Plants perennial. Caudex present. Stolons absent. Basal leaves oblanceolate, or spatulate; 0.52 cm long; 0.20.6 cm wide; hairs absent; margin entire, or dentate. Fruiting pedicels 510(12) mm; ascending, or divaricate. Sepal length 1.73 mm; base of lateral pair not saccate. Petal color white; spatulate, or oblanceolate; 45 mm long; 12 mm wide; claw entire (not toothed). Filament length 1.73 mm. Ovules 3054 per ovary/fruit. Fruit (0.8)12(2.8) cm long; 1.52.2(2.5) mm wide; slightly flattened, or not flattened (terete); smooth; valve midvein obscure; style 0.40.8 mm long. Seed flattened; 0.91.1 mm long; wing absent; reddish brown. Cotyledon incumbent.
Plants biennial, or perennial. Caudex present, or absent. Stolons absent. Basal leaves oblanceolate, or obovate; 12.5(6.5) cm long; 0.51.3(1.7) cm wide; hairs sparse, or dense; margin dentate, or lyrate, or pinnatifid. Fruiting pedicels 410(15) mm; divaricate. Sepal length 2.23 mm; base of lateral pair saccate. Petal color white, or lavender; obovate; 58 mm long; 2.54 mm wide; claw apically minutely toothed. Filament length 34 mm. Ovules 2874 per ovary/fruit. Fruit (1)24(5) cm long; (0.8)11.5 mm wide; strongly flattened; smooth, or slightly torulose; valve midvein distinct; style 0.10.5 mm long. Seed flattened; (0.6)0.81.2 mm long; wing present; reddish brown, or light brown. Cotyledon accumbent.
Plants perennial. Caudex present. Stolons absent. Basal leaves lanceolate, or ovate; 27 cm long; 1.54.5 cm wide; hairs sparse, or dense; margin dentate. Fruiting pedicels 612(15) mm; divaricate. Sepal length 2.53.5 mm; base of lateral pair saccate. Petal color white, or lavender, or purple; obovate; 710 mm long; 2.54 mm wide; claw entire (not toothed). Filament length 34.5 mm. Ovules 3044 per ovary/fruit. Fruit (2)2.54.5(5) cm long; 11.5 mm wide; strongly flattened; slightly torulose; valve midvein distinct; style 0.81.2 mm long. Seed flattened; 1.21.6 mm long; wing present; reddish brown. Cotyledon accumbent.
Plants perennial. Caudex present. Stolons absent. Basal leaves obovate; 0.52 cm long; 0.41.5 cm wide; hairs absent, or sparse; margin denticulate, or entire, or lyrate, or pinnatifid. Fruiting pedicels 710 mm; horizontal, or reflexed. Sepal length 2.53.5 mm; base of lateral pair saccate. Petal color lavender, or purple; obovate, or spatulate; 46 mm long; 22.5 mm wide; claw entire (not toothed). Filament length 2.53.5 mm. Ovules 3550 per ovary/fruit. Fruit 1.85 cm long; 0.91.1 mm wide; strongly flattened, or slightly flattened; smooth, or slightly torulose; valve midvein obscure; style 0.11 mm long. Seed flattened; 0.91 mm long; wing absent; light brown. Cotyledon accumbent.
Plants perennial. Caudex absent. Stolons present. Basal leaves ovate, or orbicular; (1)24.5(9) cm long; (0.5)11.5(2.5) cm wide; hairs sparse; margin lyrate, or pinnatifid. Fruiting pedicels (5)813(20) mm; divaricate, or reflexed. Sepal length 1.53(3.5) mm; base of lateral pair saccate. Petal color white, or purple, or lilac; obovate; 47(8) mm long; 23.5(4) mm wide; claw entire (not toothed). Filament length 22.5 mm. Ovules 1418 per ovary/fruit. Fruit (0.9)12.5(3) cm long; 0.61 mm wide; slightly flattened; slightly torulose; valve midvein obscure; style 0.11 mm long. Seed flattened; 0.81.2 mm long; wing absent; light brown. Cotyledon accumbent.
