Stanleyella Rydb.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate, or linear; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading, or reflexed; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free, or united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted, or exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer, or absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Canada, or Mexico, or United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or spreading; free. Stamens six; filaments with a wing, tooth, or appendage; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one, or two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon diplecolobal; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate, or opposite. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
South Africa.
Gagria Král; Pachyphragma (DC.) Rchb.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white; obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or ovate or obovate, or cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none, or wings, or horns. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Turkey, or Argentina, or Chile, or Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Afghanistan, or Bhutan, or China, or Georgia, or Cyprus, or India, or Iran, or Israel, or Japan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Tajikistan, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Honduras, or Mexico, or Canada, or United States, or Australia, or Morocco, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or Ethiopia, or Madeira, or New Zealand, or Canary Islands, or South Africa, or Peru, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Other Atlantic Islands, or Greece, or Spain, or Portugal, or Albania, or Austria, or Belgium, or Bosnia & Herz, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Croatia, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Hungary, or Iceland, or Italy, or Macedonia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Switzerland, or Yugoslavia.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or purple (or violet); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); ovate or obovate, or orbicular; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages wings. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit one; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Canada, or Mexico, or United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Beringia R. A. Price et al.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Canada, or Bosnia & Herz, or Belarus, or Bulgaria, or United States.
Perennial; herbs, or shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals subequalling sepals; white; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Agallis Phil.; Twisselmannia Al-Shehbaz.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid), or 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent, or spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong, or triangular; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit lacking or reduced to a narrow rim; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two, or three to six. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Chile, or Mexico, or United States.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed, or a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit more than 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing present, or absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Estonia, or Latvia, or Lithuania, or Belarus, or Kyrgyzstan, or Moldova, or Ukraine, or Afghanistan, or Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or China, or Cyprus, or Georgia, or India, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Japan, or Kazakhstan, or Korea, or Lebanon, or Mongolia, or Nepal, or Pakistan, or Russia, or Syria, or Tajikistan, or Turkmenistan, or Turkey, or Uzbekistan, or Czech R, or Slovakia, or Slovenia, or Canada, or Mexico, or United States, or Australia, or Algeria, or Morocco, or Kenya, or Tanzania, or Uganda, or South Africa, or Lesotho, or Ireland, or United Kingdom, or Rwanda, or Greece, or Portugal, or Spain, or Albania, or Austria, or Bulgaria, or Corsica, or Denmark, or Finland, or France, or Germany, or Switzerland, or Netherlands, or Hungary, or Italy, or Yugoslavia, or Norway, or Poland, or Romania, or Sicily, or Sweden, or Macedonia, or Bosnia & Herz, or Croatia.
Boleum Desv.; Euzomodendron Coss.; Pseudocytisus Kuntze.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present, or absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or obcordate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad), or silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds), or indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed), or lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing present, or absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present, or absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation segmented.
Algeria, or Morocco, or Spain.
Pyaramidium Boiss.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); pyramidal; quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages horns. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul, or auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading, or reflexed; free. Stamens six; petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens exserted well above sepals and petals. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore at least 1.5 mm long, usually much longer; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
United States.
Alpaminia O.E. Schulz; Pelagatia O.E. Schulz; Stenodraba O.E. Schulz.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) a mixture of simple and branched, or exclusively malpighiaceous (2-branched, sessile, medifixed); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything, or petal claw and/or filament with hairs or papillae; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear, or oblong; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit three to five, or six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Bolivia, or Chile, or Peru.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals, or subequalling sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending, or erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds biseriate (in two rows); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) present. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Chile.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate, or sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow; obovate, or orbicular; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); orbicular, or cordate or obcordate; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Afghanistan, or Pakistan, or Tajikistan.
Skottsbergianthus Boelcke; Skotsbergiella Boelcke.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand. Inflorescences solitary flowers borne on pedicels originating from basal rosette. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white, or pink (or lavender); oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent, or erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); elliptic, or ovate or obovate; latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two, or three to five, or six to ten; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Argentina, or Chile.
Cochleariella Y.H. Zhang & R. Vogt; Cochleariopsis Y.H. Zhang; Hilliella (O.E. Schulz) Y.H. Zhang.
Annual or biennial, or perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) exclusively simple, or a mixture of simple and branched; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base petiolate; divisions and margins 13-pinnatisect, or trifoliolate, or pinnately compound. Inflorescences racemes that are bracteate throughout or at least in lower half, or racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; white; oblong to elliptic, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals spreading; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); oblong, or orbicular, or ellipsoid; angustiseptate (flattened at a right angle to septum), or latiseptate (flattened parallel to septum), or terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing entire (not lobed); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20; Seeds uniseriate (in one row), or biseriate (in two rows), or aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon accumbent, or incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading, or reflexed (pendulous). Fruit segmentation not segmented.
China, or Vietnam, or Taiwan.
Perennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) at least some dendritic (tree-like); multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves absent; divisions and margins entire or repand, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid). Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow, or pink (or lavender); obovate, or spatulate to oblanceolate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect but not connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens united at least along lower third; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes not decurrent; fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit six to ten, or eleven to 20, or 21 to 50; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Perennial; shrubs or subshrubs; terrestrial; thorns and spines present; hairs (trichomes) absent; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or amplexicaul; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate, or oblong to elliptic; margin and apex entire. Sepals ascending; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silicle (fruit up to 3 times longer than broad); didymous (spectacle shaped), or pyriform or obpyriform (pear-shaped); terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)), or quadrangular (4-angled (square or rectangular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall woody or corky and thick; indehiscent (seeds remain inside whole fruit); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages wings, or a beaklike style or distal segment. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit two; Seeds aseriate (not in rows: when fruit has one or a few seeds); wing absent; cotyledon conduplicate; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Egypt, or Iraq, or Israel, or Jordan, or Kuwait, or Oman, or Qatar, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or United Arab Emir, or Yemen, or Algeria, or Libya, or Morocco, or Tunisia, or Mali, or Mauritania.
Annual or biennial; herbs; terrestrial; thorns and spines absent; hairs (trichomes) absent, or exclusively simple; multicellular glands absent; not a weed. Stem leaves present; base auriculate, amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate. Inflorescences racemes that are ebracteate or rarely lowermost 1 or 2 flowers bracteate. Petals distinctly longer than sepals; yellow, or pink (or lavender), or purple (or violet); obovate; margin and apex entire. Sepals erect and connivent; free. Stamens six; lower part of filaments and petal claws without anything; filaments of median stamens free; stamens included within calyx or partially exserted. Fruit a silique (fruit more than 3 times longer than broad); linear; terete (not flattened, cylindrical (circular in cross section)); fruit (or segments) wall neither woody or papery (normal); dehiscent (readily releasing seeds); gynophore absent or rarely to 1 mm long; septum in mature fruit complete or rarely with a hole; stigma lobing lobes decurrent (connivent); fruit appendages none. Ovules/seeds per ovary/fruit 21 to 50, or 51 to 100; Seeds uniseriate (in one row); wing absent; cotyledon incumbent; seed mucilage (when seeds soaked in water for a few minutes) absent. Leaves alternate. Flowers actinomorphic (all petals equal); All flowers bisexual (with stamens and pistils). Fruit valves two. Fruit erect to spreading. Fruit segmentation not segmented.
Armenia, or Azerbaijan, or Iran, or Iraq, or Israel, or Lebanon, or Saudi Arabia, or Syria, or Turkey, or Egypt.
Cite this publication as: 'Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan (2003). Brassicaceae of the World: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval. Version: 2003.'. Dallwitz (1980) and Dallwitz, Paine and Zurcher (1993, 1995, 2000) should also be cited (see References).