Plants biennial, or perennial. Caudex present. Stolons present. Basal leaves oblanceolate, or ovate; (0.5)13(8) cm long; (0.3)0.51.5 cm wide; hairs absent, or sparse; margin entire, or dentate, or lyrate, or pinnatifid. Fruiting pedicels (4)712(15) mm; ascending, or divaricate. Sepal length 23 mm; base of lateral pair saccate. Petal color white, or lavender, or purple; obovate, or spatulate; 48(9) mm long; 1.53(3.5) mm wide; claw entire (not toothed). Filament length 23 mm. Ovules 2036 per ovary/fruit. Fruit (1)24.5(6) cm long; 0.51.5 mm wide; slightly flattened; slightly torulose; valve midvein distinct; style 0.11 mm long. Seed flattened; 0.81.2 mm long; wing absent; light brown. Cotyledon accumbent.
Plants perennial. Caudex present. Stolons absent. Basal leaves oblanceolate, or obovate; 0.52 cm long; 0.31 cm wide; hairs sparse; margin denticulate, or entire. Fruiting pedicels 812 mm; reflexed, or recurved. Sepal length 2.53.5 mm; base of lateral pair saccate. Petal color purple; obovate; 56 mm long; 23 mm wide; claw entire (not toothed). Filament length 34.5 mm. Ovules 2030 per ovary/fruit. Fruit (1)1.52.5(3) cm long; 1.21.8 mm wide; strongly flattened; smooth, or slightly torulose; valve midvein obscure, or distinct; style 0.11 mm long. Seed flattened; 11.2 mm long; wing absent; light brown. Cotyledon accumbent.
Plants perennial. Caudex present. Stolons absent. Basal leaves ovate, or cordate, or orbicular; (1.5)25 cm long; (2)2.55.5 cm wide; hairs absent, or sparse; margin entire, or dentate. Fruiting pedicels 712(15) mm; ascending, or divaricate. Sepal length 2.53.5 mm; base of lateral pair saccate. Petal color white; obovate; 67 mm long; 23.5 mm wide; claw entire (not toothed). Filament length 2.54 mm. Ovules 2030 per ovary/fruit. Fruit 1.53 cm long; 11.5 mm wide; strongly flattened; slightly torulose; valve midvein distinct; style 0.51 mm long. Seed flattened; 0.91.4 mm long; wing present; reddish brown. Cotyledon accumbent.
Plants annual. Caudex absent. Stolons absent. Basal leaves oblanceolate, or obovate; (0.3)0.73(4) cm long; (0.1)0.21.4(1.7) cm wide; hairs sparse, or dense; margin dentate, or lyrate, or pinnatifid. Fruiting pedicels 510(15) mm; divaricate. Sepal length 1.52.2(2.5) mm; base of lateral pair saccate. Petal color white, or lavender; spatulate; 45(6) mm long; 1.52.5 mm wide; claw entire (not toothed). Filament length 2.54 mm. Ovules 4070 per ovary/fruit. Fruit (2)2.53.5(4.5) cm long; 0.50.8 mm wide; slightly flattened; smooth, or slightly torulose; valve midvein obscure, or distinct; style 0.10.5 mm long. Seed flattened; 0.50.8 mm long; wing absent; reddish brown, or light brown. Cotyledon incumbent.
Plants annual. Caudex absent. Stolons absent. Basal leaves ovate, or spatulate, or obovate, or elliptic; 0.83.5(4.5) cm long; (0.1)0.21(1.5) cm wide; hairs sparse; margin entire, or dentate, or repand. Fruiting pedicels 310(15) mm; divaricate. Sepal length 12(2.5) mm; base of lateral pair not saccate. Petal color white; spatulate; 23.5(4) mm long; 0.51.5 mm wide; claw entire (not toothed). Filament length 1.52 mm. Ovules 4070 per ovary/fruit. Fruit (0.8)11.5(2) cm long; 0.50.8 mm wide; not flattened (terete); smooth; valve midvein distinct; style 0.10.5 mm long. Seed not flattened (plump); 0.30.5 mm long; wing absent; reddish brown. Cotyledon incumbent.
Cite this publication as: 'Al-Shehbaz, Ihsan (2009 onwards). Brassicaceae of the World: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval. Version: 29 May 2009.'. Dallwitz (1980) and Dallwitz, Paine and Zurcher (1993, 1995, 2000) should also be cited (see References).